Tag: astrology horoscope

  • The Importance of the Moon in Astrology

    Many people believe that astrology only concerns the sun. This is due to the Western world view of astrology, which has taken on the form of Zodiac horoscopes. However, in truth the study of astrology goes well beyond sun signs.

    In the Eastern world, such as in China and India, the moon is actually the primary consideration in studies of astrology. The moon signs and cycles are used to determine the best time for activities, and is a part of daily life. This may seem backward to some, but actually results in more accurate predictions in many cases than Western astrology can ascertain.

    The moon plays a large role in astrology and astrological phenomena. The position and phase of the moon influences the other aspects of astrology, including sun signs and planetary movements. In fact, the moon influences other aspects of astrology as a whole.

    Envision that astrology is made up of the study of all of the planets and the sun. The astrological birth chart and the study of how planetary alignments affect sun signs are based on these aspects of astrology. The moon actually influences this overall picture, and can cause certain aspects of astrological phenomena to influence our lives differently than was otherwise predicted.

    The moon, for the most part, influences our emotions. In certain phases of the moon, the predictions made through the study of astrological phenomena that would otherwise occur fail to happen, because our emotions do not produce the reactions to the astrological phenomena that would normally be expected. In other phases of the moon, astrological phenomena of planetary alignments and their effect on the Zodiac sun signs are not altered from their original reading.

    The influence of the moon on the Zodiac is a study in and of itself. When you are aware of your sun sign, you can use information about the cycles of the moon and the moon signs to determine the best time to make decisions or avoid certain activities. The moon signs are named the same as the Zodiac, but do not coincide with them.

    The signs of the moon cycle each month rather than each year. Each sign has three phases: ascending, true, and descending. Each sign influences our emotions differently, depending on our sun sign and natural tendencies. The phases of the moon also affect our emotions and other aspects of astrology.

    When we learn these influences that the moon holds over us and astrological phenomena, we can use this information to our advantage. For example, during the new moon most people are not capable of rational thought. Knowing this can help you to avoid major decision making during the time of the full moon.

    There are many books and websites that provide detailed explanations of the moon and its effects on the study of astrology. There are also many books that explain the signs of the moon and their effects on sun signs and our emotions. You can generally find these books by searching your local book store, new age shop, or Amazon.com.

  • Differing Views on Astrology

    Astrology is practiced differently throughout the world. Some parts of the world utilize the study of all of the “stars” including the planets, the moon, and the sun. America has been leaning toward use of strictly sun signs over the last several decades as horoscopes have invaded virtually all print media. Other areas of the world, such as China, utilize only the moon cycles in their studies of astrology.

    Astrology is also viewed differently throughout the world. Astrology can be a very controversial subject in America. You will find people that think that astrology is completely fake, entertainment only, or absolutely real and reliable. You may even find people who think that astrology is the work of the devil. But in many other parts of the world, astrology is viewed quite differently.

    In America, astrology is sometimes used to decide the best time for a wedding or other event. Astrology is sometimes used in daily life by some Americans, although many Americans only regard astrology as entertainment and religiously read their horoscope every week, just to see if it will be right or not. Other Americans disregard astrology all together, and give the art little or no thought whatsoever.

    However, in China and India astrology is used on a daily basis to determine what activities should be pursued each day. Certain moon cycles are found to be best for certain types of activities or decisions in China and India. This is not unlike the way that farmers once used the cycles of the moon to determine the best time to plant or harvest. The concept is simply taken beyond the fields and into everyday life.

    Astrology is also viewed differently based on religion. Astrology is a large part of religious life in the Eastern world. Paganism, a word that describes all “occult” religions such as Wicca, Druidism, and the Kabala oriented religion started by Alister Crowley, also embrace astrology as a part of religious life. These religions are found in America and throughout Western Europe.

