We have now entered the Chinese Year of the Fire Pig. Because 2007 is an odd year it is considered Yin.
By examining the Chinese animal signs, it is expected to be the best year for those born under the House of Tiger. Goats, Rabbits and Pigs can expect a very good year, filled with many of the advantages the Fire Pig has to offer. Roosters, Dragons, and Dogs will also feel the positive effects of the Fire Pig, although to a lesser extent than some of the other signs.
For Horses, Oxen, and Rats the results will be mixed, with ups and downs. For those with these signs 2007 will be unexceptional.
Monkeys and Snakes, however will feel the wrath of the Fire Pig.
All signs should be watchful against being made a fool of during the year of the Fire Pig, for he is the ultimate jester and takes his joy at the folly of humans. This is a year to be content with the decisions and nature of others. Live and let live.
Indulgence, sex and sensuality the realm of the Fire Pig. Luckily for most of us, the Fire Pig also brings with it patience, and calm.
Lost or stolen items are likely to turn up this year. And, if you are dishonest in your business dealings, that fact will come to light. This would be a good year to change any dishonest practices.
All things have a beginning and an ending, birth, death and rebirth are natural cycle of the universe The year of the Fire Pig brings the death part of this cycle. You may find yourself tying up loose ends, finishing major projects, meeting long term goals and even saying goodbye to loved ones.
You may comfort yourself with the knowledge that all things that end bring on new beginnings, and this is a time for preparing for the new.