
  • Where to Start When Looking for Holistic Cat Care in Florida

    Are you searching for holistic cat care in Florida? Going back to the basics or being holistic and natural is not limited in Florida. You can be anywhere in the world and still find ways to go holistic.

    Natural Caring

    Everything must start from the heart. Cats are good pets to have. But it can be a lot of hard work. So as a pet owner, you must be ready for all the good and the worst case scenario.

    You have to treat your cat part of the family and therefore part of the budgeting. You need to allot money for their food, for their maintenance and health concerns. So before even thinking of having a pet, check on your budget and see if you can afford it.

    Do not think about having a cat because you are bored. How about on the days when you are no longer in the same state? With cats, you can’t be all too sweet and hugging one moment and the next days, you don’t even throw glances at them.

    This will be taken seriously by your cat. This may even lead to depression and anxiety. You have to always put their feelings into consideration. Yes, they can also feel. They can love. And therefore, they can get hurt. Cats also feel jealous when the attention they were getting before suddenly shifts onto another pet or even another human being.

    You have to slowly integrate the new face or the new pet in the whole system. You cannot act on an impulse and expect your cat to absorb everything. And be considerate. If the new pet is cuter, don’t let it show. Shower all your pets with same kind of love as well as attention.

    Going Holistic
    This process must not replace the scientific ways of treating your pets. But it can be used alongside to ensure only the best kind of health for your pets. What are these so-called holistic procedures?

    The more common ones are acupuncture, even massage therapies that you may also enjoy and other homeopathic kind of remedies. This also includes herbal therapies, even vitamin and mineral augmentation.

    You can also target the diet if you want to opt for the natural way. How about turning to natural raw foods? Giving then raw meat will not be a problem since it is the cat’s nature to hunt for such if they live in the wilds. Or if you still like to buy the available cat food at stores, you can check the ingredients and make sure that there are no added chemical additives.

    You can also start the natural process of things by thinking like your pet cat. This way, you will know what they really like. You will be able to provide for them well and good. They are not humans so you don’t have to treat them such. But how would you do it? You will learn that through time. Just be patient and observe.

    So search on the Web for the holistic cat care in Florida or wherever else in the world. You can also ask other pet owners who have taken the transition. You will be surprised about the new information that you will gather. And you might just be swayed that the natural way is always the best.

  • Cat Skin Care Dandruff

    Cat dandruff is common among diabetic cats. A study shows that happens in 1 in 200 cats have what is known as diabetes mellitus (DM) and if you want your pet to get better, here are some things you can do.

    The cause of this problem is associated with poor nutrition. So, instead of buying one of those generic brands of cat food, maybe you should change it and go for one of those that are of good quality even if it may cost a little more.

    You can also give food supplements that contain fish oil which have proven to correct the dandruff problem. This may also come from canned tuna since it is rich in Omega 43 fatty acids that will improve their hair in about a week.

    The symptoms that will tell you if your cat has a skin care problem like dandruff includes an increase in their appetite, excessive thirst or urination, dehydration, depression, muscle wasting, lethargy, weight loss and an umkempt hair coat that is a direct result of poor grooming. It gets worse when the cat displays weak rear legs.

    Aside from a cat being diabetic, other risk factors include certain steroid injections, neutering and old age. The cold weather could be another cause since it dries the cat’s skin. If your hunch is correct, you can fix this problem by buying a topical and oral treatment that is designed to treat dry skin.

    Aside from dandruff, owners should also worry about allergies as this also causes skin problems among cats. This may come from cleaners, pollen, food and other sources and since it is hard to pinpoint the exact cause, owners are advised to use only natural care products in cleaning the home.

    The cat should also be confined indoors to prevent them from roaming outside. Studies have shown that sunburn kills the top layer of their skin causing it to dry and flake off. Repeated sunburn may result to skin cancer so if you decide to let them go out, this should be done before 10 in the morning and after 4 in the afternoon.

    During the winter, the cat should not be allowed to sleep near the fireplace as this also dries out their skin quickly. To keep them warm during the cold months, you should invest in a good humidifier.

    The cat may also be infested with fleas and ticks. You can check the cat’s skin routinely to pull them out and use powder to flush the rest out. The hair should also be combed so this does not happen again.

    If the cat’s skin care problem continues, it is best to bring it directly to the vet as over the counter medications and parasite treatments which you have tried are not good enough to do the trick. Some of the symptoms associated with dandruff could be something else like a skin disorder and one of them is Cheyletiella which requires the help of a professional.