    These religions use astrology in every day decision making. They also use astrology to determine times of “power” or celebration. Many Wiccan and Druidic rites are based on various astrological phenomena, such as the phases of the moon. Kabalistic magicians, practitioners of Alister Crowley’s Golden Dawn, also use astrology to determine the best time for rites and rituals.

    However, some religions view astrology as evil, or the work of the devil. Both Judaism and some denominations of Christianity have this view of astrology. There are many scriptures in both the old and new testaments of the bible that warn against the study of the stars and divination.

    On the other hand, some Christian groups either embrace astrology or fail to regard the study of the skies entirely in their teachings. There are also scriptures in the bible that refer to watching the stars and the skies for signs of the first and second comings of Jesus Christ. Due to these scriptures, some faiths tend to believe that astrology for the use of divination is against the will of God, while the actual study of the stars is actually a good thing.

  • Where to Find Real Astrology Readings

    Real astrology readings can be very helpful when planning for your future or making a difficult decision. However, real astrology readings are also difficult to find. Although astrology readings are advertised all over the internet and other media, finding real astrology readings can prove to be a tricky venture.

    You can find real astrology readings at websites online and by calling 900 numbers. Some of the astrology readings you find online will not be real readings. However, you can find some websites that offer real astrology readings.

    The best way to determine if you have found real astrology readings or fakes is by the information requested. The astrologist should ask for your birth date, your birth place, and the time of your birth. Any information that you provide about your background, personality, or personal life will allow the astrologist to fake a reading.

    There are better places to find real astrology readings, where you do not have to worry so much about getting a fake. There are two main places that you will easily find real astrology readings. A third option, harder to find, is also available.

    The easiest place to find real astrology readings is at psychic fairs and pagan festivals. These events are crawling with those skilled in astrology and other forms of divination. From these practitioners you will receive none of the hype. You will receive some of the most accurate real astrology readings you have ever encountered. You will also find that the prices for these real astrology readings are somewhat less expensive than the readings you will get from phone lines and web sites.

    Another place that you can easily find real astrology readings is at new age stores and occult shops. These stores usually have astrologists, tarot readers, and other divination experts available for readings. These are also some of the best astrology readings you will find anywhere.

    There is a great benefit to using an astrology expert in your area found at one of these stores or shops. The fact that they are local means that you can go to them over and over again. When this is possible, you will save a lot of time and money by not having to start from scratch each time you get a reading. You will also save a lot of money, because these astrology experts often charge half what is typically charged at psychic fairs and pagan festivals.

    Finally, you can find great real astrology readings through networks of pagan and Wiccan groups and individuals. Often these practitioners are difficult to find. However, if you happen to find one, or know someone who is involved in Wicca or paganism, you can get some of the best astrology readings from these individuals.

    Most often these individuals will charge next to nothing for their services. They also take the art of astrology very seriously, and do not often use it to make money. This means that you will get a very lengthy and accurate astrology reading from these sources.

  • Why Typical Horoscopes are not Real Astrology

    Horoscopes can be found everywhere. They are in your local newspaper. They are in magazines. Horoscopes are even found at your supermarket. And, surprisingly, many people buy and read these horoscopes thinking that they are accurate.

    A great many more people think that astrology as a whole is bunk, due largely to the fact that they recognize that horoscopes are inaccurate most of the time. These horoscopes are said to be prepared by an experienced astrologist. Therefore, people see that the horoscopes are fake and think that it is the same for all astrology. This is how astrology has earned the label of “entertainment” in America.

    In truth, horoscopes are terribly inaccurate, and are largely created for entertainment purposes. However, this is not a representation of real astrology. When you think about it, horoscopes cannot possibly be accurate for everyone. If everyone born within the month of May had exactly the same personality and exactly the same events happening in their lives, life would be very boring. Thankfully, everyone born in the month of May is not the same, and this is why horoscopes are not accurate for most people.

