
  • No More Sitting On The Floor Thanks To Meditation Chairs

    One of the most challenging things when meditating is finding the right sitting position. This is because your legs could become numb after some time which is why even if there is already meditation cushion in the market, there are some who still prefer to use meditation chairs instead.

    When you look at a meditation chair, the first thing you will notice is that this does not look that different to a dining chair. It has 4 legs and a back rest. However, what it does best is make you more comfortable than when you are sitting on the floor by being able to mold to your body which prevents cramps and provides complete relaxation.

    The material that makes this possible is called buckwheat hull because it conforms to your shape thus providing a firmer seat. It is also able to do this because of the ergonomic design which prevents the user from slouching during the most intense moments of meditation as it is angled slightly forward.

    A good example of a meditating chair is the Seagrass. This was designed by a meditation practitioner who felt that it is very difficult to meditate while sitting in a lotus position. This chair allows you to cross the ankles or the feet or pull them up if you are tired of having them rest on the floor. It also provides proper spine support so you will never experience any back pain after the session.

    The Chinese meditation chair is perhaps the oldest since it has been around for centuries. It didn’t have ergonomic features like the ones we have now but it has a very wide base so that the user has sufficient room to also cross their legs. It also did not have any cushioning but you can easily fix that.

    Another example is the Tilt Seat that is also known as the kneeling chair. The beauty of this meditation chair is that it does not put any pressure on the knees and this can also be used as a study table because you can easily read a book when you put a cushion on the floor.

    There are other meditation chairs available and they come in other shapes and sizes. One option for those that want something bigger is the meditation bench. Because of the larger area, those of you who still prefer the lotus position can do so without putting pressure on the legs. Something similar to that is called the cane chair for meditation.

    When choosing the right seat, you should always consider your height, size and comfort level. Don’t forget support for the back so this also helps improve your posture.

    The nice thing about meditation chairs is that they are light and portable. It can easily be stored in the closet when you are done and the designs that most retailers have can easily compliment with the rest of the items in the room.

    The meditation chair is designed to make you feel comfortable in the 15 or 20 minutes when you are in session. How you make your mind and body relax is already up to you so if you are serious about improving your health or combating stress, then investing in one of these will surely be good for you.

  • Understanding Transcendental Meditation

    Transcendental Meditation is a meditation technique introduced in 1958 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It is a simple, natural, relatively effortless meditation technique where the mind can easily and naturally look into the source of thought and achieving the settled state of the mind which is known as the Transcendental Consciousness. It is said to be the pure consciousness which is the source of all creative processes in the human mind.

    Transcendental Meditation’s origins can be traced back sometime in 1955 when the Indian ascetic Maharishi Mahesh Yogi started teaching a new meditation technique that he said was derived from the Vedas. Maharishi had previously studied with Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. Maharishi even served as his secretary from 1941 until Saraswati’s death in 1953. It was sometime in 1957 that Maharishi began the Spiritual Regeneration Movement in Madras, India, at the conclusion of a festival that was held in remembrance of his deceased teacher. Maharishi then began going on a number of worldwide tours promoting and disseminating his technique sometime in 1958.

    Maharishi started to plan on establishing one TM (Transcendental Meditation) teaching center for each million of the world’s population in 1978. During that time, it would mean having to build about 3,600 TM centers throughout the world. Since then, Maharishi has continued the teaching of Transcendental Meditation from the Netherlands through an organization called the Global Country of World Peace. This organization has reported that over six million people all over the world have learned the Transcendental Meditation technique since it was introduced.

    The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught in a standardized, seven-step process. The process is composed of two introductory lectures, a personal interview, and a two-hour meditation instruction session given on each for four consecutive days. The instruction starts with a short ceremony that is performed by the teacher. After that, the student is taught and starts practicing the technique. The following sessions are given in order to provide further enhance the correct practice of the meditation technique as well as to provide more information that the student might need to know about.

    The goal practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique is, according to Maharishi, to achieve enlightenment. He states that enlightenment comprises of seven major states of consciousness. The first three are commonly known as waking, dreaming, and deep dreamless sleep. The fourth state, Transcendental Consciousness, is said to be achieved and experienced during the practice of the technique.