    Cat skin care problems like dandruff must be taken cared off immediately before it gets worse. Proper hygiene, diet and grooming are the best ways to keep it away and if household remedies don’t work, you better get help so the exact cause can be determined and the proper treatment can be given.

  • Cat Care in your House

    Cats are playful animals. If you are planning to get one, you should know the basics about house cat care.

    The moment the cat is brought into the house, you should give it his or her own room for the time being with food, water and a bed. If it has not yet been toilet trained, you should start teaching it so there are no stains in the carpet.

    Teaching the cat how to use the litter box can initially be done by carrying it to the box when nature calls. When you see the cat is able to do it, praise and reward your pet so they know that this is the right to do.

    The exact dimension of the litter box depends on the size of the cat. This must be cleaned naturally using soap and water not disinfectant.

    If ever they do something wrong like climb up on the table or scratch the furniture, you must never scold them as they are very sensitive animals. You can enforce discipline without causing any harm by squirting water on their face.

    There must be food and water at all times. The feeding dish and bowl should be made either of plastic or aluminum and cleaned. Any unfinished food must be disposed of properly.

    Their diet must come from high quality cat food and although this may be more expensive than the other brands, you know that it has the right vitamins and minerals to keep them healthy. Aside from food, you can also give them supplements. One example is Omega 3 fatty acids that are good for their nutrition.

    For those that have other pets in the house, you should give some time for the two pets to be acquainted with each other. If you have a dog, make sure it is kept on its leash first. If you have another cat, be ready to break off a fight since this normally happens.

    House rules must be set regarding what the cat can and cannot do in the home. For instance, you can decide whether or not the cat may be allowed out of the house even if the experts have said that they must always be confined indoors. There are other issues which you have to discuss among yourselves.

    You must also provide a scratching pad so it can play around without causing any damage to your furniture. This should be 3 feet in height and placed either near the furniture or their bed. When their nails get too sharp, you better trim it so they don’t hurt you or themselves.

    One of the most important things about cat care is proper grooming. You can bathe the cat by wetting their head and tail with shampoo. Never lather their ears or eyes and dry them using a clean towel. Brush the hair lightly and apply combing powder so it never gets tangled with each other.

    Lastly, bring your cat to the vet regularly and when you see something new in their behavior as quick thinking could prevent a possible sickness from getting worse. If you don’t know any, get a recommendation from one of your neighbors.

    House cat care is challenging but rewarding. You just have to put in the time and effort when you decide to bring a pet into your home.

  • Cat Care Symptoms that You Need to Know

    When we experience pain in our bodies, we can easily tell someone that there is something wrong and that person will be able to bring you to the hospital. Pets cannot do that but watching them can tell you a lot of things which is why owners should practice cat care and be aware of the symptoms.

    Here are a few diseases you should watch out for and their symptoms.

    Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is the most feared disease and in fact is the leading cause of death among cats. It is caused by a coronavirus infection and the worse part is that the symptoms are very common with other ailments so it is really hard to tell.

    There is also Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) that is similar to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Just like the human version, it is a life long infection that progresses slowly and kills the cat.

    Cats can also in infected by Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV). It is a retrovirus that causes fatal cancerous and non-cancerous diseases. Fortunately, it can be treated using some household detergents and bleach as well as warmth and drying. It is transmitted through the saliva, tears, urine and feces of infected cats. Unlike the other two, it cannot survive that long in the environment so it is only contagious when the infected cat stays with another cat for a long period of time.

    Worms are also another threat to cats and this is caused by a fungal infection that is spread through the spores. Since it is a self-limiting disease, you don’t to do anything to make it go away. It will eventually clear up but it may just take a few months.

    If you cat is overweight, chances are it already has feline diabetes. The symptoms of this disease include excessive urination and thirst as well as weight loss or gain. Vets are not yet sure what causes this but there have been a few research studies that have shown that there is a link between pancreatic disease, hormonal imbalance and certain medications.

    The symptoms of most of the diseases mentioned are very similar. These include diarrhea, vomiting, lameness lasting for more than 5 days in one leg, a decrease in vision, excessive panting, a seizure, blood in the stool or urine, hair loss, persistent coughing or gagging and breathing heavily or rapidly at rest. In order to find the answer, your cat will have to undergo some tests.

    The vet will take some blood, urine and feces samples. Any input that you have observed and give will also be useful. When the tests come out, only then will the proper treatment be administered to the cat as each case varies so what worked for one cat may not have the same positive effect with yours.

    Your cat could still be healthy if you gave it constant attention. This can be done by feeding it high quality food, giving it fresh water, allowing it to exercise, proper grooming, making sure it stays indoors and taking it regularly to the vet.

