Author: Mind Buzz

  • Accounting Principals and Tulsa

    Have you ever been to the city of Tulsa? Tulsa is a city that embraces challenges and it also values collaborative solutions. The top officials of the city are trying very hard to promote public safety, green initiatives, innovative educational opportunities, and diversity. If you want to free your entrepreneurial spirit, Tulsa is the best place for you.

    You can also find Accounting Principals in the city of Tulsa. The company is considered a leader in terms of offering the best workforce solutions specifically in the financial and accounting services industries.

    How can Accounting Principals do this? Well, the company makes use of a blend of temp-to-hire, temporary staffing, payroll services, contract services, direct placement, and a lot more. Accounting Principals can provide their clients with an accounting professional or even a team of CPAs when needed. The company is made up of nationwide representatives who have experienced accounting in the real world, and not just by the books.

    With only one call, clients can talk with MBAs or CPAs. You see, Accounting Principals is not just a recruiter or a human resource professional, they’re more than that. Their representatives have more or less 5 years experience in recruitment and in the fields of finance and accounting.

    The company covers the following job opportunities: accounting, administrative, bank operations, business operation manager, CFO, collector, controller, management consulting, merger/acquisitions, and mortgage banking.

    The company offers 100% guaranteed career services because of their wide experience in accounting and finance. In a way, the company is exclusively qualified to understand what the clients want in their career. Their representatives can help clients in meeting their goals through personal interviews. They will also evaluate their clients’ unique skills and at the same time, offer them with matching opportunities from leading companies.

    The clients can expect the representatives of Accounting Principals to listen to them and respect their needs. Representatives treat clients equally and honestly. They also maintain absolute confidentiality and keep their clients’ best interests.

    Client services offered by Accounting Principals include a variety of workforce solutions in finance and accounting through the company’s branch network nationwide. Accounting Principals started out just like other companies so they know what these companies are going through. At present, Accounting Principals have a great number of client-companies all over the world.

    The location of Accounting Principals is just perfect since Tulsa is city where the entrepreneurial spirit is nurtured. It’s no wonder that the company is enjoying success. Through hard work and dedicated representatives (CPAs and MBAs), Accounting Principals still has a long way to go. The company can expect better years to come.

    Contact the company now. You can easily check out their online website. There you can find all the information you may need. The website is user-friendly and so you can easily maneuver in and out of the site. You can get all the important information like telephone numbers, email address, and a lot more. If you live in Tulsa, you can always visit the company’s office. It has branches all over the nation but if you can’t find one locally, you can just call them.

    Don’t worry because your call will be confidential and the company will not just give out your information to others. Accounting Principals is a reputable name that you can trust. The company already have a lot of clients and so you can also trust them.

  • Things You Should Know About Zen Meditation

    We all have to deal with stress from either work or school. You can’t close your eyes to make it go away but you can find peace so you can deal with it. One technique that can offer this is called Zen meditation.

    Zen meditation is often referred to as the study of the self. It involves sitting in various postures so you are able to bring the mind and body to a peaceful and stable condition. This happens as you focus on images and thoughts that just pop up as your heart rate slows down until you reach a reflective state of meditation.

    One of the best seating positions to do this is called the Burmese position. There is also the full lotus, half lotus, kneeling or “seiza” posture and sitting on a chair.

    The key here is to keep your back straight so that your deep breathing will go naturally. This allows more oxygen to enter that will help cleanse and energize the body.

    The buttocks must be thrust out and the chin tucked in. The hands should be placed close to the body with the left hand resting on top of the right with palms open and up. The joint of the middle fingers are resting on top of the other with the thumbs slightly touching.

    Your eyes should be half closed and your head should be positioned to a 45 degree angle towards the body. Given that it is not easy to keep the eyes like this the whole time, you can try closing them first and then opening them later on. Should you get sleepy, just open them wide.

    The challenging part is staying in a stationary position for 15 to 20 minutes. After you have developed a breathing pattern, you slowly relax the muscles from your face all the way down to your feet. As it slows down and oxygen enters, you should focus on positive thoughts and exhale those that are negative.

