Taurus, the second sign of the Zodiac, is the Bull. Focused on security and stability, the Taurus is the most faithful of all the signs.
Strong, silent, the most introverted of all the signs, Taurus is likely to be cautious and controlled. Thos born under Taurus are very practical and determined, well grounded and in touch with nature. They take things as they come, without worrying or stressing. They have strong values, and tend to think long and hard about their decisions. Once they’ve made those decisions, it’s easier to move mountains than to change the mind of a Taurus.
Nothing personifies Taurus more than the Greek myth of the Minotaur, or bull-headed man, when it comes to stubbornness. Once those hooves are dug in, Taurus is just not going to move. But the Taurus will probably deny that they’re being stubborn; they prefer to call it “sensible.” Or “patient.”
Normally calm and reliable, Taurus is content to be left alone, with a very long fuse….but if that fuse ever burns, watch out. Taurus has a temper. Push him to his limits, and the phrase “bull in a china shop” takes on a whole new meaning. Taurus very seldom gets mad, but when they do, they don’t just get a little annoyed, they get furious. It may take weeks for the dust to clear after a Taurus tantrum.
Taurus likes to build his fortune, slowly and steadily; he loves money and material possessions, though he isn’t stingy. He can be very generous, especially to friends and family.
Strong, dependable, and peaceful, Taurus is like a rock in the Zodiac, with his patience and calm. He can be the most stable and trustworthy of all the signs…just don’t try to rush him into anything. Or ask him to change his mind.
Tag: astrology horoscope
Traits of Taurus
Astrology Leo
Just as the lion is the king of the jungle, Leo is the king of the Zodiac. Leo is a fire sign, falling right in the hottest part of the summer at the center of the yearwhich is perfect, since Leo loves to be the center of attention.
Leo is a born leader, cheerful and optimistic. They conquer obstacles the same way a lion conquers their foeslike a hunter, who spots his prey, stalks, and pounces. Leos tend to be very focused on their goals and ambitions.
Leo is a model of generosity, with one of the biggest hearts of the entire Zodiac. They love to share. They are also the life of the party, always prepared to order a round of drinks or offer up a hilarious joke.
Leos like to do things on a grand scale, with special attention to clothing and cars. Leos attract attention, and the things they own tend to reflect this.
One weakness that Leos need to beware of is arrogance. Being natural leaders, Leos can sometimes fall into the trap of expecting other people to take care of those annoying details that should be beneath them. Not only are they natural leaders, they expect to be the leader, and will fight for that position when challenged. They dont like changes to the routine once their leadership role has been established.
These are the same things that haunt a Leo through a career. Their ambition makes it difficult for them to climb the corporate ladder, and the worst sort of job they can find themselves in is the one where they are just one gear in the machine. Their impatience to take the reins will sometimes drive them out of the workforce and into their own business or entertainment.
Leo loves to get in front of a crowd. They are natural class clowns and show-offs, and professionally or not, enjoy performing or presenting. -
The Year of the Fire Pig
We have now entered the Chinese Year of the Fire Pig. Because 2007 is an odd year it is considered Yin.
By examining the Chinese animal signs, it is expected to be the best year for those born under the House of Tiger. Goats, Rabbits and Pigs can expect a very good year, filled with many of the advantages the Fire Pig has to offer. Roosters, Dragons, and Dogs will also feel the positive effects of the Fire Pig, although to a lesser extent than some of the other signs.
For Horses, Oxen, and Rats the results will be mixed, with ups and downs. For those with these signs 2007 will be unexceptional.
Monkeys and Snakes, however will feel the wrath of the Fire Pig.
All signs should be watchful against being made a fool of during the year of the Fire Pig, for he is the ultimate jester and takes his joy at the folly of humans. This is a year to be content with the decisions and nature of others. Live and let live.
Indulgence, sex and sensuality the realm of the Fire Pig. Luckily for most of us, the Fire Pig also brings with it patience, and calm.
Lost or stolen items are likely to turn up this year. And, if you are dishonest in your business dealings, that fact will come to light. This would be a good year to change any dishonest practices.
All things have a beginning and an ending, birth, death and rebirth are natural cycle of the universe The year of the Fire Pig brings the death part of this cycle. You may find yourself tying up loose ends, finishing major projects, meeting long term goals and even saying goodbye to loved ones.
You may comfort yourself with the knowledge that all things that end bring on new beginnings, and this is a time for preparing for the new.
Overview of Western Astrology
“By looking up, I see downward.” –Tycho Brahe
The core belief behind astrology is that the positions and the motions of the heavens influence the lives of the people on Earth.
The 360 degrees of the sky are broken up into thirty-six Decans of ten degrees each. These decans are grouped in sets of three. Each set is associated with an astrological sign. The positions of the planets are mapped over this grid.