    If you have missed any of these simple steps, something wrong is bound to happen and you will soon notice a change in the behavior of the feline and doing nothing about it just going to make matters worse. So observe proper cat care tips and look out for symptoms.

  • Cat Care & Health

    Owning a pet has certain responsibilities. You have to feed and groom it as well as keep them away from various diseases. This is what cat care and health is all about and by doing it correctly, they can live for 10 years or even longer.

    Cat vaccinations are the most effective means of fighting a disease. This also prevents the cat from ever becoming a carrier. Some of the common vaccinations given are for cat flu, feline leukemia or FeLV, Feline Chlamydophilosis and Feline Infectious Enteritis or FIE.

    If your cat is given a vaccination, be aware that they may experience some side effects. This goes away shortly even if they develop flu like symptoms or fatigue in the next dew days. In rare cases, the cat may develop cancer where the injection has inserted that may develop in weeks, months or even years.

    Cats just like humans experience allergies. This may come from pollen, dust, disinfectants and others. If you notice your cat experiencing any symptoms, you should stop using such products, keep them away from plants and make sure your house is clean.

    Another problem that your cat may face is fleas and ticks. You will know they are there if they scratch more often than usual. You should check around the neck to see if there are any black dots using a special flea comb to look deeper into the fur.

    Treatment against fleas and ticks is done by dabbing a small amount of liquid on to the back of their necks once a month. As for those that are already present, you can pluck them out one by one using a pair of tweezers or applying Vaseline over the affected area. Always wear rubber gloves when you are doing this so the bacterium does not transfer to your fingers.

    Unlike fleas and ticks that you can see, cat worms are inside their digestive system. There are three of them namely hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms. If left untreated, they will have an upset stomach that at times can be fatal.

    The best way to prevent this from happening is to give them worming tablets annually. But if it is already there, then you have to get a prescribed medicine from your doctor. Another option is to use a tick remover spray that is available in pet stores. You will notice a wound when the tick or flea is removed. This must be treated by bathing the area with salt water afterwards so no infection develops.

    Cats can cause damage and hurt people. You can prevent this from happening by providing them a scratch pad to play with and trimming their nails on a regular basis.

    Ever heard the line curiosity killed the cat? Well this also happens if they roam freely around your house. To prevent this from happening, make sure all cabinets are closed, the windows are shut, medicine and rat poison are hidden. You must never given them chocolate as a snack as this can be fatal.

    Proper cat care is the most effective means of keeping them healthy. Studies have shown that cats that are kept indoors and loved by their owners live 5 times longer than those you see on the street. Since you decided to own one, you should cherish it.

  • Aiming for Long Term Cat Care

    If you are planning to be a pet owner, you must be ready for the long term cat care. That is if you are settled on having cat as pet. You must be off to a good start. Everything must be planned in order to avoid future mistakes.

    Cats will be a nice companion. But you have to understand their needs. First, your cat has to eat. But you can’t feed your feline friend your leftovers. It is better to look for the best cat food that can give your pal energy boost as well as good health.

    You need to allot money for that. You can sacrifice some luxuries to be able to provide for your pet’s needs. But that will all be worth it in the end. You will be happy to see your cat happy.

    You also have to make sure that the surrounding your cat is living in is free from anything that can cause them accidents. Do not let anything that is lethal and poisonous hanging about. And when it comes to neatness, you have the right pet. Cats are known to take ample time in grooming themselves.

    Although too much grooming can also be bad because they can hurt themselves in the process. And it is also a sign of fleas and therefore must be taken to the vet for a quick fix.

    And because you have a vain housemate, you must also be tidy with everything. You need to keep their litter boxes clean and well maintained. Did you know that the cat’s sense of smell is 14 times stronger than yours? You may not smell a thing but your cat will.

    They will not do their thing on the provided litter box if it stinks. You may get the surprise of your life to see your cat’s poops well hidden under your clean carpet or how about that basket of clean clothes.

    Don’t give your cat a reason to stray when it comes to those things. Give them what they want. And it’s a clean and odor free litter box.

    You also have to find a good doctor for your cats. The moment that you got a pet, start making friends with your local veterinarians. Be mindful of the simplest symptoms that your cat may show. Just by observing your pet, you will know if something is wrong. Call the vet immediately and ask their opinion.

    Long Term

    If you are settled at the thought that you want the cat to be with you for long, then you may really be the rightful owner of one. You cannot be act like you want it now and completely scrap the idea the next minute. It won’t be good for your feline friend and it won’t be good for you as well.

