Tag: astrology health

  • Where to Find Books on Astrology

    Many books containing horoscopes and the like are readily found. You see them in supermarket checkout lanes and on the shelves of bookstores. But the best books on astrology, those that actually explain all aspects of the art and how to apply them to your life, are harder to find.

    The best way to find books on astrology is to visit a New Age or occult shop. When you visit these types of stores you will have two advantages to finding the books on astrology that you need. The first advantage is that these stores will only carry books on real astrology. You will not find mere horoscopes or books of sun signs on the shelves.

    The second advantage is that you will have someone to help you find the books on astrology that are best for you. The attendant at the New Age or occult shop can easily point out books for the beginner, books for the avid astrologist, or books for those interested only in astrological concepts. Since books on astrology can be expensive, it is nice to know that you are leaving the store with exactly what you came for.

    If you do not have a New Age or occult shop in your area you can find books on astrology on the internet. Doing a search for New Age books on astrology can bring up many online book stores. If you are unsure what you are looking for, you can email the store owner or help desk for information.

    While you can find lots of books on astrology at Amazon.com, it is best to visit websites of e-commerce New Age book stores first. Amazon.com will list hundreds of books on astrology, but not all of them are realistic or helpful. Many of the books will negate to mention aspects other than sun signs. Other books will be strictly horoscopes.

    This is not to say that you cannot find real books on astrology at Amazon. There are many great books available on the website. However, if you are not sure what you are looking for it can be difficult to determine the best books on astrology from the mere entertainment.

    There can be a couple of advantages to buying books on astrology from websites such as Amazon.com and EBay. Sometimes you can find used books on these websites that contain extensive notes from experienced astrologers. These notes can often be extremely helpful in learning the art, and filling in the blanks left by most books on astrology.

    The other advantage to buying used books on astrology is that they are significantly less expensive. The best books on astrology are rather large, and can often cost around fifty dollars or more. When you buy these same books used you can often save as much as thirty or forty dollars.

    Another way that you can find books on astrology is to visit a large book store such as Barnes and Noble. You will have a better chance of finding books on astrology in these book stores than in smaller book stores. However, you are more likely to find horoscope books than true astrology handbooks on these shelves.

  • Uses for Astrology

    Many people feel that astrology is for entertainment only or is frivolous with no uses whatsoever. However, there are actually many reasonable and accurate uses for astrology. These uses can be for daily life, or for special occasions or decisions.

    One of the uses for astrology is as old as civilization. Astrology has long been used to determine the best times for planting and harvest in farming and other agriculture. Astrology has also been used to determine the best time for slaughter for cattle and other breeding practices.

    Another use for astrology is planning the future. You can easily plan for the future when you have some idea of what that future holds. While astrology is far from specific in the nature of its predictions, astrology can indeed predict certain variables or sentiments that you will need to deal with in the future.

    For example, many astrologists were aware that something terrible was about to happen in September of 2001. While astrology was not specific enough to tell exactly what would happen, it was clear that death and destruction were near at hand. These astrologists urged everyone they knew to take heed of their warnings, stop all travel, and stay in their homes. Those that listened are still alive today.

    Another use for astrology is in planning daily activities. Certain astrological phenomena, planetary alignments, and moon signs are good for particular activities. Some of these phenomena influence our lives to the point where no activity is best. Knowing the difference can greatly improve your life.

    For example, if you know that the moon sign is making you overly emotional for a few days, you can actively choose not to make major decisions during that time. In this way, you will avoid making costly decisions that are hard to reverse later. Additionally, certain planetary alignments can influence your career for prosperity. When you are aware of these times you can know when to ask for a raise or try for a promotion.

    You can also use these astrological influences to help you in your relationships and dealings with others. When you understand how astrology influences your life and the life of others it will become clear when to fight your battles and when to stand by and wait to resolve the issue. You will also be better able to determine when emotions are running high versus when a real issue in the relationship exists.

    Finally, you can use astrology to plan events. Certain astrological phenomena may influence events toward success or disaster. When you plan a wedding, birth, or other event you can easily ensure success by checking your planned date against astrological phenomena for that time frame. This will help you determine if your date is feasible, or if another date would be more appropriate.

    Astrology can also be used to help you enhance the lives of your children. When you interpret astrological birth charts you can gain knowledge of what your child’s strengths and weaknesses will likely be as they grow. This will enable you to expose the child to their strengths while helping them overcome their potential weaknesses. This will help the child to grow in ways that you may not be able to help them accomplish without this astrological data.

  • The Importance of the Moon in Astrology

    Many people believe that astrology only concerns the sun. This is due to the Western world view of astrology, which has taken on the form of Zodiac horoscopes. However, in truth the study of astrology goes well beyond sun signs.

    In the Eastern world, such as in China and India, the moon is actually the primary consideration in studies of astrology. The moon signs and cycles are used to determine the best time for activities, and is a part of daily life. This may seem backward to some, but actually results in more accurate predictions in many cases than Western astrology can ascertain.

    The moon plays a large role in astrology and astrological phenomena. The position and phase of the moon influences the other aspects of astrology, including sun signs and planetary movements. In fact, the moon influences other aspects of astrology as a whole.

    Envision that astrology is made up of the study of all of the planets and the sun. The astrological birth chart and the study of how planetary alignments affect sun signs are based on these aspects of astrology. The moon actually influences this overall picture, and can cause certain aspects of astrological phenomena to influence our lives differently than was otherwise predicted.

    The moon, for the most part, influences our emotions. In certain phases of the moon, the predictions made through the study of astrological phenomena that would otherwise occur fail to happen, because our emotions do not produce the reactions to the astrological phenomena that would normally be expected. In other phases of the moon, astrological phenomena of planetary alignments and their effect on the Zodiac sun signs are not altered from their original reading.

    The influence of the moon on the Zodiac is a study in and of itself. When you are aware of your sun sign, you can use information about the cycles of the moon and the moon signs to determine the best time to make decisions or avoid certain activities. The moon signs are named the same as the Zodiac, but do not coincide with them.

    The signs of the moon cycle each month rather than each year. Each sign has three phases: ascending, true, and descending. Each sign influences our emotions differently, depending on our sun sign and natural tendencies. The phases of the moon also affect our emotions and other aspects of astrology.

    When we learn these influences that the moon holds over us and astrological phenomena, we can use this information to our advantage. For example, during the new moon most people are not capable of rational thought. Knowing this can help you to avoid major decision making during the time of the full moon.

    There are many books and websites that provide detailed explanations of the moon and its effects on the study of astrology. There are also many books that explain the signs of the moon and their effects on sun signs and our emotions. You can generally find these books by searching your local book store, new age shop, or Amazon.com.

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