Tag: astrology love

  • Aspects of Astrology

    There are many aspects of astrology that are not often considered by those who do not actually study the subject. Most people think that astrology consists of sun signs. However, there are many other aspects of astrology that must be considered for the art to be truly accurate and useful.

    The Planets

    There are ten planets studied in astrology. The number ten is arrived by adding the sun and the moon. The earth is not counted, because our perspective is from the earth. Each planet influences both the sun sign and the house in which it resides in the astrological chart.

    Each planet represents the influence that it holds over the sun sign and the house in which it rules. Saturn, for example, represents the limitations of man. Jupiter represents leadership and prosperity. The other planets have their own representations and influences.

    Planetary movements and alignments are also very important in astrology. Various planetary alignments and movements can indicate extreme influences over all aspects of our lives. For example, when Mars is in retrograde, conflicts will be more dominant in our lives.

    The Houses

    There are twelve houses in the Zodiac, or astrological chart. Each house represents an aspect of our lives such as romance, career, or family. The houses are very important in the interpretation of astrology. The house in which a planet resides shows what influences will be held over that aspect of our life.

    Because there are twelve houses but only ten planets, each astrological chart will have two vacant houses. These vacant houses represent areas of the life that are unimportant in this life. It is believed that either you have been successful in that aspect of your life in another life, or other aspects of life are in more immediate need of attention than those represented by the vacant houses.

    The Signs

    The Zodiac sun signs are the most common aspect of astrology. There are twelve sun signs, based, roughly, on the months of the year. Each sun sign rules for approximately twenty eight days.

    The twelve signs of the Zodiac are well known to most people. They include Capricorn, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Scorpio, Gemini, Libra, Leo, and Ares, among others. The sun signs are most often used to create typical horoscopes.

    The Moon Signs

    The moon also has twelve signs that are used in the interpretation of astrology, as well as the phases of the moon that are commonly known. The twelve signs of the moon are named after the twelve signs of the sun. However, these signs do not meet often.

    The twelve signs of the moon circulate monthly rather than yearly. Therefore, each sign of the Zodiac occurs within its own sign of the moon one time each month. This may occur for one to three days. It is when the sun sign and moon sign are the same that the individual’s mental clarity is at its peak.

    When the sign of the moon is the opposite of the sun sign of the individual in question, conflict will ensue. Some phases of the moon are detrimental to decision making regardless of the sun sign held by the individual. In any case, the moon’s energies and emotions influence the overall readings of the rest of the aspects of astrology.

  • The New Popularity of Astrology

    Astrology has been a part of daily life in America for some time, but it was not always so. The popularity of astrology has ebbed and waned for the last several thousands of years in the Western World. Only in the last hundred years has astrology actually become popular once more in the Western World. Furthermore, it has only been in the last twenty years that serious study of astrology has surfaced in America.

    Astrology actually made its debut in the Western world thousands of years ago in Mesopotamia. The art of astrology traveled to Greece around 600 BC. The practice further spread throughout the Roman world, then abruptly disappeared.

    With the European “age of enlightenment,” also known as the Renaissance period, astrology once more made an appearance in the western world. The study of astrology and its use in daily life became commonplace. However, Christianity and the early leaders of the religion drove out astrology once more.

    Astrology did not reappear on the scene until the late eighteen hundreds. During this time, two prominent astrologists came forward and began publishing information about their art. This practice reached America in the early nineteen hundreds, and then continued to spread.

    In the late 1930’s, the study of astrology became even more commonplace in America with the publication of American Astrology, a magazine which offered the first detailed horoscopes. While the magazine itself did not remain in print for long, the study of astrology and American interest in the art continued to prosper for some time. Horoscopes have appeared in major newspapers and later other print media since that time.

    However, the actual art of astrology and the serious study of the stars was once again lost. In the sixties and seventies serious astrologists once more came to light, and more people began to take the study of astrology seriously. This was the beginning of what is known as the New Age movement.

