Author: Mind Buzz

  • The Importance of the Moon in Astrology

    Many people believe that astrology only concerns the sun. This is due to the Western world view of astrology, which has taken on the form of Zodiac horoscopes. However, in truth the study of astrology goes well beyond sun signs.

    In the Eastern world, such as in China and India, the moon is actually the primary consideration in studies of astrology. The moon signs and cycles are used to determine the best time for activities, and is a part of daily life. This may seem backward to some, but actually results in more accurate predictions in many cases than Western astrology can ascertain.

    The moon plays a large role in astrology and astrological phenomena. The position and phase of the moon influences the other aspects of astrology, including sun signs and planetary movements. In fact, the moon influences other aspects of astrology as a whole.

    Envision that astrology is made up of the study of all of the planets and the sun. The astrological birth chart and the study of how planetary alignments affect sun signs are based on these aspects of astrology. The moon actually influences this overall picture, and can cause certain aspects of astrological phenomena to influence our lives differently than was otherwise predicted.

    The moon, for the most part, influences our emotions. In certain phases of the moon, the predictions made through the study of astrological phenomena that would otherwise occur fail to happen, because our emotions do not produce the reactions to the astrological phenomena that would normally be expected. In other phases of the moon, astrological phenomena of planetary alignments and their effect on the Zodiac sun signs are not altered from their original reading.

    The influence of the moon on the Zodiac is a study in and of itself. When you are aware of your sun sign, you can use information about the cycles of the moon and the moon signs to determine the best time to make decisions or avoid certain activities. The moon signs are named the same as the Zodiac, but do not coincide with them.

    The signs of the moon cycle each month rather than each year. Each sign has three phases: ascending, true, and descending. Each sign influences our emotions differently, depending on our sun sign and natural tendencies. The phases of the moon also affect our emotions and other aspects of astrology.

    When we learn these influences that the moon holds over us and astrological phenomena, we can use this information to our advantage. For example, during the new moon most people are not capable of rational thought. Knowing this can help you to avoid major decision making during the time of the full moon.

    There are many books and websites that provide detailed explanations of the moon and its effects on the study of astrology. There are also many books that explain the signs of the moon and their effects on sun signs and our emotions. You can generally find these books by searching your local book store, new age shop, or

  • Taking Care of a Three Legged Cat

    Ever dreamt of becoming a pet owner? How about taking care of a three legged cat? If you are serious about caring for a feline companion, you have to be ready for any comeuppance.

    Being a care giver to a normal cat is also not as easy as you think it is. Responsibility comes with hard word, practice, learning and applying all those to the way you do things. But with a three legged cat, everything must be done with extra cautiousness and care.

    If you know your pet’s peeves, you might as well double the effort of avoiding such if you are taking care of a three legged cat.

    The Pet’s Peeves

    More than the purring or meowing, you should be able to identify the body language of your cat to its mood. You must take note of the mood changes. What seems to be simple to you may already be a sign of something worse. So be in the know. And don’t be the last to find out.

    What are the things that may upset your feline friend? By taking extra care with such pet peeves, you will make your cat’s life happier and more comfortable.

    The Litter Box

    Cats have very good eyesight. But they have better sense of smell. And they don’t like anything that stinks. So watch out for those litter boxes. If you don’t keep them maintained, your pet may opt for the laundry basket that smells a lot better.

    You cat can smell 14 times better than you do. So you really need to do extra effort on the cleaning part. Because what may be good to you may still smell foul for your pet. Sounds like a lot? Just think of it this way. You will be doing your home a great favor. You will be doing your share to make the place smells nice and clean for your furry companion.

    The Horror Medicine

    Cats don’t like the taste of most of their meds. But as their owner, you know that you can’t do without it. So you have to find ways that your cat will be able to take the medicines without causing you too much trouble.

    They particularly don’t like those in tablet and capsule forms. Such meds can stay in their esophagus for five minutes or longer that may cause to more serious trouble. So take this task seriously. Ask your vet for suggestions on how to do so.

