Tag: astrology horoscope

  • Traits of the Element Earth

    Unlike the position of the Earth in our solar system, the element of earth lies dead center in the Chinese astrological charts. This is probably because ancients believed the Earth was the center of the universe and all celestial bodies circled our planet.

    People born under the element of Earth seem to feel the universe revolves around them as well. Self –centered, ambitious and stubborn, earth people are used to getting what they want and achieving their goals. Failure is foreign to them.

    Of course, being the center of the universe brings on responsibility to those who serve you. And, the earth element handles this charge with grace and ease. Earth people are patient, and thoughtful. They take the time to care for those around them, and they are skilled at looking at a situation and evaluating what is needed.

    Goals are achieved through hard work and determination. Earth people know how to plan for the long term and they are stable enough to stick with the plan to its success.

    The stubbornness of the earth element is a double-edged sword, giving those born under its rule the determination to follow through when things are tough, and the audacity to defend their point, even when they are wrong.

    Earth people understand that when you rule the universe you have an obligation to serve it as well. Those under this element enjoy service work and are likely to take on jobs where they are helping others. Good earth element jobs include nurses, doctors, teachers and therapists.

    Those with the earth element tend to have difficulties with the stomach and spleen. Careful attention to diet is very important, as is chewing food carefully. Anything an earth person can do to enhance digestion will be a great aid to maintaining optimal health.


  • What is a star chart?

    A Star Chart is a snapshot in time.

    It’s a shorthand drawing, a two-dimensional representation of a four-dimensional subject. It has to take into account the location of the person on Earth, the location around the Ecliptic of each of the planets and the signs of the Zodiac, the “arc” or height above or below the horizon of each of the planets, and the time all of this occurred. It can be a very complex drawing.

    The Chart has several different elements. First, the spoked circles, looking like a bicycle wheel, represent the Zodiac and the Houses.

    The Zodiac are the constellations in the sky at the time the person was born. The Chart is an attempt to locate the position of the Zodiac in the sky. This is the backdrop against which the rest of the chart is mapped.

    The Houses are a separate, concentric circle, like a wheel within a wheel. The Houses are based on the Zodiac, but separate. Think of the circle of houses as a second backdrop.

    Next, each of the planets, the Sun, and the Moon, are all charted and their positions marked. This, finally, is our foreground.

    The first “planet” to be charted isn’t a planet at all, it’s the Sun. The reason it comes first is because the location of the Sun determines the Sun Sign, or the overall sign of the Zodiac for this person.

    Each planet (including Sun and Moon) will fall within a House. That planet is then said to rule that house. Each of the twelve Houses controls a different aspect of a person’s life. If a planet falls within a house, it’s a sure bet that that planet is going to have a major influence over that aspect—above and beyond whatever the general tendencies of the person born under that sign might be.

  • Traits of Virgo

    Shy, reserved, and sensitive, Virgo is complex, intellectual, and perfectionist.  Virgos tend to be punctual, organized, and disciplined, and these, on top of the shyness, all lead people to believe that Virgo is also cool and uncaring.  Nothing could be further from the truth, as Virgo is almost as sensitive as Cancer or Pisces.
    Shyness tends to hurt the Virgo in relationships.  Some people will confuse shyness with coldness, and assume Virgo wants to be left alone, and keep their distance.  This isn’t necessarily true.  The Virgo wants company, but she’s picky about just who that company will be.  And even then, she will be more comfortable chatting about work or current events than anything personal.
    Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which means Virgos are ruled by their head as opposed to their hearts.  They tend towards skills in logic and analysis, making them quite capable scientists, writers, and editors.  When they set out to do something, they set out to be the best.
    Unfortunately, the perfectionist strength of Virgo is also her greatest weakness.  Virgos tend to be their own worst critics, beating themselves silly until either they achieve their goal of being the best…or they quit in frustration.  That same critical streak can interfere with relationships, as well, since many partners don’t appreciate the perfectionist criticisms that can come from their Virgo partner.  This means that the few people who manage to break through the Virgo’s shyness and cool exterior are often presented with someone who expects perfection from them, just like they expect from themselves.
    Virgos tend to keep a neat and clean house, and are the sign most likely to have an alphabetized CD collection.
    Virgos tend to dress in ways that compliment both their shy attitude and their perfectionist outlook.  They don’t wear colors that will draw attention to them, and their clothes will match.  They tend to blend into the crowd.