    Typical horoscopes are created by studying the position of the planets in relation to the sun signs. In other words, typical horoscopes are a partial study of real astrology in which the influence of the planets on a true and absolute sun sign will affect someone with no other astrological influences in their chart. However, this is only a fraction of the study of real astrology. There are many other aspects besides your sun sign that determine your personality at birth and help astrologists to predict your present and future.

    Real astrology is used to accurately predict the future and describe the personality of people at birth. When real astrology is used to predict the future, the astrologist begins with a personalized birth chart. Only people born in the exact same place at the exact same time will have the same astrological birth chart.

    Real astrology is used to plot the birth chart, using planets and stars well beyond the Sun signs. There are planetary positions, rising ascendants, and the moon to consider as well. This is why real astrology is so accurate.

    When the astrological birth chart is used in conjunction with past, current, and inevitable astrological phenomena, the real astrology expert can accurately predict the present and the future of the individual being studied. While the result is much the same as a typical horoscope reading, the real astrology reading will be more accurate and provide more specific information that pertains directly to the reader.

    When presented with a typical horoscope, most people are very skeptical about astrology. However, if you can convince them to obtain the expert readings of a real astrology expert you may be able to change their mind. When faced with completely accurate descriptions of the present and future, many people realize that astrology is in fact a real art and science.

  • Issues And Problems About Astrology

    Current and longstanding issues on the subject of astrology consist of a wide range of arguments about its negative, destructive nature in general, as well as negative, destructive practices which are alleged to be associated with it. While on the practical end of the spectrum one might be duly cautioned about such factors as unscrupulous individuals who claim to be knowledgeable and professional in the field of astrology while in fact are nothing more than con-artists attempting to scam curious and/or desperate potential clients into paying for their services, an equally-valid argument about the practice of astrology is that a person may be prone to becoming dependent, and using it in a negative manner, such as using “what the horoscope says” to rationalize or justify wrongful behavior and traits which they should be attempting to change.

    However, in discussing arguments against the belief in and practice of astrology, there is nothing that holds more weight, power, and expressing of influence, than that of the religious sector known as Christian Fundamentalism. Although both the Old and the New Testaments contain detailed references to the belief in and practice of astrology, the fundamentalist interpretations of the subject are decidedly different from the references written in the Bible. While the Biblical references to astrology range, in various parts and situations, from pointless and benevolent to wrong to powerful, fundamentalism takes the angle that astrology is not only Godless but one-hundred-percent evil and demonically-inspired.

    Preferring to categorize astrology in the same terms as other forms of the occult and supernatural phenomenon, Christian Fundamentalism believes and teaches that practices as simple as reading one’s horoscope in the daily newspaper is a matter of opening oneself up to the evil spirits known as demons. Fundamentalists believe that in practicing astrology one is making himself to be a channel for demons and, therefore, open to all of the power and influence of satan himself.

    Fundamentalist Christians place astrology in the same category as sorcery and enchantment, connecting the same negative view to all of these subjects. They state that if a person dabbles in astrology, he will soon find himself under the control of a “strange, evil power,” ultimately becoming fatalistic and unconcerned about the prospect of his own death.

    While some passages in the Bible may speak of the impotent nature of astrology, such as stating that an astrologer does not even have the power to save himself, much less anyone else; and that when relying on astrology one’s focus shifts away from his reliance on God, it is generally just the fundamentalist segment of the population which deems the entire concept to be evil, and choosing to be influenced and led by satan. It may be interesting to note that the Bible itself, even where clearly stating the potentially-negative aspects of astrology, does not make any such connections.

  • Astrology And Its Influences

    Taking much of the country by surprise, and causing a great number of negative reactions, was when it became publicly-known that then-president Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy not only frequently consulted an astrologer, but based numerous important decisions on astrology, such as Reagan’s chances in the 1976 presidential election, and his eventual choice of George Bush as his vice-president. While governor of California, Ronald Reagan signed into law a new chapter and section of the government code, which granted astrologers the right to practice astrology for compensation. Even more surprising was learning that a number of previous presidents had also followed this practice as well as such famous world-leaders as Winston Churchill.