    By concentrating, you are able to unite the body, mind and soul so that your mind is aware of only the present and no longer the past or the unforeseeable future.

    Aside from the right posture, you should always wear loose clothing. It is not wise to practice this after a heavy meal because a full stomach usually creates discomfort which in itself is a distraction.

    If you would like to learn Zen Meditation, you can read about it or better yet join a group. Once you get the hang of things, you can even buy a few accessories to make the experience a fruitful one like incense sticks, a bell or even a ringing bowl to mark the start and end of a session.

    Short incense sticks burn for about 45 minutes while the longer ones are double the time. You can even use the kitchen timer since no one will be there to ring the bell to say time is up.

    Zen meditation experts recommend that beginners should try for 10 minutes first until you get used to it before you decide to extend this for 20 or 30 minutes. Should your mind wander off, concentrate a little harder to focus once again on your breathing so your thoughts will settle down naturally.

  • Meditation Facts

    These days, going to the doctor when you are sick is not the only way so you will feel better. According to the National Center for Complementary Medicine, meditation is among the top 10 alternative therapy treatments. But before we get into that, it is best we learn some meditation facts.

    First, meditation means awareness. Why? This is because your senses are heightened as you concentrate on your breathing and your hearing is sharper than before. You tell your mind to block out these distractions so you are able to find inner peace which you can carry with you when you open your eyes.

    Some think that meditation is a religion when in fact it is a science. This is because numerous studies done in the past show that those who practice it feel relaxed, are physically fit, have improvements in their academic standing in school and have an increase in their productivity at work.

    But where did the word meditation come from? This comes from two Latin words. The first is called “meditari” which means to think, dwell upon or to exercise the mind. The second is “mederi” which is to heal. If you put these all together, it describes basically what this activity is which is a time for your to reach deep in your mind and recharge.

    As you can see, meditation has benefits that are physiological, physical and psychological. You don’t have to take any pills or get a prescription from a doctor. It is free and it doesn’t consume much of your time. This can be done in 5 to 20 minutes each day. You just have to sit comfortably and close your eyes then continue with whatever you were doing.

    Given that meditation has been practiced for centuries, various movements have emerged. But regardless of their names or techniques, this can be grouped into two basic approaches.

    The first is called concentrative meditation. Here, the person focuses his or her attention on the breath, an image or a sound to create a greater awareness and for clarity to come forth. Think of it like you are looking at something through a microscope so you are able to narrow your focus.

    This is quite easy since all you have to do is sit down and just breathe. The correct way of doing it is to inhale and exhale slowly because as this becomes deeper and slower, your mind becomes more aware and tranquil.

    The second type is called mindfulness meditation. Just like concentrative meditation, the person sits quietly and then reflects on his or her feelings, sensations and thoughts. These things come to mind one at time without the person calling on any of them to come forth. It just appears and no action is taken so that when you wake up, you see the bigger picture and know what you have to do.

    Which meditation technique is the best of all? There is no correct answer to that because this depends entirely on the personality of the individual.

    The one fact about meditation you should remember is that regardless of what you choose, its focus is to silence the busy mind. It does not remove the stimulation which you feel but rather direct your concentration to something else to achieve that inner peace. You just have to keep an open mind to see what it can do because it is a science.

  • Meditation and Relaxation

    Numerous studies have shown that there is a direct link between meditation and relaxation. What distinguishes this from the other techniques is that with meditation, your mind continues to be focused and alert when you learn to focus on an object, a thought or by visualization.

    But which should you focus on? The answer depends on the individual. The important thing is that it is something that they are comfortable with.

    One of the simplest things to concentrate on is your breathing. In fact, most meditation techniques start out this way so that your muscles will be relaxed and your mind and body become one.

    Sometimes, staring into an object can produce similar results. The best part about is that it doesn’t have to be physical because when you are trying to get some sleep, you can focus on a cloud or the open ocean.