  • Between Two Worlds: Life on the Cusp

    Each Sign of the Zodiac has a date range attached. Scorpio, for example, is October 23d to November 21st of each year. For the vast majority of people, this date range is just fine, because they’ll fit somewhere between those dates.

    What about the small number of people who aren’t so lucky? What about the handful of people who are born at midnight on the night of November 21st? Are they Scorpio or are they Sagittarius?

    The answer to that question is “Yes.”

    People born “on the Cusp”—that is, right on the dividing line between two signs—aren’t quite sure which of the signs they are. They will inherit tendencies from both.

    For example, someone born on August 21 or 22 is right on the cusp between Leo and Virgo. This person could have Leo’s advantages, such as the natural leadership and the drive to conquer and succeed.

    However, one of Leo’s weaknesses is in the details. When you’re destined for greatness, like Leo is, you don’t have much time or patience for little everyday details.

    Virgo, on the other hand, is widely regarded as the most detail oriented of all the signs. Someone lucky enough to have been born on the cusp between Leo and Virgo might also be lucky enough to pick up traits from each sign that counter the weaknesses of the other.

    By the same token, Cusp people need to be aware that they could inherit tendencies and weaknesses that can make the situation worse, not better. Combining the gloomy depression of the Capricorn with the fear of rejection and overall sensitivity of the Aquarius is a recipe for disaster.

    Horoscopes generally give people a wide variety of traits and tendencies to think about. Those lucky few born on the cusp between signs have even more possibilities to think about.

  • Traits of the Dog

    Loyal to a fault, the dog is the eleventh sign of the Chinese Zodiac. Dog people will stand by their family and friends, even when they shouldn’t. Sensitive and compassionate, those with the dog sign empathize with the pain you feel. They take it as if it were their own. This can lead the dog to make excuses for those who are less than respectful toward them. Dogs will also meddle in your personal life, in the name of trying to help. They mean well and most dogs will understand when you suggest they back off.
    Dog people are usually cool headed in a crisis. They are the ones you can count on during hectic, stressful times.
    Honest, strong, intelligent, and practical, dogs will accept whatever fate throws at them and handle it with poise and grace. You can count on people of the dog to do their work thoroughly and well.
    Of course, there is a negative side to the sign of the dog. To be born under dog influence is to be idealist. Dog people have a very clear idea of right and wrong, there is very little room in their heart for shades of grey. Oftentimes, this makes them intolerant of those who show weakness. Dogs do not accept weakness in themselves, either.
    Dog people tend to come across to others as excessively critical, even picky. The dog will see every flaw, and their sense of propriety will not allow them to over look even the smallest flaws. They are perfectionists.
    Dog people will do whatever it takes to protect their family and friends and they are unselfish, and only want the best for those they care about.
    Those with the dog sign will do well for themselves if they choose friends carefully and remember that not everyone deserves their steadfast loyalty.