    Celebrities are also known to believe in and follow the paths of astrology when deciding the course of their careers, often being quite outspoken about their beliefs. David Coverdale, of the popular group Whitesnake, has commented that he and his wife rigorously follow astrology; actor Robert Downey, Jr., and singer Britney Spears are also amongst those who consult astrologers on a regular basis. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books series, liberally sprinkles astrological symbolism in her material. “Astrologers to the stars” occasionally become as much in the spotlight of the public eye as the stars who consult them.

    If world-renowned politicians and stars in the entertainment industry have been placing so much value on the subject of astrology, is it any wonder that many average Americans are doing likewise? A recent Harris Poll has concluded that at least thirty-one percent of Americans have some degree of belief in astrology nearly half of these being in the twenty-five to twenty-nine-year old age group, with the belief in this practice falling to fourteen percent for those over sixty-five years of age.

    The highest percentages of American adults who believe in astrology as being a valid and significant influence in one’s life are women, democrats, and those who have a high school or less education– yet even Benjamin Franklin professed and wrote about his own personal belief in astrology, which illustrates that this subject is by no means limited to any certain categories of individuals, and that its popularity is most definitely not new, as it has long been embraced by well-known, respected people in all fields.

    Astrology is described as studying the celestial bodies in relation to their influence on natural events and human experiences. It is called pseudoscience, proven science, superstition, anti-Christian, and a host of other descriptions based primarily on individual viewpoints on the subject. But for celebrities, politicians, world leaders, and a large segment of the population of average citizens alike, it is frequently a very strong influencing factor in people’s lives.

  • Astrology In America And Other Parts Of The World

    It is interesting to note that while only approximately thirty-one percent of adults in the United States believe in astrology, research studies show that fifty-two percent of Europeans consider astrology to be a science.

    The main forms of astrology which are predominantly in current practice are Indian astrology, Western astrology, and Chinese astrology. In the United States, Western astrology is the most popular. The most well-known aspect of Western astrology is the zodiac sign; based on the belt of constellations, each of which was interpreted as resembling various figures, the zodiac signs (or, also referred to as the astrological signs) are called Aries (the ram), Taurus (the bull), Gemini (the twins), Cancer (the crab), Leo (the lion), Virgo (the virgin), Libra (the scales), Scorpio (the scorpion), Sagittarius (the archer), Capricorn (the goat), Aquarius (the water-bearer), Pisces (the fishes).

    Horoscopes, which are the most basic interpretations, are based on which sign was in effect when a person was born; and whether a person was born on the “cusp,” which means the very beginning or very end of the particular sign. In addition to utilizing a sign to determine life events and predict one’s future, a sign is also thought to be relevant to learning about specific characteristics of one’s personality and even predisposition toward various potential health conditions, as one’s sign is believed to govern certain parts of one’s body. Odd as it may sound, many who have carefully studied this type of information have found it to be quite accurate. For example, while every Virgo is not “practical,” “fastidious,” and “strong-minded,” this trait is indeed a common factor amongst many who were born under this sign; and while all who were born under the sign of Virgo do not develop stomach, intestinal, or reproductive difficulties, many Virgos are indeed more prone to these problems than other people.

    Another form of astrology is Indian astrology, which is also called Jyotisa, or Vedic astrology. Its foundation is the belief of connection between the microcosm and the macrocosm the smaller parts and the universal. Although interest in Vedic astrology is widespread, as it is currently practiced in India it is a significant part of their culture, as people rely on it for all of the important decisions in their lives, from business to marriage.

    During the last few decades, Indian astrology has become internationally popular, but it has been a part of India’s culture for centuries. Vedic astrology is said to have first been revealed more than 7000 years ago. Thus, what is said to have originated with the Brahma has spread in popularity to such places as Arizona, which is the home of the American College of Vedic Astrology, currently offering online courses for those interested in learning how to become certified astrologers. Most astrologers offering Vedic astrology readings, however, are located in India.