    Maharishi says that a person who practices Transcendental Meditation will eventually learn how to maintain the experience of transcendental consciousness even while living everyday life. This is what he refers to as enlightenment and calls it as the Cosmic Consciousness, the fifth state of consciousness. The sixth and seventh states, the God Consciousness and Unity Consciousness, are further improvements of the Cosmic Consciousness.

    Transcendental meditation can be practiced for as short as 15–20 minutes in the morning and evening. It is usually done while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. While undergoing Transcendental Meditation, a person’s awareness starts to settle down and begins to experience a unique state of relaxing alertness. As the body further becomes deeply relaxed, the mind begins to transcend all mental activity in order to experience the simplest form of awareness, which is the Transcendental Consciousness. This is the state where the consciousness is open to itself. The meditation technique used is said to involve neither concentration nor contemplation.

  • Easy Meditation Techniques

    Meditation may be a challenge for most people to do as a habit. But it is not as difficult as some may think. There are several easy meditation techniques that anyone can follow toward attaining a deeper sense of relaxation. Meditation is an effective weapon against banishing stress brought about by the rigors of life. You should try it out and here are the simple steps that you can follow to help you out.

    One of the first things is find a place where you can sit comfortably. It should also be some place where you can have few distractions as possible. Distractions are not good when you are meditating since they can keep you from developing your focus and concentration and keep your mind away from everything. Once you get the hang of meditating by keeping away the distractions, you can also do your meditation while riding the train, bus or plane.

    After you have a place where you can do your meditation in comfort, you now need to choose a mantra. It can be any word that you feel can help you feel relaxed and calm. Try to go with words for your mantra that really appeals to you. It can even be your own name as long as it helps you feel positive and be aware of your meditation.

    Once you have yourself comfortable and have chosen a mantra, close your eyes and start repeating the mantra to yourself. Let the mantra do what it wishes. If it is something that you wish to repeat it slowly, fast, quiet or loud, then do so. Try not to let outside thoughts to disturb you while you are doing this. Just ignore them and focus on repeating your mantra.

    As you repeat the mantra, try not to get distracted and just be aware of what you are saying and focus on it. Learn also to remain relaxed and clam as you do this. In time you might sometimes find yourself going off on a daydream and stop repeating your mantra. Just try to refocus and continue on with your meditation before you ward off any further.

    The key to this simple meditation is trying not to let distractions come before you when you meditate. It can be a bit hard sometimes to do first, but it will develop along the way and will help you develop your focus as well as awareness better. After some time, stop repeating your mantra and remain quiet while you are still sitting comfortably. Do this for about a couple of minutes or so. Avoid getting up immediately after your meditation. It would be similar to jumping up just after having a deep sleep. It would cause a lot of stress in itself.

    The other key to effectively make use of such easy meditation techniques is to do it as a habit. Try to allot some free time in your schedule for your meditation. Making it a habit would make you improve your ability to keep out distractions when you do not need them. This meditation technique can be done in as little as ten minutes or so. It is not such a long time to spend on something that can provide you with a lot of benefits especially when it comes to battling everyday stress.

  • The Types of Spiritual Meditation

    Spiritual meditation aims to help a person dig deep into the inner self in order to discover the wisdom and tranquility that lie within. It can be done by developing awareness, harmony and natural order into life through meditation. Different techniques can be employed in order to achieve this.

    Different meditation techniques have been developed since ancient times in the effort to help people experience a higher state of consciousness. This usually makes use of the ability to clear the mind of distractions and focusing mainly on the self. Here are some of the techniques that most people use to get in touch with their spiritual consciousness through meditation.

    One of the ancient techniques in meditation used is one that Buddhists practice. This technique is called mindfulness meditation and involves learning how to be aware about the things that one does and the things that is happening around at the very moment. This type of meditation technique can take time to master and involves four steps.

    The first step is the abstinence from the five moral rules which is killing, stealing, lying, sexual misconduct, and the use of toxic substances. The second step is the practice of Anapana Meditation for three and a half days where a person is taught how to meditate while focusing on one’s breathing. The third step involves purifying the mind which involves self observation for six and half days. The fourth step involves speaking and living an extroverted life. This meditation technique closes with the practice of metta bhavana which involves sharing the purity developed with others.