    So before you welcome a cat into the household, think things through over and over again. Do not act on your impulse because once you are there, you must not back out. And you must be able to carry out the responsibilities of being a pet owner.

    Aiming for a long term cat care is good. By doing so, you only need to match that goal with the right steps to enrich the lives of your pets as well as yours.

  • Long Term Cat Care

    A cat can be a pet an also a friend. If you want the feline to be with you for the long term, it pays to know proper cat care.

    Before getting one from the pet store or animal shelter, be sure to have a bed, dish bowl and litter box ready. By giving them their own space, they will be able to adapt to the new environment that you have made for them.

    Since the cat will explore around the house and might even go out, it is advisable to put a collar around its neck which has your name, contact number and address so in case it wanders off, one of your neighbors will be able to return it.

    Another option is to insert a microchip under their skin. Putting this device into the feline is very similar to giving it a vaccination. Aside from using it merely to identify the cat if it gets lost, it also has another purpose which is a flea deterrent because it has a chemical that helps keep these parasites away.

    You must only buy high quality cat food for your pet. These should be rich in protein that may come from meat, fish or poultry. These are available either in canned or Kibble and most nutritionists agree that a combination of both is ideal so they do not develop food addictions.

    One thing you must never feed a cat is chocolate because it has certain chemicals that could be fatal for them.

    Aside from food, you can also give your cat food supplements such as Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Taurine which is an essential amino acid.

    Don’t forget to bring your cat at least once a year to the vet. This is to check on your pet’s state of health as well as giving the annual vaccinations. You should know that the older the cat gets, such visits to the vet should be done every 6 months because they also get old.

    If there is a problem or suspect that something is wrong, drive down to the vet even if you don’t have an appointment. Remember that when it comes to dealing with felines, this professional is the specialist.

    Cats have the ability to clean themselves but they can only do so much on their own. While they are young, they have to get used to the idea of giving them a bath. Once dried, their hairs should be combed so it does not get tangled.

    You should trim their nails so they don’t scratch too hard and hurt themselves or even you. Since they love to scratch and this may cause damage to your furniture, make sure to also have a scratch pad nearby positioned by their bed or the furniture.

    House cats should always be kept indoors. This will prevent them from coming into contact with other animals that may be carriers of infectious diseases that may be fatal to them. If ever you go out, make sure all the windows and doors are locked.

    Long term cat care may let it live for ten years or more. If others are able to do it, so can you. Just remember that it is a responsibility that you got yourself into so make the most of it.

  • Foster Cat Care, What You Need to Know

    Some animals have been abandoned by their owners. They end up in animal shelters hoping that someone will come along and given them a good home. If you are thinking of owning a feline, you better learn a thing or two about foster cat care.

    When you bring home the cat from the foster home, this should first be left inside the cat carrier until they are already ready to be isolated in a small room. This will give them time to adjust to their new environment and one of the most ideal places in the house is the bathroom that must have a cat bed, litter pan, water and food.

    If there are children in the house, they must be slowly introduced to the feline one at a time with adult supervision. They must be taught to treat it gently and speak to it softly but if you have infants or toddlers, you should wait till they grow older.

    In case there is already a cat in the house and the one you adopted will add to the number of pets, you must plan a 2 week introductory period between them. Be aware that there will be a lot of hissing and you should be present at all times so that should a fight break out, you will be able to wrap a blanket around them and have these two separated. Naturally, both should have a separate litter box and bowl.

    You must always use good quality cat food and not the cheap kind if you want to extend the life of your cat. Feeding is once daily and you have the option of giving them supplements like Omega 3 Fatty acids.

    By law, cats are required to wear an identification tag so if you don’t have one yet, you better get one. Written on the tag is the cat’s name, your name, address and contact number so someone will be able to get in touch with you in the event it gets out of the house. Another option is for to install a microchip that is embedded under their skin.

    Some cats have not been toilet trained. If this is one of your problems, you should teach them so they know that this is the place to go when nature is calling. The best step is to carry them to the box when you see that they are about to do it. If you see them doing, reinforce it by giving them food as a reward thus making this habit forming.

    Aside from providing the adopted cat with food and shelter, you should also give them a scratch pad to curb the incidents of unwanted destruction of furniture. Ideally, this should measure 3 feet in height and installed near where they sleep or next to the furniture.

    If ever they scratch on the furniture, do not scold them. Just carry them and direct their attention to the post.

    Since their claws get sharp, you must also trim it every two weeks. If you have never done it before, ask your vet to teach you so this is done right causing no harm to the cat.

