
  • List of Accounting Careers

    Every year, different colleges and universities from all over the world produce graduates with different college degrees. It only means that every year, the unemployment rate increases and very few newly-grads land a job. It is very important to choose the college degree that you’re going to take to ensure your professional career in the future.

    Among the top college courses of degree is accounting. Accounting involves different tasks which include keeping track of income, assets, liabilities, and a lot more. You can learn more about these tasks if you choose an accountancy course.

    In accounting, you will learn a lot of things like how businesses and companies work. Successful businessmen are accountants one way or another. You see, accounting is essential in businesses. It is a way of evaluating the business situation, whether a company is losing or earning profits.

    In short, the business’ language is accounting. All business activities are quantified through accounting and this is where all business reports are derived and later on, communicated to the management level. What career opportunities can you expect if you’re a graduate of accountancy?

    1. Public Practice – if you become a CPA, you can do public practice. You can give your services to clients in exchange for an affordable fee. Usually, CPAs work in partnerships and they offer their services to businesses, governments, and even to individuals. The job responsibilities of an accountant in public practice will usually include auditing, taxation, management advisory services, etc. You can gain a lot of work experience in this field.

    2. Education – accountancy graduates can also teach after they get their methods of teaching. They can become a researcher, reviewer, and a professor. If you choose this profession, you can learn a lot of things. You can clear out certain accounting issues, conduct research, and then distribute the results.

    3. Government service – you can look for job opportunities in the state or federal level. Government accountants are responsible for tracking costs, budgets, and analyzing the various government programs that involves huge amounts. Being a government accountant can give you the chance of improving the conditions of the poor however, due to political influence, your will experience bureaucratic impediment.

    If you want to become a government accountant, you have to think twice because the public usually think differently of those in position. But it doesn’t really matter what other people think as long as you’re doing your work honestly and effectively.

    4. Commerce – accounting groups are maintained by corporations, whether big or small. The groups of accountants prepare and organize all the financial statements, handle tax issues, track costs, handle international transactions, and a lot more.

    After years of being a member of the accounting group, you will have your chance of becoming the department head or you can be promoted as the cost accountant, budget officer, chief accountant, or even the company auditor. The size of the corporation determines the various responsibilities of the accountant.

    Now you know that by taking up a course in accounting you will be offered a myriad of opportunities in the future. You must be able to choose the right career path. Before making a decision, you have to consider the responsibilities and nature of work of a certain accounting career.

    Choose the one that you like most and one that you’re passionate about.

  • Accountancy Career Change

    There are times when you suddenly feel that there is a need to change your career path. If you are not satisfied with your present work, you have to decide the right career path to take. Life is too short and you should be doing a work that you truly love and enjoy.

    There are various reasons why many individuals want to make a career change. Perhaps you find your job boring lately because of the low salary or you have higher ambition that you want to fulfill; well, whatever the reasons are, you can make that change in your life and you shouldn’t even fret about it. You see, nowadays, there are a lot of employment options and opportunities. You can already secure a high paying job for as long as you qualify and did you know that an accountancy career might be good for you?

    Even if you’re not a graduate of an accounting degree, you can become an accountant. That’s not a lie but that can only happen if you’re willing to study again. You’re never too old to go to school. If you’re an undergraduate or you’ve taken a business-related course, you can pursue your college education in accounting. Those who have taken business-related courses can easily shift to accountancy because some of their subjects in college can be credited. They will only be taking the necessary units in order to finish the degree. Although it might take a few more years, the rewards can make your head spin. Be patient and don’t hesitate to gain more knowledge.

    There are thousands or even millions of people out there who have decided to make a career change. If you’re planning to do the same thing, it’s a good feeling to know that you’re not alone in your quest. But before you make that ‘big’ career change, here are a few things to ponder.

    1. You have to ask yourself why you want to change your career. Even if you can name a lot of reasons why you want to leave your old job, that will not help in making a good decision. What you must do is to identify the aspects of accounting (if you plan to make an accountancy career change). If you think that you have the qualities of an accountant and you feel that you can be creatively and commercially expanded, go ahead. Does the thought of math figures and numbers excite you?