    If thinking about an object is not your thing, then you can try to focus on sounds or words. This is the reason that there are CD’s that you can buy which play calming music or with someone in the background talking to you during your meditation and relaxation session.

    When such things are used, this is better known as a mantra mediation or transcendental meditation. This technique has been studied widely in the medical field because the body gains a state of profound rest. As you wake up, your brain and mind becomes alert ready to get back to work.

    The biggest challenge with meditation and relaxation is the fact that you will often be distracted with other thoughts as you try to block them out. When you are doing this at home, it is beyond your control if a car drives by or there other sounds coming from the outside. The same goes if you feel an itch and the tendency is to scratch it.

    Since ignoring it won’t do any good, you just have to accept it. This skill is called “poised awareness” or “attention awareness” and by being able to have a passive attitude these things will no longer affect you.

    Let’s face it. All of us need time to relax when the pressure builds up otherwise we crack. You can drink a beer after work or watch television when you get home but the truth is, such activities does not truly relax the body.

    For that, the best answer is meditation so you not only relax the body but also the mind. You should do your best to stay awake because instead of concentrating on your breathing, you could already be dreaming which is not what this exercise is all about.

    Those of you who feel more energetic with meditation and relaxation should do this on a daily basis. After all, it only takes 15 or 20 minutes or so to recharge your batteries.

    Does this change who you are as a person? The answer is no. You just become more calm and disciplined when everyone around is going crazy so you can make the right decisions at the right time. Soon, people will notice the change in you and say something about it. Some might even ask how you do it and when that happens, you will know that this activity which you have been doing for the past few days or even weeks has finally paid off.

  • Music that You can Listen to While Meditating

    For people who are into meditation, one of the most crucial factors for them to do the practice properly is to hear some meditation music. Depending on the form of meditation you are practicing, meditation music plays a very big role in achieving the success in any meditation session.

    What is meditation music should be

    People who have been practicing meditation for so long would definitely agree that the hardest thing to fight off during meditation is chatters or babblers. This is because this tiny sound can penetrate the mind and distract it from whatever it has been doing.

    To be able to avoid the distraction brought by this simple sound, they have found a way to fight it off using meditation music. Of all the many kinds of music out there, people—especially those who are just beginning—are having a hard time choosing which one would suit the practice.

    Here are some guidelines in choosing the meditation music for you:

    1. Make sure that it doesn’t have lyrics. In choosing meditation music, it is always best to choose music that has no lyrics because it can only distract your concentration. If you find plain rhythm boring, try to play something that has lyrics that your don’t understand so you don’t have to think what the song is saying. Aside from distracting your thoughts through the words you understand, music with lyrics will also encourage you to sing along which will totally shatter your concentration.

    2. Relaxing music with soft rhythm is always advisable. For starters, this type of music will do you good because it will help you clear your mind and focus on something. But, if you are already in a higher level of meditation, you can choose music that have faster rhythm and beats or anything that your truly enjoy because this can no longer distract you.

    3. Try to experiment. Although soft and relaxing music is always advisable, try to play other types of music. Who knows? You might find better concentration of you play something that you truly enjoy.

    4. Simple and soothing music is sure to focus your attention. If you don’t have the luxury of time to experiment on types of music to be played during meditation, then try surefire hits, which are simple and soothing music. Some of these may include classical sounds, sounds from the nature such as clapping of thunder, sounds of big waves, sounds of insects, and the wind. Other alternative options may also include simple instruments including tibetan singing bowl, flute, sitar, and tamboura which are known to have meditative inducing qualities.

    When choosing meditation music, it is very important to keep in mind that the type you should play must induce you to deep concentration and not into deep sleep. If you are the type who practices mediation in just one place, then it is best if you play the same meditation music all over again. But if you are the type who changes places, then it is best to bring along several types of medication music to help you adjust to the place.

    You can download the meditation music that you like from various meditation sites in the Internet and burn in a CD. But if you burn have a portable MP3 player, it is best to upload the music there so you can listen to it anytime you want to practice meditation.

