Tag: WordPress

  • An Introduction to Blogging – The Basics

    The blogging phenomena have reached the attention of the masses far and wide. Those who appreciate journalism would enjoy the engaging in the new hype of writing articles. Blogging’s popularity is constantly devouring the multimedia industry through the contributions of the literary advocate.

    It’s a web page jam packed with all the journalistic compositions and discussions about different agendas. A combination of having an on-line diary, compact topics, the role of blogging has become vital to cyber society.

    Blogs are updated on a regular basis and is arranged chronologically considering the first subject being the newest. Categories are organized. From archives to commentaries, to blogrolls down to the feeds.


    Typically, a blog’s content would greatly depend on the topic it’s dealing with. If you’re advertising something, perfume, apparel, or a vintage automobile, you could feature catalogs of the products mentioned. Personal blogs consists of daily happenings, observations, comments about another’s comment.

    Schools and universities can put posts containing write-ups regarding their campus’ historical background, faulty and subjects or courses offered. A blog should be updated daily to give readers reasons to keep coming back for more. A human mind always seeks for something new. Therefore, update.


    Comments are very much welcome. Come one, come all! It doesn’t matter who would give out a comment for as long as somebody did write something. Bottom line: what you’ve written had an effect on that mind and aroused some opinions to merit it. Be glad you have a comment. At least someone has read your posts. Here, interaction takes place.

    Tools and Concepts

    Blogging can be a fuss if you don’t how the process works. What in the world does RRS, URL, blogroll, and all that jazz mean? How can I use it? For greater understanding, here are some terms and definitions of some of the tool usually used in blogging and the concepts that go with it.

    Below are the letters comprising the blogging alphabet. Some letters were not included for the reason that it’s totally irrelevant to the readers and might cause confusion on their part. I’ve just enumerated the frequently asked terms.

    Archives – records of important documents or files preserved

    Blogrolls – categorized list of networks to web pages

    Comment Spam – irrelevant comments posted on a web page containing to one or more domains

    Downloads – a verb pertaining to the pictures, audios, or videos streamed from the author’s device memory

    Excerpt – summarized ideas of the post usually having a part of the entire article

    Feeds – part of another’s site supplying the material for one site

    Guests – are the readers, viewers, spammers, etc., who visits your site

    Hosts – web sites willing to accommodate your registration as a blogger

    Introduction – preliminary part of the blog page showing the personal profile of the author or a brief description of the subject

    Links – a tie up with a series of sections in the web suitable for navigation from one site to another; also known as a “permalink” or “hyperlink”

    Plugins – combined term for plug-ins, these are characters or scripts adding additional function to the site

    And that’s it. All primary words elaborated above embody the blogging community. Easy access to the blog doesn’t mean easy manipulation. It must have certain concepts and tools to make blogging possible. The posts are one thing, how to capture the attention is the objective.

  • The Exciting New Frontier Of Professional Blogging

    Professional blogging is a very new idea with a lot of
    potential for entrepreneurs who have insight, drive, and
    a basic understanding of today’s innovative web
    technology. The ranks of so-called pro bloggers are still
    quite small, and there are very few people who make
    their living entirely off of their blogs. However, every
    day there are more and more people who have managed
    to turn their weblogs into cash cows that supplement
    their income. The number of pro bloggers is growing by
    leaps and bounds, but it is difficult to say whether this
    trend will continue.

    Many bloggers dream of entering the sphere of
    professional blogging. There are very few people who
    happily devote an hour or more each day to their blog
    without at least occasionally wishing that they could
    earn some kind of financial reward for all of their work.
    Several models exist for making money with a blog, the
    most popular being to sell advertising space through
    Google’s AdSense program or directly to a company
    that wishes to reach the demographic that your blog
    appeals to. However, there are very few people indeed
    who can make a comfortable living just by selling space
    on their blog sidebars.