    2. Suppose the reason why you want to leave your job is the low salary, an accountancy career can give you a high salary. You see, starting salaries of accountants is usually around $35,000 per year. It increases as years go by. But you must remember that you can enjoy these salary benefits if you finished a degree in accounting.

    3. Get to know people who are in the accounting industry. You can conduct some research to determine the necessary skills required, how business accounting works, and many more information.

    Changing a career to accountancy can alter your life forever. You have to come up with a responsible and conscious decision. Once you’re already in the accountancy profession, you have to work carefully and diligently.

    Keep yourself motivated because you will surely experience set-backs. If you can overcome these things, nothing vcan stop you in doing your job efficiently.

  • The Benefits of an Accountancy Career

    There is an increase in demand for knowledgeable CPAs all over the world. When you say knowledgeable, the accountant must know how to perform various duties like bookkeeping, tax preparation, company audits, and even project management. The demand for the best CPAs in different industries is due to the updated laws, business practices, and the reliance to technology.

    Here’s great news to those accountancy graduates who love to work with numbers and who are willing to learn the newest accounting software – there are a lot of job opportunities out there, waiting for qualified accountants. According to statistics, the accountancy field is growing at a very fast rate. Presently, there areabout 1.2M accountants in different industries including corporations, public agencies, charitable organizations, and educational institutions; this is the best time to join the accounting field.

    If you’ve earned a Master’s degree in accounting, the better because you have a higher chance of landing a job; those who have a bachelor’s degree can also take advantage of the various job opportunities online or in the local papers.

    The licensing requirements for accountants vary from state to state. This is a very important consideration when choosing a degree program in accounting. Before you can take the exams to become a CPA, you will need a 150 hours course. By 2009, almost all the states in the US will follow the same requirements.

    About the salary of accountants, the lowest rate is roughly $35,000 per year and that is for starters only. Once you’re hired and you’ve been with a company for many years, the salary will naturally increase. Did you know that the senior accountants can earn as much as $80,000 per year on the average? That’s a lot of money, right? Being an accountant has its benefits, especially in term of salaries.

    It seems that accountancy graduates of today are given more job opportunities. You should be thankful because unemployment is prevalent in many areas. If you’re a graduate of accountancy, it means that you have better chances of finding a good paying job as compared to graduates of other courses. If you try to analyze the business situation, accountancy is essential to the success of a business organization or company. With the growing number of business worldwide, big scale or small scale, accountants are badly needed.

    For those who are just going to start college, why don’t you consider an accountancy course? According to statistics, the demand for knowledgeable accountants will increase in the years to come, so why not join the force? It will only take a couple of years to graduate. Make sure that you have excellent grades so that you will have an edge when you apply for a job. It pays to study hard now because you can use the knowledge in the future. You can be one of the assets of the biggest company in the world – now who wouldn’t want that?

    The benefits of an accountancy career are nothing compared to other degrees in college. Although some accountants have bad reputations, most of them are still working honestly. These accountants are contributing their knowledge and skills for the betterment of the business industry.

    If you want to be part of them, go ahead; just try and apply for a career in accountancy. Who knows, tomorrow you might already have a job.

  • Services in Financial Accounting

    Offices and companies have various activities everyday and that includes accounting. Whether the company is private or government-owned, it still makes use of accounting. Companies, offices, and various organizations or institutions cannot operate successfully without an accounting staff. However, having an accounting staff can get very expensive and so most companies resort to auditing services or financial accounting services. Chartered accountants are not hard to find; with the use of the internet, you can easily locate them and hire their services.

    A company needs to seek help from a competent and experienced auditor or accountant so that all financial activities of the company are monitored and evaluated. This way, the company can gain a lot of benefits which can lead to its success. It is now easy to monitor the sales as well the operating expenses. All expenditures and income are recorded and the accountant can even provide you with strategies to help increase the profit and sales of a company.

    Outsourcing is quite popular nowadays because it is a cost-effective measure for companies who want to cut-down their operation costs. That is why most companies are looking for services of chartered accountants. These accounting services can provide any company or organization with auditing services, company laws, taxation, and other related matters.