    Throughout the last several decades the New Age movement has continued to evolve. The study of occult religions such as Wicca further encouraged the study and use of astrology in America. Today, astrology is a very controversial topic in America for some, and a way of life for others.

    The popularity of astrology has grown significantly over the last twenty years. More and more people have turned to Wicca and the occult for answers that they feel have not been found in Christianity. In these religions people feel that they have more control over their lives. Astrology is one part o that control. It is used to plan for the future and make decisions in the present.

    Books on the topic have also become very commonplace in America over the last twenty years. Books no longer cover simple horoscopes and zodiac signs. Books on astrology that actually teach the art of divination and astrological charting have become very common and popular. Even though some Christian groups still rile against the art, astrology is alive and well in America today.

  • How Astrology Can Be Helpful In Your Life

    Astrology can be much more than an entertainment, it can also be very helpful to you in many situations and many areas of your life. Astrology can be beneficial when you are confronted with difficulties, dilemmas, and questions; and it will also serve a good purpose in your average, everyday life. If you have either specific problems or merely general, basic concerns, gaining insight into astrology will help provide you with the answers you may be searching for.

    Many people first develop an interest in astrology because they wish to know about their futures what is on their particular horizon, what to expect in the day ahead or the coming weeks, months, or even longer. But while this surely is one of the most interesting aspects of astrology, it becomes even better when you are advised that the wealth of information which is presented to you in your readings is not solid, unchangeable fact, but rather more like a map which, with assistance and determination, you can learn to navigate. Your readings will tell you what is likely to occur but it is your responses to each set of circumstances in your everyday life which will determine the ultimate outcome. Being able to know the “possible future” in advance can be a great help when you are making your daily choices and decisions.

    The subject of relationships is a topic-of-interest to many people who consult astrology for information and advice. Regardless of your relationship-status, astrology can be helpful. If you are in a longterm, committed relationship, such as marriage, astrology can assist you in better understanding your mate, and better communication. If you are considering a special person as a “potential,” astrology can help you to determine whether you and your special person are compatible. If you are, as many who become astrology-curious are, wishing for there to be a significant person in your life, it can help you gain a better view to what type of person you are looking for, and what kind of person would be best for you.

    Whether you opt for the generalized horoscopes in your daily newspaper or to consult with a professional astrologer, astrology will give you a much clearer view into your own personality and its workings. While it may sound odd, or even impossible, that being born under a certain sign almost universally points toward specific personality traits and characteristics, if you do a bit of investigating into what your sign states about you, you may be surprised at how accurate this information is! In addition, when this information is directly in front of you to look at, you will then have the opportunity to decide if there are traits and characteristics which you wish to affect some degree of change upon, as well as seeing all of the positive aspects of your personality and focus on them to make choices for such factors as what type of career you are best suited for.

    Astrology is also handy when it comes to relating to other people. Upon learning the personality characteristics of your own sign, and following that with the traits of those with whom you interact in your everyday life, you can achieve a better grasp on the dynamics of interacting. Learning about how each person’s sign-determined personality traits affect their interactions with others will be a great asset in understanding your family members, coworkers, and others in your daily life. It will help you to appreciate each person’s strengths; and it will also help you in avoiding possible friction; therefore creating better relationships and better communication.

  • Astrology And The New-Age Movement

    Learning about astrology is absolutely essential for anyone who is interested in the New Age movement! As the New Age movement is based on the belief that everything and everyone in the universe is spiritually interconnected, that concept lends itself to a wide range of beliefs which promote it, such as the connection of everything in the cosmos, mystical power known as “energy” or “energy fields,” and, of course, astrology. One particular form of astrology, quite different from the usual types which are more well-known, is very much aligned to the New Age movement and its beliefs; it is called Karmic astrology.