    A lot of the people who read weblogs are bloggers
    themselves, in part because of the fact that the people
    who use blogging technology on a daily basis are most
    likely to be interested in what other writers are doing
    with the medium. This fact begins to explain why the
    people who succeed in the world of professional
    blogging are mostly people who have devoted
    themselves almost entirely to learning about, talking
    about, and writing about blogging. More than any other
    topic, pro bloggers turn their attention to the
    phenomenon of blogging itself. A lot of pro bloggers
    make the topic of blogging the stunningly self-reflexive
    ongoing focus of their blogs.

    Of course, professional blogging is destined to become
    much more complicated in the future than it is today. In
    the current moment, pro bloggers who attract the largest
    audiences and make the most money are mostly
    concerned with investigating the blogging movement
    and with offering advice to amateur bloggers. However,
    as the kinds of people who regularly read blogs
    changes, and the demographics of bloggers expand and
    diversify as blogging software becomes more user
    friendly, it is very likely indeed that the world of pro
    blogging will begin to reflect these changes. Indeed, it
    is very difficult to predict exactly what kinds of blogs
    will be reaping the greatest financial rewards five or ten
    years down the road. The world of pro blogging is one
    of constant change and flux, which is part of what
    makes it so exciting.

    (Word count 458)


  • The Pros and Cons of Video Blogging

    Video blogging has a lot of advantages over text-based
    blogging, and it is little wonder that this new
    technology is catching on all over the globe. Video
    blogs very effectively grab the attention of web surfers,
    and people are much more likely to become excited
    about the dynamic content of a video blog than they are
    likely to find a written posting very thrilling. The more
    enthusiastic viewers are about a site, the quicker the
    word of mouth spreads, and the more traffic the site will

    Of course, there are plenty of disadvantages to video
    blogging as well. Hosting a v-blog requires quite a bit
    of server space, which can make it difficult to get
    started. It takes more time to process and upload a video
    file than it does to dash off a quick bit of text, which
    means that running and updating a video blog can be
    quite a bit of work. In addition, web surfers sometimes
    grow frustrated with the slow loading times of the files
    on many video blogs. Whether you opt for a video blog
    or not depends on what kind of subject matter you want
    to cover, and how much time you can devote to video
    blogging. Before you decide to pursue a video blog,
    consider if there is an easier way for you to get your
    message across.

    (Word count 233)


  • Guidelines to Blogging

    Some basic guidelines on blogging, if you use a service blogger.com they have their own terms and conditions for posting content. You can’t just post anything, so always read the t&c’s. If you don’t follow their rules, your blog will probably get deleted.

    If you host a blog on your own hosting account, using software like WordPress. You have full control over the content you post, so your blog won’t get deleted.

    What are the DOs and DON’Ts of blogging?

    First the DOs:

    • Do put pictures and multimedia sources to enhance the content. Could either be a vlog, photoblog, etc.

    • Do base your posts with a good category structure to make it easy to find content for a particular topic.

    • Do put paragraphs and sub-ideas. It’s not entertaining to read one block of manuscript. Digest it into pieces.

    • Do create mutual communication between you and your readers. Answer queries without leaving your readers hanging for an answer.

    • Do make your article as simple and as understandable as possible. Avoid beating around the bush. Not unless you wanted to captivate your readers with your literary prowess. Write like your talking to a friend.

    • Do respect your reader’s opinions. That’s the essence of being a blogger. Accept truths. Do away with the insults.

    • Do update. If you make blogging a part of your life, post as often as possible with fresh content.

    Second the DON’Ts:

    • Don’t go against your host’s legal boundaries. Respect their terms and conditions.

    • Don’t ignore the quality of your content. Be specific with posting information.

    • Don’t provoke fights. Sometimes comments can be a pain. And sometimes, none of it is true. Let it go and don’t waste your energy.

    • Don’t waste a post with inappropriate details that would just confuse your audience.

    • Don’t copy the works of others. They might sue you for plagiarism for this. Produce something original. Imitations trigger criticisms.

    • Don’t be afraid to advertise. It’s one way to make your blog famous among the masses. Go to other sites and leave your blog address. It’s a matter of give and take.