    Chinese astrology is based on the calendar cycle, rather than on constellations. In this form of astrology, the zodiac signs are named after animals the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. Going by the Chinese calendar, each of these animals are assigned to the lunar months. The animals are also assigned to the time of day during which the individual person was born.

    In addition to the animals, there are five elements wood, fire, earth, metal, water which are believed to modify the characteristics of the animals signs. One of the main purposes and functions is to achieve balance, and to affect whatever changes are necessary in order to achieve that balance. Chinese astrology, also, has begun to attain widespread popularity in America.

  • Astrology Is For Everyone!

    Granted, the largest number of people who put the most focus into astrology are adult-aged women. Most women see themselves in terms of being both the “keeper” the one who is responsible for all of the other people in her life and her relationships with them; as well as having the generally-female characteristic of feeling that whether her life is good or bad, that it is her place to be in the position of affecting positive changes. It is primarily for these reasons that women make up the majority of astrology-seekers. Through astrology, women can learn more about themselves, their lives, their associates, and their futures; and, in gaining such knowledge, can be in the very beneficial position of assessing their personal strengths and weaknesses, which in turn will provide many opportunities for taking control of one’s life.

    Fewer men gain a serious interest in astrology. When they do, it is usually less a matter of wanting a general overview of their lives than of needing specific details and answers for specific questions or problems. Men are more likely to focus their interest in astrology on such topics as how to get a particular job, how to make business decisions, and questions about whether or not to relocate to a different area. All of these subjects can be brought up in an astrological reading, and he can find the answers or solutions which he needs in order to be better informed and make decisions which are most likely to have the best outcome for him.

    Teenagers and young adults are often curious about astrology. Unfortunately, if they are not properly informed, they may hold the standard belief that astrology is basically about predicting the future and little more. Teens can be best aided by astrology by understanding that the scope of astrology goes far beyond simple predictions; and, even more important, that even predictions themselves are only a matter of what is “likely” to occur– that the person himself or herself has a great ability to influence what actually does occur, by his or her own responses to the events which happen each day. Astrology works best when viewed as a map of possibility, over which the individual has much influence.

    This can be a wonderful asset for any teenager or young adult who is at the stage in life where he or she wishes to make solid decisions and plans for the future. The first part is in seeing one’s future predictions in terms of what is likely to occur, and to gain an understanding on how to affect changes to one’s course of action in order to result in a positive outcome. Learning that one is not helpless, nor bound to a predetermined destiny, is a wonderful feeling for all but most especially for young people!

    The second part of astrology which is very important to youth is being able to gain a deeper understanding into themselves their specific character traits and personalities. It can be a good feeling to learn that many others share similar qualities! And, for a young person who is not entirely comfortable with various aspects of his or her personality, realizing that it is within his or her own power to change the less desirable traits and strengthen those traits which appeal to him or her the most, will go a long way in granting a teenager or young adult the appreciated state of knowing it is within themselves to improve what they wish to improve and rely more heavily on the traits which give them the most potential for a happy, well-adjusted life.

  • Common Misconceptions about Astrology

    There are many common misconceptions about astrology in the Western world. Astrology in America has been turned into a form of entertainment and is not taken seriously by many people. However, the truth is that there is a lot of truth and usefulness in the art of astrology. Here are the three most common misconceptions about astrology, and the truth behind the myth.

    Common Misconception about Astrology Number One: Horoscopes do not work because astrology is bunk.

    The Truth: Horoscopes are entertainment created based on limited aspects of the true study of astrology. Horoscopes are created using the basic sun signs and the influences on them from planetary movements and alignments. Since not every person with a particular sun sign have the same astrological chart, horoscopes are rarely accurate for more than a handful of people.