  • Benefits of Healing Meditation

    The type of healing meditation can provide comes from within. Meditation can reap a number of benefits for people who practice it as a daily routine. Here are just some of the many benefits that meditation can have in your life.

    One of the most important benefits that meditation can have on a person’s life is inner peace. A lot of people today, in this stressful world that we live in, would like to experience more inner peace in their lives. Inner peace can, at times, seem elusive because life in these modern times has become so hectic.

    It is through meditation that we can be taught how to switch off the noise of the mind brought about by this busy and stressful world. Through meditation, we are taught not to focus on all the various passing thoughts which clog our mind. Meditation can teach individuals how to gain a clear state of mind. And through this, the secret of feeling real inner peace can be achieved.

    Meditation can also provide some health benefits. Numerous studies have shown some links between meditation and improved health. One of the health benefits that meditation provides is that it is a practical solution to combat stress. It is through stress that a lot of health problems may come from. By relieving stress though meditation people may be able to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart related diseases.

    Through meditation, people may also be able to discover a real sense of who they are. Intelligence may be able to seek and discover the answer to many questions in the world. But the one question that asks who we really are always remains unanswered. In order to discover our real self, depending solely on the intellect may not be enough. We need to be aware of our own soul and we may need to go beyond the mind. Through meditation, people can become more aware of a spiritual essence in life. Discovering this would help us feel a new purpose in life.

    Meditation can help make our lives simpler. Life today consists of a lot of clutter and unwanted baggage that we can actually live without but do not realize it. A troubled life can contain nothing but teeming problems and worries. By learning how to meditate, people can develop appreciation for the simplicity of life.

    Meditation may also help a person know happiness. Learning how to meditate can help people feel real happiness because it allows people to become more in tune with their inner self. When we become more aware of our own heart and mind, we can experience a sense of unity with others and the things all around us. This will bring about a sense of happiness that is not caused by mere external events.

    Healing meditation can also help foster better relationships with other people. People can easily create minor conflicts with other people by bringing to light the minor faults of the other person. Fault-finding becomes a common source of unhappiness and division among people. Through meditation, people can develop the sense of giving minor thoughts lesser importance. Meditation can also help develop a sense of unity with other people by naturally looking to their good qualities. By doing this, minor faults of other people become less important.

  • Meditation Methods

    There are numerous meditation methods for you to try and those who are skeptic about it should simply keep an open mind. For those who are really interested, you have to do some research to find out which is the best for you. To help you along the way, here are a few that can be done with the help of an expert.

    The first is called Meditation by Walking which is very popular among monks. This activity is far different from the rest because it combines physical activity with mind conditioning in order to relieve stress immediately.

    In order for this to work, you jut have to find a place where you can walk like a circular path or a track. The reason why is because you want to follow a pattern in order to help your mind rest.

    Of course, you will still have to breathe and walk at a slow pace. You might get distracted especially if there are other people on the track and when this happens, simply acknowledge it and continue what you are doing.

    The next is called prayer meditation which is in fact the most popular form. The nice thing about this is that you do not have to go to Church or sing any hymns. You simply sit down, close your eyes and just relax.

    Is meditation only for relaxing? The answer is no. Sometimes, this is used to help an athlete before a big event or by doctors to help cure patients. This is known as visualization meditation and you let your mind focus on an object or that goal which you wish to reach. This is effective when you finally settle in a very comfortable position

    Another meditation method is called candle meditation. Here, you basically light a candle and then focus on the flame. For the next few minutes or so, you will block out everything else in the world and put all your concentration on the flickering flame.

    Meditation on your own is not for everyone. This is why you can get guided meditation by listening to a prerecorded session. There are CD’s that play soothing while there are others that are narrated by a professional.

    If you are not happy with your life or need time to reflect on your own, another meditation method is mirror gazing. Here, you simply gaze into your image and think about how your life is like. You can do this standing up or sitting down.