  • Astrology – Libra

    Libras are represented in the Zodiac by the Scales, the symbol of perfect balance.  Because of this, one would think that Libras are balanced, even-tempered, and calm.
    One would be wrong.
    Yes, Libra can balance, and when she does, those moments are absolute heaven.  But there is a space before the trays of the scales balance–that time when the weights are not even, when a little bit more needs to be added to one side or the other–and Libra represents that, also.  This tends to make Libras a bundle of contradictions, though definitely not as much as Gemini. 
    Libras, as ruled by Venus, are one of the most attractive signs in the Zodiac.  It’s natural for Libra to be warm and friendly.
    Libras will drift from one side to the other. At times, they can take over a conversation, and then just as suddenly turn into the perfect listener.Their inborn fairness make them a perfect mediator, but after a wonderful track record at settling arguments they’ll choose sides and start a fresh argument just for the fun of it.  When they’re balanced, they’re easygoing, diplomatic, and charming.  When they’re not balanced, they are just as easily gullable and resentful.
    One of a Libra’s favorite statements will be something similar to “…but on the other hand…”
    Libra constantly searches for the real truth.  They enjoy a good debate, and won’t hesitate to take the other side of an argument soley for the sake of the argument.  They cannot stand the idea of unfairness or prejudice, and will not hesitate to challenge someone on broad generalizations–and that’s the Libra’s weakness. 
    A Libra can be prone to indecision.  Libras hate to make decisions without analyzing all of the possible results, and all of that forethought can be maddening to others, especially those born under more impulsive signs.  That indecision can also lead to the Libra being influenced by others.
    Most of all, Libra is a dreamer, who follows her soul wherever it might lead.

  • Vermilion Bird of the South

    The Vermilion Bird of the South represents the South and the summer season. The Vermilion Bird isn’t used solely in Chinese astrology. It is also depicted in many Japanese cartoons and comic books.

    The Seven Mansions that make up the Vermilion Bird are the Well, the Ghost, the Willow, the Star, the Extended Net, Wings, and the Chariot.

    Each Mansion is then broken up into Asterisms.

    The Asterisms of the Well are the Well, the Battle Axe, the South River, the North River, the Celestial Wine Cup, Five Feudal Kings, Accumulated Water, the Pile of Firewood, the Irrigation Official, Water Level, the Four Channels, the Market for Soldiers, the Wild Cockerel, the Grandfather, the Son, the Grandson, the Palace Gate, the Celestial Wolf, the Bow and Arrow, and the Old Man. All of these stars appear in the Western constellations of Gemini, Canis Minor, Cancer, Gemini, Canis Major, Columba, Monoceros, and Puppis.

    The Ghost mansion is populated by the asterisms Ghost, Cumulative Corpses, Beacon Fire, the Celestial Dog, the Outer Kitchen, the Celestial Earth God’s Temple, and the Judge for Estimating the Age of Animals. Here in the West, we would know these stars as the constellations Cancer, Pyxis, Vela, and Hydra.

    The third Mansion, Willow, has only two Asterisms—Willow and Banner of a Wine Shop. These are parts of the constellations Hydra and Leo.

    The Star Mansion is broken out into six Asterisms. They are Star, Celestial Premier, Celestial Cereals, Xuanyuan, Maids in Waiting, and the High Judge. XuanYuan is replaced by the given name of the Yellow Emperor, and these Asterisms are located in the constellations Hydra, Sextans, Vela, Leo, the Lynx, and Leo Minor.

    The Extended Net Mansion is split into the Extended Net and the Celestial Temple asterisms. Their stars are in the constellations Hydra and Pyxis.

    The Wings Mansion is also broken up into two Asterisms, the Wings and Dongou.

    Finally, the Chariot mansion is made up of the Chariot, Changsha, Left Linchpin, Right Linchpin, Green Hill, Military Gate, the Master of Constructions, and the House for Musical Instruments. The constellations for these are Corvus, Hydra, and Centaurus.

  • Are We A Match?

    One of the major reasons people check their horoscopes is matchmaking. After all, if personality is clearly laid out by a person’s sign, then it should be pretty easy to tell whether or not that person is going to be compatible.

    It’s not as simple as that, of course. Other factors in a person’s horoscope can influence those basic rules, or even counter them entirely. Just because a person falls within a sign does not mean they’re going to be a perfect match for the general depiction of that sign. Still, it’s fun and interesting to check for compatibility through a horoscope.

    As a general rule, your “perfect match” is likely to be at the opposite side of the Zodiac from you. That is, Aries with Libra, Taurus with Scorpio, Cancer with Capricorn, Leo with Aquarius, Virgo with Pisces, Sagittarius with Gemini. Those signs opposing each other across the Zodiac tend to balance out, supporting each other’s strengths and countering each other’s weaknesses—provided, of course, that the personality differences can be smoothed over.