    Most of the auditing services are secured, private, and cheap. New companies are opting for these financial accounting services. These accounting services are cheap and you get a lot of benefits. It would be best to choose a financial accounting service locally because some laws differ in other countries. So while you’re conducting a search online, you have to check the location of the accounting service and if ever you choose a foreign accounting service, you have to provide all the necessary information so that nothing goes wrong.

    The various services offered by these chartered accountants are quite helpful especially in taxation, financial accounting, preparation of account statements, and a lot more. You don’t have to worry about privacy issues because all business dealings are confidential and safe. These chartered accountants can be trusted.

    However, it is a good idea to check out the background of these financial accounting services, just to be sure. You can check out the customer testimonials to see if the previous clients are satisfied with their services. it is one way of telling if the financial service can be trusted and if it is reputable in the industry.

    There are so many chartered accountants all over the world. Choosing just one for your company or organization is an overwhelming task. You have to give a large portion of your time in searching for reputable chartered accountants as well as financial services. By exerting effort in your research, you will be able to find a good financial service provider.

    It would be best to hire the services of chartered accountants as soon as you start your business operation. And you know what? Even individuals can hire the services of these accountants so that they can keep track of their financial matters, especially taxation.
    Money is very important.

    Individuals as well as businesses need it for their everyday expenditures. It is therefore of great importance to keep track of all financial and money matters. Go ahead and search for the best financial accounting service online or even locally.

  • Free Accounting Software

    Is there such a thing as ‘totally free’ nowadays? Life is getting harder and harder every year. A great number of people are starving in different areas of the world. It’s quite unbelievable that you can still find ‘free’ things today but if you try to surf the internet, you will notice a lot of ads that say ‘free’ this and ‘free’ that.

    Accounting is an essential part of the lives of people as well as businesses. Through accounting, an individual or business can keep track of all its financial transactions. If you’re a professional, it only means that you earning income. Your income will be used to finance all your expenditures like food, water, electricity, and many others. If you keep track of these things, it can already be called accounting.

    In businesses, financial transactions can get complicated and it will be impossible for one individual to handle the task. This is where the accounting software comes in. did you know that there are free accounting software online? That’s true and if ou only take time in surfing the internet, you can find this free software.

    Don’t expect too much from a free accounting software. Since it is free, it can’t offer the same features and functions as that of a high-end accounting software. This free software is simple and easy. It can only handle the accounting needs of homeowners and small businesses. The software focuses mainly on simple accounting management. By taking advantage of the free software, you can already perform the basic accounting tasks that paid software’s do.

    The question now is whether you should get free accounting software or not. It’s only a download away but before anything else, there are some things that you need to look for in accounting software; consider the following tips.

    Large companies who want to promote products and marketing campaigns are now providing the public with free accounting software. You have to surf the internet diligently so that you can immediately take advantage of it.

    You can find a lot of free things online but you should be warned about scams. There are dishonest websites that tell surfers they offer free accounting software that are downloadable. The site will ask you to provide personal information on their registration forms and then ask for the number of your credit card. Legitimate websites that offer free accounting software will not request for any personal information.

    While you’re surfing the internet, why don’t you search for trial versions? By taking advantage of trial versions, you can evaluate if the certain software meets all your accounting needs. After the trial version, you can now decide whether you will subscribe the software or not. Trying out trial versions does not involve any commitment. If you don’t like the software, discard it and then look for another trial version.

    If you follow the tips mentioned above, you can now have a free accounting software that you can use personally and even for your small business. Some manufacturers offer different functionalities that are added to your existing downloadable accounting software.

    By taking time to surf the internet, you can find intuitive, robust, and practical accounting software. Most free software can be downloaded without any complications. If you want to practical, take advantage of this free software. Try them now and handle all your finances efficiently.

  • Careers in Accountancy

    There are a lot of different careers in the accountancy field. It ranges from bookkeeping, auditing, until you reach the position of financial officer. As the position title goes higher, you can expect higher salaries. However, in order to achieve these positions and professional designations, you need to get an accountancy degree.