    For those of you who cannot sit still, Yoga meditation may be what you are looking for. This is because aside from being an exercise designed to improve your flexibility, it can also provide relief for pain and gives the person a feeling of pleasure.

    As you can see, there are many meditation methods to choose from. In fact, doctors now call this an alternative form of therapy and if this has worked for others, it could possibly do some good for you.

    Which meditation method should you try? Well, why not try them one week at a time and see how things go. You can write in a journal what you experience and then come to the conclusion as to which has the most effective impact on you. From there, you will know which one among those mentioned may become part of your daily routine.

  • Basic Meditation Exercises

    Meditation exercises are effective means of reducing stress and teaching your body and mind to relax. Not only that, such exercises can also help build self-confidence and self-esteem. And most importantly, just like any other exercise, it can help you maintain your good health and keep you in great shape.

    There are many types of meditation exercises that you can do. It would depend in their ability to make you feel relax and relieve you of stress. One that you can try out is the walking meditation. It is a form of meditation that monks do as a habit in monasteries. What they do is walk the on a quiet area for a time while contemplating or meditating on something. It can be so easy that you can do it too.

    In doing the walking meditation, what you need to do is find yourself a set path. It can be a circular track, a sports field, or even a large garden good enough for walking on. Start by walking the path in order to get to know the route. Once you have gotten used to it, begin taking in breaths in a slow and deep breath and then let it out slowly. As you do this, try to be conscious of your body. Feel or sense your entire body and be aware of its every parts. Try to walk slowly. As you are walking try to mentally be aware of how your body is functioning as it moves. Do not attempt to criticize every function or movement. Just try to be aware of how your body moves or works as it walks.

    At first it might come off as silly for some people. But just like any other forms of meditation, it is not something that you should rush. You need to get comfortable with it. Sometimes distractions may come and they usually do. It is normal, especially on the initial days that a thought comes into your head like: “This is silly” or, “I have to do the dishes”. When they do, just try to push them gently away, and continue on with your walking. You can do this for 10 or 15 minutes, take a bit of rest, and then get on with your normal routine in life.

    Another simple meditation exercise that you can do is what is known as the “Step inside a Painting” technique. You can start by finding a painting or picture that you enjoy looking at. Place it a few feet away from you and at a comfortable visual distance. Find a comfortable place to sit on, preferably some area in your home where you will not be disturbed.

    When you already have your painting and quite area ready, try to close your eyes. Be aware of how you breathe. Just be attentive to how your body functions as it is breathing in and breathing out. Try to keep everything as they are and try not to change anything, even the timing of your breathing. After a couple of minutes, you will notice your body beginning to slow down.

    At this point, you can open your eyes and look at the chosen painting. Simply gaze at the picture. Be aware of the scenery, the lines, and the colors of the painting before you. Try to set the picture in your mind. Once you have it captured in your mind, close your eyes once again. Create the picture mentally and imagine yourself walking into the picture. Have yourself stand inside the picture in your mind. Take a look through the frame and to the place where you are sitting. Allow your mind to take you into the picture. Explore and be aware of your surroundings as you are inside the painting. It can be quite an adventure trying to learn some of these meditation exercises.

  • Meditation Techniques

    Meditation techniques are known to vary depending on the origin of the practice and the culture in that place. It also varies depending on the personality of the person and where he or she comfortable with.

    Meditation techniques can be classified as “concentrative” that involves the means of focusing into a specific object and the other can be termed as “expansive” that involves a person’s free flowing thoughts, observation, and reflection. The following are just some of the most common meditation techniques that are used for effective meditation:

    1. The Mantra Meditation. This is one those meditation techniques that involve production of sound or the combination of one or more sounds that are played in a very spontaneous manner. When the sounds are spontaneously played, it can greatly affect the metal process and psychic consciousness of the person practicing it.