    The Food

    Watch out when you give your cats their food. Make sure that they don’t eat spoiled food. It will cause you a lot of trouble because your cats are sensitive to such.

    Petting Styles

    You have to take note of your petting styles. Being too aggressive or too playful may irritate your cats. You have to treat them with care. And you have to know what tricks they like so that you can give them exactly that.

    Jealousy Attack

    If you will be introducing a new pet or a new member to the household, you have to integrate them slowly even with your cat. Cats tend to be jealous when they are being given less attention than what they were usually getting.

    Taking care of a three legged cat is easy. You just have to know what to do and what to avoid in order to have a harmonious relationship with your feline friend.

  • The Cat Care and Health Insurance Know How’s

    Many people love their pet so much they have them insured. Cat care and health insurance is not the same thing. The first is a must while the latter can be forgone.

    In order to care for your cat, you must understand your pet as a pet. You have to be responsible once you have taken the steps to acquire a feline companion. There should be no going back. So think twice, thrice and a hundred of times before committing into becoming a parent to a pet.

    Cats are special. They can see sharper than humans do. They can also smell a lot better. This is the reason why you need to arrange things in your home accordingly once you have decided that a cat will soon join in.

    Do not let anything that may cause them harm lying around. This is the same concept that you must apply like when you have a child. You want to protect them. That is why you keep those harmful objects out, specifically the poisonous ones. You do not want to cause your own child and pet serious accidents.

    You have to provide the right cat food for your pet. You cannot give them what you had for dinner. Your bodies and its requirements are not the same. So give them the food that is specifically made for them. This way, they will get all the necessary nutrition that they need.

    So before you think about owning a cat, look over the prices of the food. It may take about $8 to $12 monthly to keep your cat purring happily. Can you afford it? You may have to make some adjustments with your lifestyle to be able to accommodate the need. Just think that it will all be worth it.

    Recreation must also be given consideration when you own a cat. You cannot adopt one and think that it will be happy just by playing by itself. You have to find time to play with your pet and bond with it. In time, you will know what activities they enjoy. And so you will be able to make the necessary adjustments to make time for such activities.

    Because of their strong sense of smell, budgeting must also be highlighted on the litter boxes of your cats. You have to give them clean and well-maintained ones. Your cat will not to their strut on an untidy litter box. Your regal baby cannot stand the stink. So be careful with how everything smells. What is okay with you may be abominable for your feline companion.

    Finding the nearest veterinarian is also a must. You need them in cases when you think that something is not right with your cat. For this reason, you have to be very observant.

    Yes, cats can groom themselves. But you have to help them in maintaining their teeth clean and strong. You don’t want that factor to be the reason why your cat will be depressed on its old age. So develop a habit of cleaning their teeth through brushing, flossing and having a regular teeth check up with your vet.

    Health Insurance

    You can do without this. But if you really want to get one, see if your trusted vet is among the list of the recommended vets of your chosen insurance. You don’t want to end up taking long trips just to be able to claim what the insurance promises to give.

    It is better to hone your skills on cat care and health insurance can be put aside. But it all depends on you. There is nothing wrong with having one. Just make sure that you can afford it and it will not take toll on the monthly budget your family and feline friend require.

  • What You Need to Know about Persian Cat Care

    It may be fluffy but the way to do Persian cat care must also be according to how you do it with other cats. You have to perform the tasks with love and affection, just like being a parent to their child.

    Where It Came From
    The history of where this breed of cats came from is varied depending on who you are talking to. But most would say that the name has something to do with its origin. It is said that some of the early Persian cats do actually came from Persia. This country is now known as Iran.

    These cats are also believed to have originated from Turkey, as well as England in the time of Crusades. This breed held a special spot in the royalties of England and even to the king of Persia during the early days. Such type of people valued the possession of Persian cats.

    Maybe that’s the reason why until now, Persian cats seem to walk the walk. They look like they have something classy about them.

    The Breed
    Persian cats’ body built can range from medium to large. It may appear fluffy like a pillow but actually has a good muscle tone. The fluff or its coat has a fine texture and seems to be full of life. That is what gives the appearance of richness to this breed.