    Foster cat care can be a challenge given that there are a lot of things to teach it. By giving your new friend constant love and attention, you will be able to enjoy each other’s company.

  • The Basic Know How’s About Cat Care

    Owning any pet is a big responsibility. You must know all the basic steps on how to groom and care for it. This goes for every animal. If you are favoring the feline types, you must know all about cat care.

    Owning a cat and having it as a pet is not as easy as bringing home a stray one and feeding it every day. As a pet, the cat needs more than food for it to be happy and healthy.

    Responsible Ownership
    Just like you, your cats also have their basic needs. If you want them to purr to happily ever after, you’ve to work hard for your cats to attain it. Yes, caring for cats goes beyond the caring part. You have to know what to do and how to do it.

    Here’s a view of what you should be looking out after as a responsible cat owner.

    Food Requirement
    Some people feed their cats leftover foods. But you have to understand that those were intended for humans. It may not suffice to the needs of your feline friend.

    So scrap the idea and look over at your favorite grocery store. Weight in what would be the best cat food that you can afford and that most cat owners would also recommend.

    It will cost you about $8 to $13 a month to be able to give the quality ingredients to your pets. It can be affordable. Just make it part of the monthly house budget. Or you can opt not to go to the cinemas or what about lessening your smoking habits. This way, you will be able to allot the right amount for your cat food.

    Shelter Requirement
    If you will allow your cat to live with you, you have to make sure that the surrounding will be safe for your pet. It is just like when you have a baby at home, you don’t want anything poisonous and hazardous lying around within easy reach.

    You also have to provide a litter box for your pet. The price for this varies from $8 to about $200 for the superb deal and quality.

    Make life easy for your pets. Provide warmth in the shelter. And add onto it with your care and affection.

    Medicinal Requirement
    Again, just like a baby, your cat needs to be checked up by their doctors regularly. You have to bring them to the veterinarian as needed. They have to undergo spray or what is also known as neutering. There are also core vaccinations that they have to be subjected with. Each vaccine will differ in cost so you have to save up for each.

    To be prepared, consult with your vet how much the next one will cost so that you can save up for it while you still can. Aside from that, your cat has to see the vet for an annual examination.

    You also have to keep some allowance for your cats for emergency needs. You really never know when they would be sick or might encounter some accidents. It is better to be prepared for the worst than to be sorry in the end.

    Cat care may be easy to say but definitely hard to do if you are not prepared for the responsibilities it intakes. So before you dream of being a care giver to a pet, think hard about it and check your wallet if you can afford it.

  • Health Care for Older Cats

    It may be hard for a pet owner to notice a pet cat getting older. Outside, pet cats may show the same things- playing with toys around the home, taking naps sprawled on a favorite spot inside the home, snuggle up with you on the sofa. But inside, it might be a whole different thing. And health care for cats as they get old may change a little bit.

    When caring your an aging cat, there are some things that a concerned pet owner should know about. When a cat approaches somewhere between the ages of eight or twelve years, this is the equivalent of a human being approaching middle age. This will be the time that your pet cat may be needing a bit of extra attention.

    Most veterinarian generally estimate that cats start their geriatric years when they reach twelve years. This will be the time that caring for your pet cat would have to change to accommodate the needs that aging brings.

    A major part of caring for older pet cats involve feeding them. As cats get older, their digestive systems do not function as efficiently as before. Aging cats may need to eat smaller and easily digestible meals in a day rather than just two square meals. Try also to make sure that you give your cat a variety of food to eat to ensure that it gets a well balanced diet.

    There are also a number of cat food now available as food for the different life stages of your pet cat. There is cat food that is specially formulated for older cats as well as for the less active ones. The best advice in feeding your aging pet cat would be to ask your vet about the nutritional needs of your cat.

    When cats age, they also start to lead a less active lifestyle. Whereas cats enjoy playing around and hunting during their younger years, older cats seem to prefer spending more time quietly around the home. This would be a benefit for some pet owners since they no longer have to worry about their once playful cat overturning and breaking things around the house. But this sedentary lifestyle would not be good for the cat.

    Even though your pet cat would you may still need to keep them active since the exercise would help keep them healthy. Try to have them active as often as possible to keep them active. As they age, cats may also need to have their vaccinations up to date. Older cats have a less efficient immune system and may need vaccinations to keep them protected from diseases.

    Dental problems may also become a concern for old cats when they become prone to having loose teeth, tartar buildup, and sore gums. This can have a big effect on your pet cat’s well-being. Dental problems may be the reason why they are not eating well. A regular dental check up might be needed as part of health care for old cats.

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