    Another type of meditation technique is Transcendental Meditation, the most debated and researched one among the many meditation types. This type of meditation aims to help one attain enlightenment if practiced on the long term. This meditation technique also can help increase intelligence and creativity. This technique does not require the mastery of difficult breathing techniques or the use of some special postures. A person needs only to learn how to concentrate by sitting in a relaxed and comfortable posture and position.

    Another meditation technique is the vibrational meditation which involves the repetition of a mantra, a particular word or a sound that becomes the focal point of the meditation process. The vibrations that are produced by making the word or sound is experienced passing through the body. During meditation, the individual is to concentrate on nothing else but the sound as it is uttered again and again.

    The Walking Meditation is one of the many other types of meditation techniques that may help one get in touch with one’s inner self. It involves learning to focus the mind while walking. Although this meditation technique can be difficult to practice it can prove to be very beneficial. This type of meditation involves focusing on the feet while meditating and trying not to let the mind wander away from every step taken.

    These different types of spiritual meditation techniques take time to master. It may be hard for some people to get used to focusing on one thing, due most of the time to the influence of the world in general and how it has clouded and cluttered the mind with thoughts of problems, worries and stress. But with regular practice and eventually making a certain type of meditation technique a regular habit, people may be able to look into their inner selves more effectively and then achieve a higher sense of consciousness that may help one attain inner peace.

  • Different Buddhist Meditation Techniques

    There are a number of different Buddhist meditation techniques that followers and many meditation enthusiasts practice. Despite their differences, the techniques are all generally based on developing two things- mindfulness and concentration. Attentiveness to the movements of the body and to the ever changing states of mind is to be developed in order to identify the real concept of self. Objectivity in this case can be a valuable aid to clear thinking. With objectivity comes concentration, the ability to focus the mind and keep in focused on a single point or object.

    Many Buddhist schools employ different techniques in meditation. Some may focus on such practices as breathing meditation while others on movements. The diversity can be so wide ranging that there are a multitude of variations available. Most Buddhist techniques can be school specific. Only a few masters aim to combine and categorize the techniques from several Buddhist traditions.

    One of the known meditation techniques is that being practiced by Western Order meditation master Kamalashila. The teacher identifies that there are five basic methods to be used as a traditional set for meditation. Each method can be used as an antidote to one of the five primary obstructions to Enlightenment- distraction, hatred, craving, conceit and ignorance.

    One of the five basic methods is the mindfulness of breathing. This involves the practice of tranquility meditations. This method helps to counteract distraction and aims to develop better concentration. Another of the five basic methods laid out is the Metta Bhavana. This method includes the four brahma viharas and is used to counteract sentimental attachment or hatred. This method aims to develop loving kindness in a person.

    Another of the five basic methods in Buddhist meditation is the contemplation of impermanence. This method can help counteract craving and develop inner peace and the feeling of freedom. The six element practice is based on meditation involving the six elements- earth, water, space, air, fire and consciousness. The six element practice method of meditation counteracts craving and develop instead some clarity in a person regarding to self. The fifth basic method of meditation is the contemplation of conditionality which aims to counteract ignorance and instead develop wisdom and compassion. There are also other Buddhist meditation techniques not identified by the five basic methods. This includes different methods of visualizations, meditation by sitting and the walking meditation.

    Another of the many techniques used in Buddhist meditation include the five types of Zen as grouped by Kuei-feng. In this case, the Zen practices were grouped according to five categories. Although mostly common for Zen practitioners, the techniques are also applicable to Buddhist meditation methods. One of the types is the “bonpu” or “ordinary” meditation that is done to achieve physical and mental well-being in absence of any spiritual goal. There is also the “gedo” or “outside way” which is meditation that is used for non-Buddhist purposes. The third is the “shojo” or “small vehicle” which is meditation used in pursuit of self-liberation or nirvana.

    The fourth of the Zen Buddhist meditation techniques as grouped by Kuei-feng is the “daijo” or “great vehicle” which is the meditation in pursuit of achieving self-realization to experience the unity of all things. Then there is also the “saijojo” or “supreme vehicle” which is the meditation aimed to realize the Buddha nature as imminent in all beings.