    Founded by Martin Shulman, belief in karmic astrology is based on the concept of karma what one specific individual sees and perceives is different from what another specific individual sees or experiences in the same situation, due to each having his or her own life lessons to process, lessons which were not satisfactorily processed in one’s past lives. Instead of assessing the differences of individual persons as being due to each having his or her own unique personality, mind and emotions, karmic astrology stresses that it is a matter of one having not properly fulfilled his karmic role in his previous lives. Karmic astrology is the only form of astrology which bases its conclusions on reincarnation; and that one’s true influence, which covers everything from one’s opinions to one’s means of experience, is not coming from one’s present-day life, it’s coming from one’s past.

    The forms of astrology which most people are familiar with Western astrology, Chinese astrology, Indian or Vedic astrology emphasizes the events in a person’s life and how to affect positive direction. Karmic astrology, however, views the individual’s life as that which has been reincarnated for the purpose of completing that which had not been completed in his previous life aspects of himself and his life which he should improve, change, and grow.

    In tune with this concept are New Age practices such as “alternative” medicine, which take numerous non-medical angles such as herbs and massage in the treatment of medical conditions, and, even more strongly stressed, and even in the absence of any such diseases or conditions, focusing on the individual person’s need to “heal.”

    Although it has not been categorically explained, it seems that placing such a strong emphasis on a person’s need to heal is based on the New Age movement’s view of reincarnation that simply being in this life coincides with the Karmic belief that a person has not gained closure from whatever came before. Consequently, karmic astrology differs from the more widely-accepted forms of astrology in that while the focus of the latter is on charting the course of a person’s life and guiding direction for a person’s best possible potential, the focus of karmic astrology is essentially on “fixing what is wrong with” a person. As such, those who claim to be professionals in the scope of karmic astrology are far different from the more standard astrologers, preferring terminology such as “healing” and the misuse of other esoteric language, frequently referred to as “psychobabble.” In other words, karmic astrology bears very little resemblance to the concepts and practices which most people know as Astrology.

  • How to use Astrology to Improve Relationships

    Astrology is the study of the stars and their influence on our daily lives. The study of astrology can allow you to understand how these influences affect your life and the people around you. This can help you to better plan and deal with all of your relationships.

    The first step in using astrology to improve your relationship is to obtain your own astrological birth chart. Your astrological birth chart and its interpretation can help you understand your origins and underlying forces behind your behavior and reactions to others. With further study of astrological influences you will begin to understand the best times for you to make decisions and work through problems that can occur in relationships.

    The next step in using astrology to improve your relationships is to obtain the astrological birth chart of the people that you want to become closer to. These astrological birth charts and their interpretations will enable you to see some things about these people that you may have not yet seen. They will also allow you to learn more about their origins, and the events that may have occurred in their lives to bring them from this pure personality to the person that they are today.

    With further study of the art of astrology you can learn how the various planets, planetary movements and alignments, the position of the sun and the moon affect your moods, reactions to events, and reactions to others. You will also be able to learn how these astrological influences affect the people that you have relationships with. This information will arm you with the necessary tools you will need in order to confront problems in relationships at the most opportune times.

    The next step in using astrology to improve your relationships is to obtain software that will enable you to track planetary movements, planetary alignments, and other astrological phenomena. The most helpful astrology software will also provide descriptions of how these astrological phenomena will affect various signs and personalities. This information will allow to you plan discussions, events, and major decisions.

    The best thing about using astrology to improve your relationships is that when you have all of this information you will be better prepared for your own emotions and reactions as well as those of the people in your relationships. This will allow you to understand the basis behind the actions, reactions, and emotions of these people. It can help you understand when you are the cause of a problem, when they are the cause of a problem, and when astrological influences are simply making resolution difficult.

    When you have this information you are able to better communicate with the people in your relationships. You will know when to distance yourself emotionally from decisions, and when you are most likely to have conflict so that it can be avoided with effort. When you understand astrological influences on yourself and your loved ones you will be better prepared to deal with anything that comes your way.