    • Don’t attack individuals, companies or fellow bloggers. Show respect. If you disagree with an opinion, tell it with caution.

    • Don’t disregard your responsibilities. Journalism still has its price. Being able to write in a liberated way doesn’t erase you of your obligations.

    Most internet sites like Yahoo! and IBM publish their guidelines on blogging. It is intended to be read, understood, and accepted by the blogger. Obey certain rules and policies. It won’t do you wrong. Libelous materials could cause you problems, so better follow the rules.

  • Personal Blogging, Documentary, and History

    When it comes to personal blogging, documentary is
    the default genre. There are plenty of blogs that serve
    other functions, but many blogs are primarily catalogues
    of the life experiences of their author. Although there
    are quite a few blogs that focus on collecting poetry and
    other forms of creative writing, the vast majority of
    personal blogs are in some sense documentaries.

    For many years, the act of making a documentary was
    meant to be an objective act of reporting the sights and
    sounds that the filmmaker, writer, or photographer
    encountered. However, in contemporary times there has
    been a movement towards embracing the subjectivity
    inherent in the documentary form. This means that
    modern documentaries often reflect the distinctive
    voice and sensibility of their creator, and the fact that
    todays documentaries often revolve around personality
    blurs the lines between documentary and memoir. Blogs
    rest somewhere between these two genres, muddying
    the distinctions even further. Personal blogging,
    documentary, and memoir are now irrevocably
    intertwined, for better or for worse.

    Although few bloggers think of themselves as making
    documentaries in any formal sense, every time
    somebody sits down in front of a computer and types up
    a record of their day, they are documenting their own
    historical moment. The things that we take for granted
    about our daily lives, like the way that we use specific
    modes of transportation, or the kinds of products that
    we buy, often seem quite fascinating to people who live
    in circumstances different from ours, and it is this kind
    of fascination that is at the heart of many documentary
    projects. When people think about blogging,
    documentary is not very likely to be the first adjective
    that crosses their minds, but a few decades down the
    road it is very likely that todays blogs will be seen
    primarily as very subjective documentaries of our era.
    The people of tomorrow will almost certainly look to
    the blogs of today for insight into our historical

    When it comes to blogging, documentary may not be
    the aim of most people who spend their time posting
    their thoughts and ideas on the internet. In some ways,
    the documentary aspect of blogging is more of a side
    effect than a primary goal. However, the fact that so
    many people are interested in publishing these public
    online diaries shows that personal blogs are about more
    than just rumination. The fact that bloggers are so
    stimulated by and interested in sharing their ideas with
    each other reinforces the idea that personal blogs are, in
    some ways, documentaries meant for public
    consumption. Documentaries appeal to people who are
    curious about other ways of life, and many people who
    regularly read others personal blogs are looking for this
    same kind of new perspective.

    (Word count 462)


  • Blogging 101

    Blogging 101 is mostly about the blogging
    vocabulary. To understand blogs, you need to know
    the terms blog, platform, domain, and web host.
    Once you have mastered these key elements of
    blogging, you can enter any conversation about
    blogging with confidence. After you know what
    exactly a blog is, you will be on your way to
    passing the final exam of blogging 101.

    Blog is short for weblog, which simply means a
    series of online posts presented in reverse
    chronological order. That’s all! Most blogs are text,
    but there are also photo blogs and video blogs. The
    rest of blogging 101 has to do with the technical
    side of things. If you are setting up a blog, you will
    need a platform, a web host, and a domain. A
    blogging platform is a computer software program
    that allows you to write posts and to update your
    blog. Your platform is also what you use to design
    the look of your blog, from color scheme to font
    size. The web host is sort of like the virtual file
    cabinet where your blog is stored. Your computer
    communicates with the host when you upload or
    edit a post. The domain is the online address of
    your blog, and usually ends in ‘dot com’. Now that
    you know what a blog is, what a platform is, and
    what domains and hosts are, congratulate yourself!
    You have passed blogging 101.