  • What is Meditation?

    The modern times have given people “instant” everything—including convenience, solutions, and results among so many others. But, amidst all the advantages it gives to people, it also brings a lot of stress that would eventually lead to serious problems. Because of this stress, more and more people are getting into one of the most powerful means of concentration called “meditation.”

    Meditation 101

    Described as a state wherein a person is in deep concentration on something, either awareness or some object of thought, meditation can be considered as one of the oldest means of calming the mind and the soul. Usually involving one’s attention to be turned into a single point of reference, meditation is practiced by so many people because it can lead a person to a consciousness an inch higher than the ordinary person.

    Meditation traces its history back some 5,000 years ago. It is said that the practice has been a very important constituent of various religions in the Eastern part of the world. Through the years, people who practice mediation were able to develop various disciplines. These disciplines were known to involve a large range of psychophysical and spiritual—or a combination of both—that leads to the enhancement of a person’s higher level of mental concentration.

    Derived from the Latin word “meditatio,” equivalent to “all types mental or physical exercise,” the meaning of meditation has also evolved as times went by. Now, mediation is more popularly perceived as “contemplation” or “inward reflection.”

    If you are one of those who planning to indulge in practicing meditation or just interested in its seemingly limitless possibilities, then you should start by familiarizing yourself with the various forms of meditation known today. The most common forms of meditation include “Bodhidharma,” “Hinduism,” “Bahá’í Faith,” “Buddhism,” “Christian meditation,” “Islam Meditation,” “Jainism,” “Judaism,” “Sikhism,” and “Taoism.” Each and every one of these forms mentioned has their own understanding of meditation and also have different sets of practices that come with it.

    Another important thing to take note about meditation is that it involves various physical postures to be able to perform the practice well. These postures include standing, sitting, and supine depending on the tradition of that you would want to follow.

    Aside from the postures that are used, it is also important to take note about the various types of meditation before finally indulging into it. Experts say that the most common type is the prayer because this is the one of the most practiced types people does. Aside from the simple prayer, other types of meditation also include what is called transcendental meditation (TM), the mindfulness meditation, and some of the forms included in the Eastern tradition including the buddhist, Taoist, and zen meditation.

    If you are just starting, the first thing that you need to concentrate on is the elements for involved in a basic traditional meditation. Usually, there are four elements that greatly affect traditional meditation including a place that is quiet, a posture that is comfortable, an object that a person can to focus his or her attention and n attitude that is relatively passive.

    Mediation can indeed be a great mental exercise for anybody. It can also serve as a stress buster because it allows the person to empty his or her mind in other things for a moment and focus the attention to only one thing. Once this is done, the person can feel relief and lighter feeling that can enable him or her to think clearly.

  • Buddhist Meditation

    Remember those Chinese martial art movies that feature monks with their heads shaved off? Well, those folks practice Buddhism which is a spiritual movement designed to make the person find the true nature of life. At the heart of this is meditation which is the means of making this possible.

    But to understand Buddhist Meditation, you have to know the Buddhism itself is centered on the Four Noble Truths. First, we have to realize that there is suffering in the world which happens because of our ignorance and our desires. When we do understand ourselves, we can finally find a way to end this suffering. Those who find the answer have reached a state of Nirvana.

    This then leads us to the core of Buddhist meditation which is the practice of the eight fold path. These virtues namely are the right action, right concentration, right effort, right livelihood, right mindfulness, right speech, right thought, and right view.

    The proceedings of Buddhist Meditation are based on two things. The first is called “Samatha” which means tranquility and the second is called “Vipassana” which means mindfulness.

    Let’s talk about this a little further. “Samatha” meditation involves a lot of breathing which is designed to develop concentration, detachment, equanimity and happiness. There are 40 samatha meditations and each teaches the mind to focus on a single object to produce various states of tranquility.

    Vipassana meditation on the other hand develops self understanding by being able to comprehend the things that are going inside one’s head. By practicing this regularly, you will soon develop wisdom which makes you free from all suffering.

    But do you have to be a follower of Buddhism in order to practice this kind of meditation? The answer is no even if this technique is based on the doctrines of this religion and revolves around concentration and mind control.