    One of the very important milestones in the life of an accountancy graduate is becoming a CPA or Certified Public Accountant. How can you be a CPA? Firstly, you need to finish college, majoring in accountancy. A CPA exam is conducted and you have to pass it. If you want to be part of CPA firms, you need to comply with certain employment experience and requirements which could take about 2 years. after completion of the requirements, you will given a certification as proof that you’re already a CPA. Now, you can offer accounting services to people.

    Being a CPA is merely a stepping stone to an accountancy career. Controllers are the chief accountants of certain companies and offices. They are in charge of supervising the accounting system of the business. Controllers see to it that the business follows tax laws to maintain its legality and they are also responsible in preparing the business’ financial statements.

    Aside from the tasks mentioned earlier, controllers also take charge in budgeting and financial planning. Businesses, big or small, need accountants. However, in the case of very small businesses, owners can do the accounting tasks. Bigger or larger businesses need accounting personnel to handle all the accounting works. As the business expands, it needs to hire additional employees. It is also the task of the accountant to determine if the company can afford to hire additional employees without negatively affecting the growth of profits.

    Accounting involves a lot of paper work. Professional accountants need to prepare tax returns which are very much complicated than income tax returns of individuals. The chief accountant of the company is also responsible for setting broad objectives for the company’s growth and development. Their aim is to gain more profits because this will be the proof for the success of the business.

    Being a CPA, a professional accountant, or a chief accountant are just few of the many careers in accountancy. There are still other careers out there that you can pursue for as long as you’re a graduate of accountancy. How can you find the many careers in accountancy?

    That’s very simple. You can start by logging on to the internet. There are specialized websites that offers job opportunities in accountancy. You can search these sites and find a job opening that you can qualify for. Make sure that you send your complete resume to the employer or the employment agency. If you do qualify for the job, you will be notified or informed.

    In choosing among the careers in accountancy, you have to know your strong points and weak points. That way, you can choose a career that best suits your capability. You must always remember to choose a career that you like. If you love your career, you will not ask for anything else; you will be contented.

    Start now and look and look for a career in accountancy while you’re still young. New accountancy graduates are produced every year and so you mustn’t lose hope if you still don’t have a career right now. Exert some effort and time and soon you will have a rewarding career.

  • Accounting Terms – Profit & Loss and Other Terms

    Different fields of study make use of certain terms that are not easily understood by others. If you’re an accounting student or a professional accountant, you know the different terms used in accounting. One very popular term is profit & loss.

    So, do you know what the term means? To start with, you have to determine what profit means. Profit can be referred to as net earnings or net income. Businesses can either sell services or even products. Profit will come from the sales of these services and products. If the costs of running a business are controlled, it can add up to the profits.

    Profits are also called ROI or return on investment. However, this term is often limited to securities like bonds or stocks. But still, some companies use ROI to mean short or long term business outcomes. Taxable income is another term for profit.

    The profit & loss of a certain company is determined by finance professionals through accounting. They can determine what created the profits as well as the losses. Accountants form some sort of business equation so justify the profits & losses of a business. By doing so, they can easily tell a company’s net worth.

    It seems that by simply starting to define one accounting term, it eventually leads to defining other terms as well. Net worth is another term that is quite difficult to understand. It refers to the resulting amount after deducting the liabilities of a company from the assets. Private companies refer to net worth as owner’s equity.

    Why owner’s equity? Well, after deducting all the liabilities, what’s left basically belongs to the owner. In the case of public companies, the profit of the business is returned as dividends to shareholders. As you can see, before owner or shareholders of a company can take hold of the profits, all liabilities must be deducted first.

    Every business aims to get a good and positive figure because that would mean profit to them; if not, the business is at a loss. Societies and economies are built on profit. However, there are times when a certain business incurs losses. Consumer behaviors and economic trends change. Because of this fact, it is not possible to foresee the company’s future performance at all times.

    How can you tell if a business is at a loss? That is understandable and even those who have no background in accounting know what it means. All liabilities will be deducted from the assets and if results to a negative amount, then the business is at a loss. The accounting staff of the company can still pursue effective measures to revive the business. If the business has efficient and effective accounting staffs, the business can improve in the near future.