Using a chart or computer program called an Ephimeris, an astrologer charts the positions of planets, the sun and moon, and the constellations at the time of the birth of the person receiving the reading. Once the positions have been charted, the astrologer can then calculate the relationships among them.
The astrologer looks for several things. First off, the position of the planets and constellations are of utmost importance. Then the each planets position is noted, with special attention paid to its relation to other planets, the House, and horizon. Together, this information will tell the astrologer many things about the person the chart is being written for.
The angles formed by the planets are called Aspects, and they influence human relationships. The two most powerful aspects are the Conjunction (where the planets are closest to each other) and the Opposition (where they are furthest apart).
The Houses were originally defined in ancient Babylon. Each of the twelve houses covers an aspect of our lives and experiences. For example, the first house is about Life, and the second, Finance. Each house is also associated with one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. When a planet appears within a house, then that planet is said to “rule” that house, and to influence that aspect of the person’s life.
Charts can be drawn for both people and events. -
Traits of the Horse
The seventh house of the Chinese Zodiac is the Horse.
Like a wild mustang, horse people are said to be independent, and confident. They tend to be free spirits who need ample space to run free. They intensely dislike feeling confined or penned up.
Horse people are good at thinking on their feet. This tendency to be quick witted combined with natural horse sense means prosperity, luck and happiness are the horses pasture.
Giving, attentive and good listeners, horse people make great friends and partners. They are gentle with the thoughts and feelings of others. Although, horse people tend to get excited and arent very good at keeping secrets. They dont mean to betray trust, their enthusiasm just get the best of them. Horses are known for their honesty and determination. Horse people know how to set a goal and achieve it.
Known for being intelligent, most horse people will tell you they are cunning, not smart. Theyre great with numbers and have a natural aptitude for recognizing patterns.
Horse people are the life of the party, the center of attention, and they love every minute of it.
Do you have an innovative new idea? Go find horse person to share it with. They will be the first to tell you how wonderful it is. And, theyre excitement will help spur you into action. Who knows, maybe some of their wonderful horse wisdom and advice will give you a start on making your idea a reality.
Of course, all this energy, enthusiasm, and spontaneity can lead the horse astray. They are prone to jumping from one great idea to the next, without finishing much.
Carefree and persuasive, youd never guess that the horse does such a great job of hiding their inner feelings and doubts about themselves or their abilities. Also, those born under the sign of the horse will do very well to avoid those who carry the sign of the Rat. It could lead to explosive results
Traits of the Ox
Ox is the second sign in the Chinese Zodiac. Like the animal they are named after, Ox people tend to be powerful and steady. Oxen were traditional used to plow fields, and haul heavy loads. They make good work animals because of their dependable and patient attitudes. Ox people are considered the same.
Oxen are hardworking and logical, but they need an peaceful and quiet environment to sift through ideas and feelings in their own mind.
Not only are Ox people dependable, but they crave dependability and routine. Considered mostly uncreative, Oxen prefer logic and reasoning to emotional appeals.
The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. This powerful sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things. As one might guess, such people are dependable, calm, and modest. Like their animal namesake, the Ox is unswervingly patient, tireless in their work, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint.
Ox people need peace and quiet to work through their ideas, and when they have set their mind on something it is hard for them to be convinced otherwise. An Ox person has a very logical mind and is extremely systematic in whatever they do, even without imagination. These people speak little but are extremely intelligent. When necessary, they are articulate and eloquent.
The Ox is not extravagant, and the thought of living off credit cards or being in debt makes them nervous. The possibility of taking a serious risk could cause the Ox sleepless nights.
Ox people are truthful and sincere, and the idea of wheeling and dealing in a competitive world is distasteful to them. They are rarely driven by the prospect of financial gain. These people are always welcome because of their honesty and patience. They have many friends, who appreciate the fact that the Ox people are wary of new trends, although every now and then they can be encouraged to try something new.
It is important to remember that the Ox people are sociable and relaxed when they feel secure, but occasionally a dark cloud looms over such people and they engage all the trials of the whole world and seek solutions for them. -
Traits of the Rat
The ancients considered the rat to be a protector. It was thought to bring material wealthy and prosperity. Aggression, charm, death, wealth, pestilence, order, war, and the occult were all ruled by the rat.
Those born under the sign of the rat are said to be leaders. The rat is the first sign of the Chinese Zodiac, through cunning and manipulation, it is said, the rat was the first animal to reach Buddha when he called the animals together.
Organized and intelligent, rat people are strong willed and ambitious. They tend to adapt easily to new situations and environments.
However, charming as they may be on the outside, Rat people are also known to be cold and calculating, even cruel if that is what is need to reach their goal or promote there personal agenda.
Intelligent, and passionate, Rats make friends easily and tend to chose friends carefully. They are practical and hardworking and have tight control over their emotions. Rats do not trust easily, but are fiercely loyal to those few who manage to win their trust. Sometimes, however that loyalty can get them in trouble. Rat people are usually quick tempered and vengeful. They will not thing twice about seeking revenge when they, or someone they love is wronged.