    For those who would like to get into Buddhist meditation, the first thing you have to do is find a quiet place where you can do this without being disturbed. Next, get a nice soft pillow or cushion to sit on if the floor is not that comfortable for you.

    Now, let your hands rest on your lap with the palms facing upward. It’s hard to stay in this position for 5 minutes or more so don’t be afraid to make a few slight adjustments. The important thing is that you are comfortable the way you are.

    Then it is time to close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Anybody can do this but there are 4 proper ways of doing it. You can inhale and exhale long, inhale and exhale short, inhale short and exhale long or inhale long and exhale short.

    It will take some time before you get the hang of things. Don’t forget to relax all your muscles so your mind and body is able to act as one.

    Buddhist meditation is just one of the many techniques around that can help relieve you from stress, make you think better to have a better outlook in life and do all sorts of things that will improve your overall physical health.

    If you appreciate what Buddhist Meditation can do, you can already invest in cushions, prayer beads, incense and a few other accessories. It is optional so don’t think that just because they are not around that your experience is not a fruitful one.

  • The Background of Meditation

    Meditation generally refers to the state of concentrated focus on an object of thought or awareness. The background of meditation stems from the aim to get into a higher state of consciousness. It is usually based from ancient beliefs that make up the component of eastern religions. Its practice has bee going on over 5,000 years.

    When it comes to meditation, different beliefs hold different spiritual and psychological practices in order to develop or achieve a higher degree of mental consciousness and awareness. Many religions have developed their own method and technique of meditation that allows their adherents to arrive at a higher state of consciousness.

    The differences of the techniques used may be classified according to their focus. There are certain techniques that focus on a certain perception or experience while there are others that focus on a specific object to achieve a higher consciousness. There are also some forms of meditation that combines the use of open focus and the use of a specific object for focus in their practice to achieve a higher state of consciousness.

    One of the popular religions known to practice meditation is Hinduism. It is considered as the oldest religion that focuses on meditation as a spiritual and religious practice. There are several forms of meditation that is practice in the different Hinduism sects. Principal of them is the Yoga, one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy. It provides several types of meditation that Hindu believers and even a number of Western adherents have learned to practice.

    On of the many forms of Yoga is the Raja Yoga which states the eight limbs of spiritual practices, with half of them classified as meditation. Then there is the Vedanta which is a form of Jnana Yoga. The Surat Shabd Yoga uses a form of meditation that uses sound and light to achieve a higher state of consciousness. There is also the Bhakti Yoga which practices a form of meditation that focuses on an object of love or devotion. The Japa Yoga which practices a form of meditation where a mantra is being repeated aloud or silently. There is also the Hatha Yoga where different postures and positions are used in meditation in order to raise one’s spiritual energy.

    In Hinduism, the object of meditation is to achieve a calm state of mind. In the Yoga Sutras, there are five different states of mind being described. There is the Ksipta which describes an agitated state of mind that is unable to think listen or remain quiet. Then there is the Mudha, a state of mind where no information seems to reach into the brain. The Viksipta is considered as a higher state of mind where information may reach the mind but it is not able to process it. In this state, the mind moves from one thought to another and in a confused inner speech.

    The Ekagra is another higher state of the mind characterized by calmness but not asleep. This state allows a person to stay focused and pay attention. Probably the highest state that a mind can achieve is in Nurodha where the mind is no longer disturbed by erratic thoughts and is completely focused and totally centered in what a person is doing. This will provide you with a basic background of meditation that will allow you to understand better how it is being practiced.

  • What Is Transcendental Meditation

    Meditation has been practiced for centuries. In the years that followed, various movements have evolved and one of them is called transcendental meditation.

    Transcendental meditation was a movement founded in 1957 by a Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Today, it has over 6 million followers and some of them include Hollywood celebrities and singers.

    The organization that practices Transcendental Meditation is better known as the Spiritual Regeneration Movement. What makes this form of meditation different from the others is the fact that you don’t just learn everything there is to know by reading a book but by learning from a transcendental meditation expert.