    It cannot be argued that an accounting staff is needed to ensure the company’s success. Without them, the success of the business is not guaranteed. So the owner of the business should choose the best accounting staff. That way, all the financial transactions and decisions are noted and studied. Only then can the company gain profits.

    Profit & loss is just a simple accounting term. Aside from the term, you also learned about net earnings, net income, net worth, dividends, etc.

  • Forensic Accounting

    Is there such a thing as a forensic accountant? Well, you might find it hard to believe but there are actually forensic accountants out there and it is a very good profession. Forensic accounting is used in areas like litigation support and investigative accounting.

    Litigation support is very important and the forensic accountants play a very important role in it. But before it can provide litigation support, forensic accountants should first investigate the concerned company’s financial operations. After the investigation, the forensic accountants will prepare the necessary information that will be used for filing civil or criminal court cases.

    These accountants spend most of their time in the concerned company or enterprise. There they investigate, collect, and analyze all gathered financial data. In order to be a forensic accountant, one should be well-versed with the computer. You see, the analysis of the financial data is done mainly on computers. Excellent computer skills as well as knowledge in the specific accounting software used are critical if you want to become a forensic accountant.

    Collection of pieces of evidence is very important and also its documentation. Courtroom proceedings use the documented papers. Aside from that, forensic accountants also prepare the needed reports for the effective management of the concerned company or enterprise and reports for the litigation parties or agencies. In court proceedings, forensic accountants testify to provide depositions based on their findings.

    Various agencies and companies hire the services of forensic accountants. Most of them are included in the agency staffs of law enforcements and criminal investigations. Criminals are prosecuted based on the money trail tracked by the accountants. CPA firms also have available forensic accountants in their staff to assist partnership and shareholder disputes, employee theft or fraud, business loss, and issues of professional negligence. Insurance companies also hire the services of forensic accountants to investigate some insurance claims.

    Top accounting firms in the US have forensic accountants. In fact, if you’re looking for a high-paying career in the future, why not choose to be a forensic accountant? You see, according to statistics, forensic accounting will be included in the top twenty job markets in the years to come.

    So, how can be a forensic accountant? Well, firstly you need to finish a degree in accounting and you have to pass the CPA examination. Aside from that, you should also get extra coursework in criminal justice and law enforcement. Undergoing a legal training is an additional point. You can also pursue CFE or certified fraud examiner accreditation since this is quite similar to CPA designation.

    Upon entry in the field, you can receive around $30,000 or as high as $60,000. Experienced and senior forensic accountants can earn over $100,000 a year. So you see, being a forensic accountant means big money. But it entails a lot of coursework and accreditations. Still, the benefits are awesome.

    You can go for a forensic accounting career if you’re interested in an interesting yet lucrative job. Upward mobility is very much possible and that means higher salary as well. This career is a great potential especially in the coming years.

    While you’re still young or you’re about to pursue a college degree, why not take up accountancy? Who knows, you might become one of the best forensic accountants in the country. This is an opportunity that is difficult to turn down especially if you want to earn big money.

  • A Career in Accounting: Tips on How You Can be Successful

    In any type of businesses, an accountant is needed. You have to consider that accounting is basically the language in business and having enough knowledge about accountancy is essential for businessmen and women to know how their business is doing. This is why accounting professionals are very much in demand today. And, a lot of certified accountants have become quite successful in their field and some have even started their own business.

    The great thing about this career is that it will enable you to interact with all levels of business and you will also learn a lot from it.

    So, just what does it take to become an accountant and follow this career?

    First of all, you need to know about the eligibility in becoming an accountant.

    You need to be a graduate in a 4 year bachelor’s degree in accountancy or any related field. Aside from this, an accountant should be able to have good analytical and technical expertise in business systems. Good mathematical aptitude is also a must-have for accountants. And, because computers are now one of the most used medium in computing, you should also have knowledge and the operating skills of a computer.

    Another requirement is that you will need a bachelor’s degree with a minor in another subject. This should be taken from an accredited college or university in order for you to apply for Master’s in accounting.