    How to Care
    Caring for your Persian cats need not be as regal as they seem to be. The idea is to be responsible and do your tasks accordingly.

    You have to provide your pet with the best kind of food. They are not humans and their needs are a lot different from you. So do not give them your leftovers. Choose the quality cat food according to your budget. Make sure that you give them the food as fresh as possible. Don’t let your cats touch spoiled food or else it may cause them sickness like diarrhea or upset stomach.

    Always maintain their litter boxes. They have a sensitive smell. And they don’t like anything that stinks. This will also do your house good because you will be able to keep things tidy.

    And of course, know your pet. You have to observe them well. You need to know when something’s not right. Have the veterinarian check them annually and whenever needed.

    Just like a child, there are vaccinations that your cat needs to have. You have to include that on your monthly budget. So you better check your vet for some advice on how much you have to allot for each month’s check up, if there would be any.

    And, of course, you have to take time to really care for your pets. Take time to play with them. They need to feel that you love them. Spend quality time with your cats. If you will be having other pets at home, take time and strategize on including the new one to the whole system.

    Your cats tend to get jealous when they don’t get the attention that they used to have. It may lead to stress and depression. If you don’t take notice, this may get worse. So you always have to be very cautious.

    Get in the groove of your Persian cat care. And you will be surprised that through time, you will be able to develop ways to identify the signs and act on them before it becomes too late.

  • Why Do You Need Cat Care Websites

    The Internet has become a goldmine to information about anything and everything. This is also true if you are looking for cat care websites.

    Cats can be a good companion. Be a good care giver to them by providing for your pets like you will do for your own children. You have to take note that cats have their basic needs that you must suffice.

    Food Alert
    Do not feed your cats your leftovers. The nutrient requirements of your pets are different from yours. So make them eat cat food. You need not be threatened by how much it would add up on your budget.

    The idea is to find the right brand that is known for its quality as well as affordability. Allot about $10 to $13 a month for this purpose. This is just about the cost of a movie ticket for two. You surely can sacrifice some movie viewing habits to be able to give your cats what they need to stay fit and healthy

    You can ask your vets for suggestions for this purpose. Actually, you need to partner with a good and reliable vet to be able to raise your pets well and good. So from the start of your venture in caring for cats, find the right doc nearest you.

    Safety Alert
    If you are used to clutter, then you better move fast in having everything in their proper places before you let your pet into it. You have to make everything safe for them. Do not let anything that is poisonous lying around.

    You don’t want to be the reason for anything dangerous that might befall on your pet cat. So make sure that you tidy up your place and that it is harmless for your feline friend.

    And take note, you cat’s sense of smell is 14 times sharper than yours. They are so sensitive to such and won’t go on anywhere that stinks. This also goes to the litter boxes that you provide for them. You have to keep them cleaned and well maintained.

    If you will not do that, your cat may then opt to look for better places to do their thing. Do you want them to hide their poops on your recently vacuumed carpet? You certainly wouldn’t want to find that kind of surprise on your basket of newly washed clothes.

    Veterinarian Alert
    Yes, you can always look up on the Web to find some quick fixes on your problems regarding your pets. But there is no better ally for simple to complex health situations for your cats than your trusted vets.

    Aside from the annual physical exam, your feline friend must also have the required vaccinations. Plus, they needed to be examined by the doc whenever they show signs that they are acting far from the usual.

    As its owner, you have to watch out whenever they are lacking their appetite. You have to be wary if there is something far from ordinary about their bowel. You need to be alarmed if they seem to be depressed. All these must be related to the vet for further diagnosis.

    For the rest of your queries, you can always log in on the Internet to be enlightened. There are many cat care websites which were done by cat-loving people just like you. It will also be okay to learn from other pet owners’ experiences. So explore the cyberspace and click your way through the vast resource it provides you for your cat care needs.

  • Cat Viral Infections and Their Cures

    Cats just like humans are prone to sicknesses. In fact, cats succumb to two cat viral infections that will be discussed shortly. The good news is that there is a cure.