Rats tend to value money and power and will usually use any means at their disposal to acquire what they want.
Rats fair in business and become injured when others are not. A Rat who feels they have been deceived is a rat who will look for ways to get revenge.
Those born under the sign of the Rat will do well to learn patience, tolerance. They should be patient with themselves as well.
Rat people tend to be perfectionists and easily become obsessed with the minor, often unimportant details of daily life. In order to build their sense of self and worth, time spend in relaxation is important.
Traits of Cancer
Cancer is symbolized by the Crab, because the Crab was believed to carry his house on his back. And, like their namesake, the home is very important to Cancer.
Those born under this sign are heavily focused on home life. Cancers are the domestic experts of the Zodiac, and would be the first to know how to fix an appliance or which drapes match the sofa. Unfortunately, they also have a reputation as packrats, because they attach emotions to their belongings. Every old photo becomes a cherished heirloom because of the memories that go with it.
Cancers are sensitive and caring. Only Pisces comes close to the sensitivity of Cancer. Crabs are the truest and closest companions, always coming to the aid of their friends, ready to bail them out at a moments notice.
The crabs defense is to curl up behind his shell. Cancers have a reputation for being tough and unfeeling because they keep their emotions hiddenfor their own protection, of course. They can be frustrated that people cant see through that shell to the deeply caring person hidden behind it. They tend to dress down, not attracting attention to themselves.
Cancers have a tendency to be worried, moody, or even depressed, but this can be lightened with water-based activities like fishing or sailing. Because of their affinity for the home, many cancers enjoy fixer-upper hobbies, like adding an extension to the house.
Because they care about people, Cancers are most at home in a career where they can help people in some way. Pushing papers or operating machinery will make for a very crabby Crab. Cancers, with their innate skills at knowing what people need and feel, tend to make very good managers. However, they tend to build on existing ideas, rather than creating their own, so they dont make good entrepreneurs. -
Traits of the Element Metal
Those born in years of the Chinese calendar ending in either zero or one, are said to have the element of Metal. Combined with the persons animal zodiac symbol, this is used to define and give clues to the personality and future of the person.
The element metal is said to be associated with the Western culture, the season of autumn, the Planet Venus and the color white.
Those born under metal element may have an affinity for Western religion or yearn to break away from tradition. Being close to Venus means those with a metal element are typically romantic, sentimental and kind. A metal person will go out of their way to help you/
Metal governs the lungs. Those with the metal element may be more likely to suffer diseases of the lungs such as asthma.
Organization and stability are the ear marks of the metal element.
Metal people approach life with persistence, emotional strength, and unyielding determination. A metal person knows their goals and will not stop until those goals are met.
Self reliant, sometimes to a fault, metal people can be viewed as aloof and unconcerned with others.
Metal people enjoy the finer things in life. Fine wine, rich chocolates, the sweetness of true love all spark the heart and imagination of those born to metal.
To help maintain internal and emotional balance, metal people should decorate their homes with things that are beautiful to them.
Metal people need to pay attention to the state of their emotions, as they are considered prone to depression and suicide. Taking care to bring happiness and friendship in their life will help decrease this.
Personal space and time for reflection are equally important to those with the metal element. Beautiful scents, flowers and scenery will ease the emotions and feed the souls need for the romantic. -
Traits of Sagittarius
If there was a most likely to succeed Zodiac sign, it would likely be Leo.
On the other hand, if there was a most likely to put his foot in his mouth, that would be Sagittarius.
He doesnt mean to, of course. He does mean well. Sagittarius is the Archer, and every now and then, one of those arrows is totally off target. They are creatures of the extremeeither that arrow will hit perfectly, dead center, or it will rebound off the target directly back into the archers face.
Sagittarius thinks big. He doesnt have time or patience for details, and thats where his weakness liesbecause such things as social graces and tact can fall into those little details sections. Likewise, a job that demands attention to detail, like assembly line work, would leave an Archer breaking his bow in impatience and frustration. Deep down, Sagittarius is the most insecure of all the signs.
The Archers are messy and scruffy, the Oscar Madison of the Zodiac. Ironing shirts and combing hair can easily become one of those little details, too. Dont expect a neat and orderly house when theres a Sagittarius living there.
Like the Centaur that the constellation Sagittarius represents, Archers love to travel. Even better is traveling in something as rough and ragged as they are, four wheel drive and covered in mud.
Archers do well in entertainment. They want to be liked, due to that deep insecurity, and they want an audience, because of their high level of pride.
Sagittarius generally leans one of two ways. One, they are intellectual, thinking big, well read, opinionated, and willing to debate for hours on endthough often having a problem admitting when theyre wrong. Or two, they thrive on athletic competition. If you want to spot the Sagittarius in the backyard football game, look for the muddiest member of the winning team.