    You can also pursue this career if you had your course in accounting over distance learning programs or through the internet.

    Also, you will need an accreditation or license of certain organization, such as being a CPA should have a license by the STA or the State Board of Accountancy.

    Most companies also require that you should complete a number of semester hours as well as work hours, which are considered for a 4-year bachelor’s degree. If you become a public accountant, you will be taken as a trainee. You will usually start your career as a junior internal auditor or as cost accountant.

    It is recommended that you should have a master’s degree in business administration or an MBA because it is preferred by more companies who are looking for accountants as part of their employees

    The great thing about pursuing accountancy as a career is that it presents a lot of career opportunities. For example, you can get a job as auditors or accountants in government offices or in private companies even if you do not have any license.

    During the course of your career, you can even get promoted to a position, such as the chief financial officer position which presents a lot more great opportunities for your career.

    You can also work in the legal office. You can work as an auditor, a financial officer, a budget analyst, a management accountant, and even as a tax accountant. Most companies that are looking for tax accountants will prefer accountants with legal background.

    Forensic accounting is another promising career for accountants. Here, you will investigate crimes, such as fraud in company’s finances.

    If you have a knack for teaching, you can teach a subject related to accountancy in college. This is a great career option and many accountants feel that this job is really fulfilling.

    Just remember that in this profession, you have to start slow. If you are just beginning a career as an accountant, try to start as a trainee and work your way up to the career path that you want to take.

    Accounting or accountancy career is a very promising career that presents a lot of great opportunities. You can be sure that you will find the right career that you want if you take this type of career.

  • Types of Accountancy Career

    Now that you’ve taken up a course in accountancy, you probably know that there are various types of careers in accountancy waiting for you after you’ve graduated. If you pass the CPA examination, you will have higher chances in securing a position as a professional accountant.

    Accounting in itself is considered an art. In involves analysis and interpretation of financial data. Do you believe that individuals and businesses need accounting one way or another? Aside from business establishments, individuals also make use of accounting in their everyday life. For instance, when you compute or evaluate your expenses, income, and other financial information, that is already considered accounting. Accounting is very important and because of that, it is considered an indispensible business tool. Big and small businesses, as well as individuals, need accounting.

    Accounting is of several types and therefore, when you decide to look for an accountancy career in the future, you will notice that there also several types of accountancy careers available.

    To start with, you can become an industrial or private accountant. Here, accounting is limited to only one firm. If you choose this profession, you will only be serving one employer. You have to provide your best service and skills to your employer and in turn, the employer will remunerate you.

    The second accountancy career that you may be able to land is serving as a public accountant. If you’re already a CPA, you can serve the general public. You will be called a public accountant once there is already the so-called practitioner-client connection or relationship. Even those accountants who are not yet certified can already practice their profession. Oftentimes, CPAs join partnerships and they have a wide scope of clientele from the local area to the national and even international clients at times.

    Being a government accountant is another career. In this profession, you will be working for the government, whether local, state, or federal. The accounting methods used conventionally are also used in government accounting. You will make use of the method called double-entry systems and you will be using journals as well as ledgers. If you’re a government accountant, you will be focusing more in rendering service. Government units are not very particular with profits because they are put up to serve the public.

    Fiduciary accounting is another type of accountancy careers. Here, accounting relies on trust. Executors, administrators, trustees, or any other person who is trustworthy can do fiduciary accounting. A fiduciary accountant keeps important records and he also prepares certain reports. The courts can authorize these fiduciary accountants to carry out their tasks.

    The last is being a national income accountant. This type of career makes use of the social and economic concepts and not the concept of business entity. As a national income accountant, it is your task to provide a public estimate of the yearly purchasing power of a nation.

    Now you know the different types of career in accountancy. To sum it all up, the five types are as follows: industrial or public accounting, public accounting, government accounting, fiduciary, and national income accounting. So, which of these five careers will you specialize in? You have to choose wisely because your future career will depend on it. While you’re still studying, you can already determine which career path to take.

    Plan ahead because by doing so, you can reach all your goals in life.

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