    As an example, Cancer has a very strong “family instinct.” Cancers want to have a strong and secure home life. This mindset is likely to drive away several other signs, like dominant Aries or travel-oriented Sagittarius. Capricorn, however, has a similar attitude towards home and in general, the two would get along just fine…provided, of course, the Cancer could learn to cope with the Capricorn’s penchant for gloom and depression.

    The signs that definitely do not get along are the ones that have a core difference. Sagittarius is known for traveling, and would drive the home-focused Cancer to distraction. Detail-oriented and critical Virgo would grate on the nerves of self-centered and bossy Aries. And bright and cheerful Libra would never be able to handle a life darkened by shady, mysterious Scorpio.

  • What is a Sun Sign?

    The Sun doesn’t rise in exactly the same place every day. From our viewpoint here on Earth, it drifts over the course of a year. It’s path through the sky is called the Ecliptic.
    In ancient Babylon, the Ecliptic was divided into twelve equal pieces. Each piece was named after a major constellation, and the mythology of the Babylonians, and later the Greeks, defined the traits of those born under that constellation.  This is the Zodiac, and is the center of astrology.
    Carefully tracing the position of the sun will show that it moves through each of the twelve Zodiac signs over the course of the year. This is where the concept of astrological signs, or “Sun Signs,” has it’s start. A person’s Sun Sign is tied to the constellation the Sun was traveling through at the moment of his birth.
    The Sun is traditionally associated with will and individuality, so the Sun Sign covers the overall tendencies and direction a person has in their life. It covers such things as focus, determination, integrity, and ego.  It describes general tendencies in an individual, like “Capricorns are gloomy” or Virgo is very orderly,” as well as general predictions, like “Sagittarius should learn tact” and “Pisces should avoid alcohol and drug abuse”. This is also the element that shows how other people will treat this person, almost like a prediction of their “first impression.”
    This is only the starting point of Western Astrology, of course. The Sun Sign is only a very general description, and an astrological reading–a horoscope, or natal chart–takes the planets and Moon into account as well.  For example, traditionally, Capricorns are very gloomy and depressed.  This is a general trait ascribed to Capricorn, based on the position of the Sun. However, the positions of the other planets can counter–or sometimes enhance–this tendency. Complete horoscopes have to account for all of these elements, using the position of the sun as a starting point.

  • Traits of the Dragon

    The Dragon is the only mythical creature in the Chinese Zodiac. As a symbol, the dragon holds a special place in Chinese culture. Dragons are placed on roofs and above doors to bring strength, health, luck and harmony to the inhabitants. Dragons are said to ward off evil spirits and banish demons to the underworld.

    The sign is traditionally associated with the position of Emperor of China, and because of that is known to be omnipotent.

    Those born under the sign of the Dragon are attractive and lucky. They are likely to attract wealth and good fortune to their lives.
    Dragons are powerful. And they know it.
    Dragon people are confident and know how to make an impression. They are usually the center of attention and thrive in that role. Their natural enthusiasm and interest often lead them to positions of power and notice.
    Dragon people like to do things big. They are intelligent and when they learn to combine their talents, intelligence and overwhelming energy, the dragon has no problem fulfilling his, often overly ambitions, goals.
    However, the dragon tends toward the negative and this negativity, if left unchecked, will drive people away in droves. Dragons come across as ego-centric, rude, arrogant and ill-tempered.
    Jealousy is the Dragon’s enemy. They must be ever watchful against the tendency to use deceit and plain nastiness against one they feel has wronged them.
    The Dragon is a steadfast friend, offering unwavering support in times of great need. With a Dragon by your side, you will never feel abandoned.
    Dragons lean toward the grandiose in all things. Whether it’s money, food, luxury, passion or power, for the Dragon enough is never enough. But along with this tendency toward indulgence, the Dragon possesses the ability to learn, manage and blend the positive and negative traits of this sign.

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