  • The Basics of Astrology

    To be put quite simply, astrology is the study of the stars. The stars as referred to in astrology refer to the planets, the sun, and the moon. Astrology has been used throughout history as a form of entertainment, a part of religion, and a part of daily life.

    Astrology begins with the mapping of the planets, including the sun and the moon. This map is called an astrological chart. Most often an astrological chart is designed for someone at birth. To determine the position of the planets, sun, and moon for an astrological chart the astrologist needs to know the exact location of the birth, the exact time, and the date of the birth.

    The planets found on the astrological chart are the Sun, the moon, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, Mercury, and Pluto. The earth is not considered because it is the point in the universe from which we view the other planets. The sun and moon are considered planets in astrology, which is hard for some people to remember.

    In the astrological chart consists of twelve houses. Each house represents an aspect of life, such as romance, career, family, etc. Since there are only ten planets, each astrological chart will have two vacant houses. Vacant houses represent aspects of life which, for whatever reason, the cosmos do not feel you need to work on. In other words, you may have mastered this aspect of life in another life or realm.

    The position of the sun also determines your sun sign. This is the first aspect of astrology studied on the astrological chart. Next, the positions of the planets are studied in relation to their influence on the sun sign. Finally, the moon sign and position is studied in relation to the rest of the astrological chart.

    The interpretation of an astrological birth chart as a whole will paint the picture of the original personality of the individual. The birth chart found through astrology later in life may not appear accurate. This is due to the fact that other astrological phenomena in conjunction with life events alter the personality over time.

    Astrology is the study of this astrological chart, as well as the prediction of the future based on how other astrological phenomena might influence the original readings. The interpretation of the astrological chart is also a large part of the art of astrology, and is necessary for accurate predictions.

    The use of astrology in predictions is considered an art for a reason. Not only must the astrology expert interpret the birth chart and the current astrological phenomena, but the astrology expert must also interpret any astrological phenomena that may have altered the personality of the individual over time. Amazingly, life changing events can often be seen using astrology readings from the time of the event.

    Many major events in history can also be marked by astrology readings. For example, the fall of the Roman Empire was marked by astrological phenomena. The horror of 9/11 and the destruction of the twin towers was also awaited by those who study astrology. Even the birth of Christ was marked by astrological phenemona.

  • How to Find Reliable Information about Astrology

    Finding information about astrology can be very easy to do. However, no all of the information about astrology found on the internet, in books, and from phone lines is entirely accurate. There are many inaccurate or inadequate sources of information about astrology.

    For the beginning astrologist especially it can be very difficult to determine what sources of information about astrology are the best sources to learn from. Doing a simple internet search or picking up the random book from your local bookstore may teach you the basics. However, for a more in depth study of astrology you really want to have accurate and detailed information.

    There are several places that you can find excellent information about astrology. The internet is a veritable gold mine when it comes to finding information on any topic. Finding accurate information, however, can be a little more tricky.

    The best place to start your search on the internet for information about astrology is with a Google search for “astrology 101” or “what is astrology.” These searches will bring up websites that explain astrology rather than websites that are simply trying to sell you your astrological birth chart or astrological software. However, not all websites you will find through this search will be good sources of information about astrology.

    When you start sifting through the undoubtedly massive list of search results, you will want to watch for a few things at each website. The website should provide information about all aspects of astrology. In other words, the websites you trust for information about astrology should list at least basic information about houses, ascendants, sun signs, moon influences, and planets or planetary movements.

    Some websites will provide very general information about these topics. Generally these websites are trying to sell you something such as your astrological birth chart or astrology related software. However, these websites can be a good place to get an overview of astrology.

    The best websites for information about astrology will be those that do not sell any products or services, but only provide useful and reliable information. These websites will give you much more reliable information about astrology. They will provide in depth explanations, and may even provide charts of dates and houses so that you can develop your own astrological chart.

    You can also find reliable information about astrology in some very good books. These books are typically found in New Age or occult book shops. Avoid books on astrology that provide horoscopes or relationship advice based on sun signs. The zodiac is helpful, but astrology encompasses all planets and stars, not just the sun.