    These two common viral infections are Feline Herpes 1 virus known as rhinotracheitis virus and infection with the organisms called Chlamydia psittaci and mycoplasma.

    When a cat is infected, they will experience a fever, have weepy eyes, a crusty nose and sneeze a lot. This can go away with or without treatment but this can come back.

    When this happens, the condition is called Feline Keratoconjunctivitis the virus settles in the nerves around their face. Corneal scars can be seen to a little over a centimeter in diameter. This makes it hard for the cat to see and it usually happens due to stresses associated with boarding, weather change, a new pet in the house or as mentioned earlier other diseases.

    Things are going to get worse as the outer coating of the cornea will be lost to the invading virus. Secondary bacterial and mycoplasmal infection of these areas may cause deep ulcers around the eye and in some cases damage the surrounding areas as well.

    Fortunately, this can be treated using an amino acid called –lysine by reducing the amount of another amino acid called arginine that is present in the cat’s body. The vet will prescribe a dosage between 200 to 500 mg per day and sprinkled into their food. There are different brands available and when you look for one, make sure it is glycol free.

    You can also try topical antibiotics that have also proven to be effective but they are only designed to quell secondary bacterial invaders.

    Another option is for you to use topical anti-virals that are designed to directly fight the virus. Some examples of these include Herplex (idoxuridine), Viroptic (trifluorothymidine, and Vira-A (vidarabine). These medications are relatively expensive and have to be given 5 times a day. Only when the cornea is indeed infection should this be given.

    Something more affordable than the topical anti-virals is an oral solution called Oral Interferon. Although it has never been scientifically proven to treat cat viral infections, cat owners that have used this have claimed that it does shorten the length of the infection. The best part is that there are no known side effects so you don’t lose anything by trying it.

    Vaccines seem to be the best way to prevent these diseases from happening. Ideally, this should be given to a cat during their 9th, 12th and 14th week of age. It should be administered using a 25 gauge needle on the anterior side of a rear leg and massaged afterwards to prevent tumors from forming in the injection sites.

    There are other eye infections that mimic what was just mentioned. One example is eosinophilic conjunctivitis. So before any medication can be given, the vet will first have to do a test to make sure that the proper medication is given.

    This is known as PCR or the Polymerase Chain Reaction test. It is a DNA test that amplifies the presence of viral DNA so that even one single virus can be detected in a sample from a conjunctival swab.

    Cat viral infections are common among kittens but they can be prevented and cured. You have to know first which one you are dealing with so the proper medication can be given. For more information about them, do some research online and go talk to your vet.

  • How to Take Care of Your Cat

    Cats are cute creatures that can take care of themselves. But if you were to have one as a pet, you should know certain things about how to take care of your cat. It is different when you got this as a kitten to a full grown feline.

    If you got this as a kitten, it will easily be able to adapt itself to the environment because it will allow itself to be ruled by other pets. This means there will be fewer incidents of fighting among themselves.

    Lucky for you, kittens that often sold to owners are already litter trained. The only thing you have to do now is teach it where to go when nature calls.

    Your kitten will follow you wherever you go and at times jump or climb up to the kitchen counter or table. This isn’t good if you have food there so discourage this habit by having a bottle full of water around so you can squirt it into their face.

    It will also be a good idea to install a scratching post since this is their way of sharpening their nails. If they do this elsewhere, spray them again in the face.

    Apart from working on the scratch pad, you should trim their nails before it gets too sharp that it could hurt someone or damage the furniture in the house. You do this by pressing down on each toe which makes the claws extend. This should be inspected regularly so they also get used to it as they grow older.

    Kittens do not shed that much hair compared to bigger cats. But you should comb them anyway so they get used to it regardless if your pet is a short or long haired cat.

    Don’t just give your cat anything to eat. They must be of good quality that can be found in the pet store. If you are not sure about which brand has the highest vitamins and minerals, go ask your vet for some recommendations. There must be a clean bowl of water as well so they don’t get dehydrated.

    Aside from feeding the kitten, he or she should be brought to the vet for shots. They usually get a few while they are young but get a regular one annually as they get bigger. Be sure to keep a record of the shots so this can be shown to the doctor.