    Real astrology predictions are made by using individual astrological information combined with current astrological influences. These in depth astrology readings are very difficult and complex, and cannot be created reliably on a mass basis. Therefore, horoscopes serve as a basis for entertainment and what may happen based on sun sign alone.

    Common Misconception about Astrology Number Two: Astrology is an ancient practice that holds no place in reality, such as Greek and Roman tales of Hercules and gods and goddesses.

    The Truth: Astrology has been practiced since pre-historic times. There have been maps of the stars and other evidences found that astrology was practiced by the Egyptians, the Incans, and the Aztecs. Additionally, China and India have long practiced astrology and used its predictions in their daily lives for millennia, and continue to do so.

    It is even recently understood that astrology played a large role in the Christian story of the birth of Jesus Christ. The three wise men used astrological phenomena rather than an actual star to discern the events that were about to occur and the fact that they would occur in the land of Judah. Based on this new found information, it is becoming more difficult for people to dismiss astrology as myth and legend.

    Common Misconception about Astrology Number Three: Real astrology is not practiced in the United States.

    The Truth: Much of the astrology practiced in the United States is not a real study of astrology and is for entertainment purposes only, such as horoscopes. However, there are still real astrology experts in America. While they are few compared to the general consensus of astrologists, and may be difficult to find, there are many of them out there.

    The best places to find real astrologists in the United States are in communities where diversity has not driven out the New Age population. True astrologists and New Agers can be found in small communities of large cities and at what is sometimes called “enlightenment festivals.” There are also New Age and occult book stores and other shops where you may find real astrology experts. Additionally, you can find real astrologists at pagan festivals and psychic fairs held throughout America at various times of the year.

  • The History of Astrology

    The history of astrology is actually quite interesting. Astrology has been a major part of many cultures going back to pre-historic times. Some of the history of astrology is masked in controversy and mystery, because astrology was used before tools were developed to see planets that cannot be seen without the naked eye.

    Astrology made its first appearance in pre-historic times. Maps of the heavens were found on cave walls, much the same as other cave drawings. These are the most controversial and mysterious of all evidences of the history of astrology. These cave dwellers could not possibly have had the tools necessary to see the planets. How did they know where they were?

    The next appearance of astrology was in ancient Mesopotamia and other ancient cultures. These cultures also had extensive astrology charts that cannot be explained. However, the study of astrology was likely passed to Greece through trade with these ancient civilizations.

    Astrology in Greece expanded to the form that we recognize in the western world today. Astrology was a daily part of life in Greece, and the Roman Empire to follow. The names of the planets, the constellations, and the sun and moon signs are all named for Roman deities and other names.

    Greek and Roman scholars were often guaranteed positions in the court of the current king or emperor. Their knowledge of the stars was regarded as a necessary part of royal decisions, battle planning, and other aspects of royal life. However, astrology experts of these times often found their lives ending abruptly when the current government did not like what they had to say.

    For these and other reasons the art of astrology was lost. However, it made a nice come back in Western Europe during the time of the Renaissance. Astrology was once more a revered art form, and those who studied astrology were thought to be some of the greatest minds of the period. However, when the age of enlightenment ended, astrology once more became an obscure and little discussed topic.

    In the late eighteen hundreds astrology once more came to light. A few brave souls formed a foundation for the study of astrology. The interest in the study of the stars became wide spread throughout Western Europe, and spread to America in the early nineteen hundreds.

    In the 1930’s, the art of astrology became very common place. In the middle of that decade, Gerald Gardner formed the religion now known as Gardnerian Wicca. Wicca, like pagan religions before it, focused on astrology for the use of divination. Astrology was also brought to popularity in America through the publication of American Astrology, a magazine credited for the first horoscopes.

    Astrology became a form of entertainment for many in America as horoscopes became commonly found in major newspapers and other popular print media. However, astrology as an art has once again begun to fade in the Western world. Christian groups still rile against the study of the stars, and many “reasonable” people refuse to see any truth in the astrological predictions. Still, astrology remains a popular study in many cultures today.

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