    The best information about astrology will be found in books that outline the various houses, planets, and ascendants, just as you will look for in web sites. If you are not sure what books hold the most reliable information about astrology you can ask the book store staff.

    In any case, you should check into several sources of information about astrology rather than relying on one single source. The variety of information about astrology that you find will give you a broader understanding of both the truths and the misconceptions involved with the study of astrology. It will also better prepare you for a life long study of the ancient art.

  • Where To Find Astrology

    If you have developed an interest in astrology the belief that your personality, relationships, and occurrences is your life are all influenced by the position of cosmic objects at the time of your birth there are a number of sources which can help you gain further information about this interesting topic, as well as how to incorporate astrology into your decisions, plans, and your everyday life.

    While the most important and well-known factor is your astrological zodiac sign, it is better, more complex and more accurate if you also know the date, time, and place of your birth this, which is known as natal astrology, is the foundation by which astrologers make analyses and predictions regarding one’s life, personality, and future. While there are both differences and similarities between the Western zodiac and the Chinese zodiac, the main factors which are taken into account are that Western astrology is based on the solar year, whereas Chinese astrology is based on the lunar year; and in Western astrology the month sign is the primary factor, whereas in Chinese astrology the year sign is the main factor.

    There is an almost limitless supply of astrology-related information readily available. For those who have sparked a new interest, the most basic and easiest to understand are the daily horoscopes which can be found in most in-print newspapers and many magazines. These horoscopes, however, are based on nothing more than one’s zodiac sign; and, as such, are very generalized and “generic.” Even some of those who write these syndicated columns occasionally comment that since they are not personalized to each individual, they usually fall more into the scope of suggestibility that if you “read in your horoscope” that something good or bad will happen, it’s likely that actual occurrences will follow in accordance with what you’ve been led to believe will happen. Books of the ‘My Daily Horoscope’ nature can also be found in supermarkets and other stores these, too, are compiled of generalized information based solely on one’s zodiac sign.

    A step above these forms of astrology are “personalized readings.” For those who have a serious belief in astrology, these can be considered much more accurate, as they are based on one’s own personal information specifically, the location, date, and exact time of one’s birth. Free personalized horoscopes of daily, weekly, or monthly readings can be obtained upon request and by providing these details; you will then receive these readings in your email inbox. If you have not already received email advertisements for these astrological readings, there are countless numbers of links to sites where you can put in a request.

    You can also opt for personal consultations and readings from astrologers who have been granted accreditation by the American Federation of Astrologers. AFA, which can be contacted toll-free at 888-301-7630, and is located in Tempe, Arizona, provides correspondence courses and testing which requires that an individual has gained solid workable knowledge of setting up astrological charts, calculating and interpreting horoscopes, various branches of astrology, etc. A student who has met the basic standards has the designation AMAFA; a professional who has gained full comprehensive knowledge of the subject is designated PMAFA. Before consulting a personal astrologer one should decide what type of information is desired, as many specialize in specific areas, such as finances, relationships, etc.

  • How You Can Learn More About Astrology

    If you have either a serious interest in astrology, or have simply become curious, there are so many potential resources that you may take a brief look at the seemingly-endless supply and become intimidated. How can a newcomer to the subject of astrology possibly navigate through so much information? The answer is to begin with the basics. If you are a beginner, and uncertain as to what “the basics” consist of, some places are better equipped to provide this information in an easy-to-understand manner than others.

    Rob Tillett, of Australia’s Astrology On The Web, has been a practicing astrologer for over three decades. His articles on the Astrology On The Web website begin with the most absolute basics, all clearly written in a manner which is easily understood by anyone, and progresses to much more detailed manners of analyzing. Directed toward those who are newcomers to the subject of astrology, Mr. Tillett
    makes it clear that astrology is not a matter of showing a person what is inevitable, but how one’s own free will plays a most deciding role in the events which will eventually come to pass in one’s life. This information will give the beginner a sense of confidence and strength.