    If you have a big cat, give them room to adapt to the new environment on their own. If your pets quarrel, don’t worry or get in between them because this is normal. But if things are really bad, then you have to separate them by confining both in different rooms.

    An older cat also needs to be disciplined so they know what they can and cannot do. This is why you need to keep the squirt bottle handy as this is the best way to tell them it is wrong without physically hurting them.

    House cats should always be kept indoors. Studies have shown that this extends their life for over ten years since going outside puts them at risk of being hit by a car or contaminated with a virus from stray animals. Just so you know strays cats that live outdoors only live for a couple of years.

    It doesn’t take much to know how to take care of a cat. Do some research and practice so both of you will enjoy each other’s company.

  • Cat Diabetes and how to Care for them

    Cat care and diabetes go hand in hand to ensure that your pet cat can live an otherwise more normal life than usual. It may be unfortunate for pet cats to have their own version of diabetes, also a serious affliction among humans. It is also important for pet owners to know how feline diabetes affects cats and how they can help make life better for their pets by learning how to better care for them.

    There are two types of feline diabetes that may affect your pet cats. Type 1 is caused by an insufficient production of insulin while type 2 diabetes is characterized by the inability of the cat’s body to process insulin more effectively. And just like in humans, diabetes can also strike cats at any age but is more likely to affect older cats.

    There is also a secondary feline diabetes that can be caused by drugs or by some diseases that may impair the natural processing of insulin in the body.

    Cats also display symptoms that may tell veterinarians or pet owners of the onset of diabetes. These symptoms also have similarities with what humans with diabetes develop as the disease progresses. Cats may show frequent thirst and urination. With the body’s inability to process or handle glucose, diabetic cats may also experience weight loss.

    Other symptoms that may be associated with feline diabetes include vomiting, loss of appetite and general weakness. Diabetic cats may also have poor skin and coat condition as well as breathing abnormalities.

    When a pet cat displays the symptoms mentioned above, it might be wise for pet owners to have their cats tested for sugar levels in the blood as well as in their urine. The reason why both tests might be required is that cats under stress may experience a temporary spike of their blood sugar levels. The two tests will help confirm if your pet cat really has diabetes.

    Just like diabetes in humans, the feline version also has no cure yet available. Instead, feline diabetes can be controlled through a number of means. And for cats, it can be done through diet and weight control. A diet that is high in fiber and complex carbohydrates would be ideal for diabetic cats, especially the obese ones.

    This type of diet is maintained not only to control the cat’s weight but also to control the cat’s blood sugar levels. There are also oral medications available that can help your diabetic pet cat maintain a suitable blood sugar level.

    Pet owners of diabetic cats may also need to carefully monitor their pet’s glucose and insulin levels. For those pet owners who resort to giving their diabetic cats insulin injections for their diabetes, care to avoid overdose should always be maintained. An overdose of insulin can be a very fatal condition in cats. There are also some dietary supplements that can be used to help diabetic cats deal with their condition.

    Cat care and diabetes always go hand in hand to ensure that your pet cat can lead a normal life. Providing the right care for diabetic pet cats can make sure that pet cat owners can enjoy the company of their pet for as long as possible.

    The genuine concern that is shared through the care given to diabetic pet cats can show the love that pet owners may have on their dear animal companions.

  • Senior Cat Care Symptoms

    Advances in medicine have increased the mortality rate of humans. You can say that the same goes for animals that just like humans need constant cat care when they reach their senior years. These symptoms vary so you have to be ready.

    Cats reach their senior year or are classified as such when they have lived for 10 to 13 years. You might think that is nothing but one year for a cat is already 5 to 7 human years for them. So, if your cat is 10 years old, he or she is 70 years old?

    Chances are, you have probably lost track of how long your cat has been there but a regular checkup with the local veterinarian can tell you if things are beginning to change.

    Samples will then be taken from your cat and everyone will have to wait for the results. These consist of a blood sample, urinalysis and feces. It is here that the doctor can tell if your cat is anemic, has leukemia, is a diabetic, have kidney problems or has worms in the digestive system.