    The ultimate goal of Transcendental Meditation is to make each member achieve pure consciousness. By doing so, the individual will be able to find peace with him or herself and also with the rest of the world.

    The practice of transcendental meditation takes about 15 to 20 minutes each day. In order to be part of this organization, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi created a seven step process which everyone must go through that also includes two lectures, a personal interview with a trained instructor and four days of practice. Apart from that, you are required to pay a signup fee that is almost $2,500.

    More than 500 clinical studies have been done on Transcendental Meditation. One study shows that members who are in their 50’s feel much younger. Another study shows that it improves your academic achievement, creativity and intelligence.

    Those who have been practicing it claim that it reduces problems such as anxiety, insomnia and stress. Even those who have had addictions with alcohol or drugs in the past say that this has helped them kick the habit.

    In short, Transcendental Meditation is able to improve your physical health. Probably the biggest surprise is that one study showed that members of this movement have had fewer medical problems than those who are not.

    Given the benefits it can do to those who practice it, this is probably the reason why some companies in the US offer this program to their employees. This is because management knows that stress costs them more than 200 billion dollars annually which means a decrease in the worker’s productivity.

    One example of such a company that offers this to their employees is General Motors. This car company has been practicing Transcendental Meditation for several years and results from a study showed that this increased the productivity in the workplace, improved morale and had a good impact on the physical health of their workers.

    There are even some who have mistaken Transcendental Meditation and the organization itself to be part of the religious cult. This is because another name by which it is known is the “Science of Creative Intelligence” which in fact is a degree that you can get after you graduate at the Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa.

    It should also be pointed out that Transcendental Meditation is scientific so you don’t have to abandon your current religion. In fact, it can be done with little effort so it is possible for you to achieve pure consciousness regardless of your age, gender, educational background, culture or religion.

    Transcendental Meditation makes you look inward so you are able to turn those dormant potentials into realities. Of course, this can only happen over time and with practice so you will soon be able to experience an endless world of possibilities.

  • Useful Meditation Instructions At Home

    Different meditation techniques follow their own set of meditation instructions in order to be effective and lead a person to a higher level of relaxation and consciousness. These guidelines are there to help provide the steps that an individual can follow as he or she begins a meditation session. Duration may differ according to the different techniques and may involve different exercises to achieve that higher level of awareness.

    Any meditation practice may be done at different parts of the day. But it is suggested that you do it in the morning. Morning is the ideal time to do a meditation session since it is the time of the day with the least interruptions. It is also good to find a place somewhere in the home that is quiet and private. Here is an example of how you can do your meditation in your own home.

    First of all, try to sit upright, keeping your spine relatively straight. You can either sit on a bed, on the floor, or in a chair, whichever is most comfortable for you to sit on. You can cross your legs as you sit down, which is the usual position for meditation. But if crossing your legs will result in discomfort or stoppage of blood flow in the legs, try to uncross and extend them. You may also try to alter to a more comfortable sitting position. Meditation can also depend on how comfortable you are to be effective.

    After finding yourself in a comfortable sitting position, the next step is to close the eyes and relax. Do this for a brief moment to calm your body and mind. The next step is to try and visualize a certain object. Visualization is one of the important steps in meditation. Try to focus on the object in your mind and try to be aware of its characteristics. Focusing and concentrating on something in your mind may take time and it will take a lot of practice. This is important since meditation depends on putting your focus on just a single object in your mind while minimizing the distractions as much as possible.

    Now that you have visualized a specific object in your mind, try to feel yourself as if you are that object. Try to get a sense of how it is being that object. Feel how it is to be that shape, that color or that texture. Become the object in your mind. In doing so, try to feel calm and relaxed. Don’t try to force your mind to do it. Just be aware of that object and let it effortlessly become you. This too may take some time to get used to. But practice will make you get better at it.

    What is important in this meditation exercise is that you try to make yourself visualize a certain object effortlessly without forcing your mind to do so. What may be even harder to do the first time you are doing this exercise is how to maintain your visualization. There may be times that a passing thought or a distraction may occur in your mind that may let you lose focus.

    With practice in following these simple meditation instructions, you may be able to get used to developing your focus and concentration and keeping your mind free form distractions. By then, you will learn how to relax not only your body but also your mind.

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