    Mr. Tillet also explains in clear language about how astrology works. Without complicating the subject or risking confusion for the beginner with unnecessary technical terms, he describes what exists and how everything is connected. Even the most non-technically-inclined newcomer will be able to understand Mr. Tillet’s explanations of astrology and his descriptions of how it all works. His articles on the Astrology On The Web site are definitely the best place as one’s first source of information about astrology.

    Astrology On The Web is made up of a team of ten people, all of whom are very well-versed in the field of astrology in general, as well as being experts on a number of related topics, such as numerology and meditation. While the website itself will provide a wide range of general information on all aspects of astrology, you can also order books or personal readings, if you wish. There is also a message forum where you can share information, questions, and insight with other people who have similar interests in astrology and its related fields.

    If you are interested in the comparisons and differences between Indian astrology and Western astrology, the Vedic Encyclopedia is an excellent source for this information. From the Vedic Encyclopedia you will first learn that while Western astrology is greatly affected by the modern world, the roots upon which Vedic astrology was initially based are as strong and continuous in the present-day as when this form of astrology first began.

    To learn more about Chinese astrology, a good beginning would be to read the books on this subject written by Suzanne White. “The New Chinese Astrology” and “Chinese Astrology Plain and Simple” will give you the best overview of this specific form of astrology.

    Whether you have already decided which form of astrology interests you the most, of if you would like to gain a basic understanding of each type in order to decide which suits you the best, these are three very good sources of information.

  • The Importance of Astrology

    Many people do not recognize the importance of astrology. Astrology is an important part of history, as well as our daily lives. Astrology can also predict future events to some degree. It influences our moods, the moods of others, and the reactions that we have to everyday occurrences.

    The importance of astrology was well known to people of ancient history. Maps of the stars and evidences of the use of astrology in daily life have been found in pre-historic cave drawings, ancient manuscripts, and Egyptian pyramids. The most recent, and possibly the most astounding, discovery about astrology in history involves the birth of Christ according to the Christian bible.

    It has been determined that the star of Bethlehem was actually an astrological event, consisting of many stars and astrological meanings. Scientists and astrologists now believe that it was not a star at all. The wise men from the east understood that the major event would happen in Judah based on the alignment of planets within the constellation of the Lion. In other words, the wise men used astrology to discern the event of the birth, not a star.

    The importance of astrology is still well known to many cultures. The people of India and China put great stock in astrology even today. They practice the art of astrology in their daily lives, and base major decisions on the science.

    In the Western world, astrology has become more of a form of entertainment. Horoscopes based on sun signs are published in every major newspaper and magazine across the United States. Horoscope scrolls and booklets can be purchased in most supermarket checkout lanes. And so-called astrologists charge $1.99 per minute to get your astrological reading over the phone.

    But many people do not understand that astrology in its truest form is actually of the utmost importance. Astrology is quite simply the study of the planets and stars and their influence on our lives. These influences are quite real.

    Have you ever noticed that around the time of the new moon you have difficulty making decisions? The phases of the moon actually affect our minds and emotions much more than many people realize. This is only a small part of the importance of astrology.

    Perhaps you have noticed that your moods change drastically during stretches of time that seem to have no pattern at all. A study of the planetary movements or alignments during those times might reveal that a pattern actually does exist. The position of the planets in your astrological chart at any given time can be viewed in relation to their position in your birth chart. These comparisons can show reasons for changes in mood and daily reactions to events.

    In short, the importance of astrology lies in the direct influence that the moon, sun, and stars play in our lives. Our lives are affected by many people and events. These people and events are influenced by astrology as much as you are.

    When you understand how astrology affects others and yourself, you can begin to use the knowledge of those influences to your benefit. When your astrological chart shows that your emotions will be unsteady for a few days, you can put off major decisions until that time has passed. In reality, the importance of astrology is really the importance of your life.

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