    Aside from the physical, the vet will ask if you have noticed any changes in their activities or behavior. Some of the things often associated with old age that you should be aware of is the loss of sensory perception. This means their senses do not respond that fast anymore even if you try your best to play and train them to keep these sharp.

    Another indicator is when your cat gets into a fight with another cat and there are injuries, the healing time may not be that fast anymore.

    Studies show that one of the first things to wear out in a cat is the kidney as a result of hormone imbalance. If you notice that urine comes out while he sleeps or he urinates more frequently, then there is something wrong. The good news is that this can be treated if this was detected early.

    Senior cats can no longer eat the same high quality diet as they used to in the past. They require specially formulated food that keeps their weight under control and helps reduce the consumption of nutrients that are risk factors in the development of diseases.

    Exercise is another way to keep your cat in shape. This slows down the deterioration that takes place inside their body. Cats don’t play catch like dogs so give them a ball of yarn or some other toy to play with.

    If your cat is in pain and something has to be removed, you have no choice but to let it undergo surgery. You should check with the vet if they will be given anesthesia before hand so they don’t feel anything during the operation.

    Other symptoms you have to be aware of once you cat reaches senior age includes a significant increase or decrease in appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, lameness lasting for more than 5 days in one leg, a decrease in vision, excessive panting, a seizure, blood in the stool or urine, hair loss, persistent coughing or gagging and breathing heavily or rapidly at rest.

    The second any of the above symptoms occur, you should bring your cat straight to the vet because just like humans who have reached the golden years, senior cats need more attention especially when any of the symptoms are present.

  • A Basic Introduction to Cat Eye Care

    The eyes of your feline friends have often been used on horror films. But if you are a pet owner, you will know that the cat’s stare is really the opposite of what’s being portrayed on films. That is why you have to know the importance of cat eye care.

    I Love You

    How do cats say these words? Through their eyes, of course. That is why you shouldn’t be frightened by that gaze. How does this work? First, the cat stares at you for a long while. And after that, it blinks its eyes slowly. Some people tag this as a cat’s kiss. But you can also say that this is your cat’s way of saying that it loves you.

    But how do you return the favor? Easy, just follow your cat’s lead. Stare at it for a long time and then slowly blink your eyes. See? Cats’ eyes can also be used as elements for romantic films.

    Not a Third Eye

    Don’t believe the horror films you see. Cats don’t have a third eye. Their eyesight is really sharper than with humans. Instead of a third eye, what cats have is a third eyelid. This is called a nictitating membrane.

    This inner eyelid protects the eyes of the cats from harm and also from dryness. You will notice that when a cat is sick, this membrane will somewhat close. This should alarm you to call the vet or get your cat to them fast.

    But this third eyelid will also show once a cat is happy. So you will know what mood your cat is in just by looking at the membrane.

    The Pupil

    Your feline friend’s pupil of the eyes should also be observed. A change in size of one pupil can be an indication of an inflammation. It can also be a sign of a kind of a disorder in neurologic called Horner’s Syndrome. Or worse, it can also indicate tumors or injuries in the central nervous system.

    The Nocturnal Vision

    Do not believe what others say that cats are color blind. They see some. They may not see as clear as humans do, but it’s not like that they cannot see any colors at all.

    Cats can also see clearly from afar. It’s very different from people. They find it blurry to be looking at things that are so close to them.

    Yes, cats have the nocturnal vision. But they can’t see in complete darkness. Do you see the muscles on their iris that surround the pupils of their eyes? They are constructed in a way that it narrows into a vertical split when they are exposed in the bright lights. And it opens fully when the acts are in a quite dim light.

    This feature of the cats may be traced back to their roots. They can use such to hunt for food during the night if they were left out in the jungle or left with no one to care for them.

    So forget about the horror flicks. You’ve already got the thrills. Not it’s time to put some effort into cat eye care. Do not let a minor thing worsen. Call the vet immediately when something’s amiss. You don’t want your cat to lose their sight or even lose their lives. It is always better to be safe than blind.

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