    2. The Trataka or Steady Gaze. When translated literally, “trataka” means to “gaze steadily” into a specific object. This is one of those meditation techniques that have been commonly practiced by majority of the religious systems in the world such as Sufism and Christianity. Here, the person meditating is asked to gaze steadily in a certain an object and focus his or her attention to it.

    Because of its effectivity in holding a person’s concentration for a long period of time, the “trataka” is considered as one of the most effective yet simple means of meditating. The most common form for this meditation technique is through a use of a candle that is practically set up at the person’s distance of the arm and leveled with the eyes. It is more effective if the candle is lit.

    But if you are not a veteran in this field yet, do not attempt lighting the candle because it can lead to an accident. Among the benefits of this meditation technique is that it helps in the improvement of the person’s external and internal optic function, alleviates visualization disabilities as well as poor eyesight, develops deep mental concentration, enhances the person’s ability in maintaining single point sight as well as developing a person’s sense of intuition.

    3. The Chakra Meditation. This is also one of those meditation techniques that greatly help in the manifestation of energy and mind control. It is also known to be very effective in developing a person’s deeper consciousness. For beginners, there are actually seven Chakras available to be tried on but the most popular among them is the “chakra anusandhana,” which can be self-tutored. This meditation technique helps awaken the chakra of a person in a very gentle and balanced way. It is also one of those meditation techniques that are easy to do. What you can do is to sit or lie and close the eyes.

    Once you have done this, you can now adjust body as well as your clothing for proper breathing control. Once you get hold of it, you can let the chakra flow into you slowly. Although this is very effective, don’t overuse it because it can lead to various side effects including exhausted mental capability. If you decide to do this, always make sure that a professional to avoid creating imbalance that can lead to various personality disorders guides you.

    Other effective meditation techniques also include Vipassana Meditation, Raja Yoga Meditation, Zazen, and Nada Yoga, which have their own respective practices and postures.

  • The Benefits of Meditation

    Meditation plays a large part in Eastern philosophies and religions. Later on, the West also got hold of it and has realized that it has a lot of health benefits.

    The one thing students and those work deal with everyday is stress. Meditation for just 15 minutes or even longer allows you to relax and later enables you to make an effective decision. It also lowers the level of stress anxiety in your system thus decreasing the risks of heart disease significantly.

    The practice of meditation also makes you self aware of what is happening around you. This enables you to focus on the present rather than events that happened in the past or the future. It teaches you to be in control of your mind and not make you do anything based on your emotions.

    Believe it or not, meditation also develops insight into our subconscious. This is because our attitudes, behavior, feelings and perceptions are all connected and if you are able to harness it, you will be able to understand yourself better.

    This allows you to have a positive outlook in life and even make changes in yourself. You become content or thankful with what you have instead of harboring feelings of anger, anxiety, greed, hatred and jealousy towards yourself and others.

    You will also be able to see the big picture instead of the small one when given a task at work so even if there are a few setbacks a long the way, you are still able to keep your eye on the end game.

    Medication can also make you feel younger. This is because in one study, people who have been practicing this for many years were physiologically 12 years younger than their chronological age. The results of the test were based on the test subject’s auditory discrimination, blood pressure and eye sight.

    So now that you know the benefits of meditation and what it can possibly do, you are probably asking yourself right now how does it work? Well, let us first correct the common misconception about meditation.

    A lot of people think that you have to sit in a pretzel position or go off to some far away place to make this work. The truth is that you just have to find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed, sit on the floor or on a chair in whatever position you like best and slowly clear your mind of all thoughts.

    You should keep in mind that sitting in a comfortable position may sometimes make you doze off. So concentrate otherwise it defeats the purpose of this exercise.

    Next, you should close your eyes, focus on your breathing and let the positive air go in and the negative thoughts go out. You might hear sounds nearby and since you can’t do anything about that, just acknowledge that it is there and just concentrate on this exercise.

    This can be done at work or at home and how long it will be done depends on you. Some people may start out for 5 minutes and then extend the time in the future. The important thing is that you feel recharged and ready to taken on whatever challenge is out there when you are ready to open your eyes.

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