    (Word count 238)


  • Photo Blogging May be the Pinnacle of Modern Technology

    Many people feel that photo blogging is the most
    exciting kind of blogging that exists. Building and
    maintaining a photo blog is no more difficult than
    creating and updating a text-based blog, and many
    people feel that the internet’s high speed, full-color
    technology reaches the pinnacle of its appeal with the
    transmission of images. Posting photographs in a blog
    format on a daily, weekly, or occasional basis is a great
    way to express yourself while reaching viewers in an
    emotionally charged and aesthetically engaging way,
    and surfing photo blogs can help you to get a whole
    new perspective on the world in which we live.

    Many people who run image blogs are photographers by
    trade, but photo blogging is also very popular among
    hobbyists and amateur shutterbugs. To be certain, a lot
    of the most popular photo blogs have gained attention
    because the pictures on them are of the highest artistic
    caliber, and a lot of the people who run these striking
    blogs are graduates of prestigious art schools and have
    impressive professional portfolios. However, some of
    the most well known and most often visited photo blogs
    are as notable for their concepts as for the pictures
    themselves. Certain photo blogs, like the popular “Cute
    Overload” which features picture after picture of
    adorable animals, are more about the thematic content
    of the pictures than they are about the style in which the
    snapshots are taken.

    The fact that photo blogs range from forums to display
    the work of highly skilled artisans to playful collections
    of curiosities shows that photo blogging is a truly
    diverse form. The fact that photo blogs are so easy to
    build and to update makes this kind of visual
    communication very democratic, and enables people at
    all skill levels to become a part of the global
    conversation about the nature and value of photography

    Whether you are an artist or hobbyist who wants to
    create a photo blog, or whether you are just somebody
    who enjoys learning about new places and things,
    spending some time looking at the most popular
    photography blogs on the internet can be a very
    rewarding endeavor. You can travel to another place or
    another time by seeing pictures of faraway locations and
    long-gone eras. You can see your own neighborhood
    with fresh eyes by discover how local artists have
    photographed the town or city in which you live. Photo
    blogging allows people to communicate all of these
    things and more, which makes it a very exciting part of
    the modern blogosphere. If the best thing about web
    technology is that it allows people to reach each other in
    a very personal way from across great distances, then in
    many ways photo blogs are the most successful kind of
    web sites.

    (Word count 469)


  • Your New Baby, Blogging, and Modern Motherhood

    For the mother of a new baby, blogging is likely to be
    the last thing on her mind. Taking care of an infant is an
    almost incredible amount of work, and between
    changing diapers and putting the final touches on the
    nursery, it seems unrealistic to imagine that there would
    be time left over for any mother to blog. However, a
    growing number of new moms are joining the
    blogosphere to share their experiences during this
    exciting time of life. There is a whole range of benefits
    that new mothers can reap from blogging, and the
    spectrum covers everything from getting through the
    night to helping distant relatives feel closer.

    Among the reasons why, for a mom dealing with the
    hassles and triumphs of a baby, blogging is a great idea,
    is that having a blog about motherhood is a great way to
    blow off some steam. Babies often have very erratic
    sleep patterns that leave parents up at odd hours of the
    night, and sometimes the best way to fill those hours is
    on the internet. Many new moms turn to television to
    help them weather these dawn vigils, but by blogging
    through the night moms can turn what feels like a
    somewhat depressing situation into an actively positive
    and productive one.

    Another reason why new moms often find blogging
    very satisfying is that it helps them to be a part of a
    community. For moms who are not able to successfully
    juggle a full social life with the very tough demands of
    taking care of a new baby, blogging can be a great way
    to stave off the isolation that sometimes comes with this
    stage of life. A baby requires constant attention, and it
    can be difficult to attend social gatherings or events
    when you are responsible for an infant. Luckily, the
    blogosphere is full of other moms in the same situation,
    and by chatting with them it is possible to overcome
    some of the loneliness that many new mothers are
    surprised to encounter.

    Of course, for a mom with an adorable new baby,
    blogging can be as much about celebration as it is about
    necessity. Having a blog about living with a new child
    can give mothers the chance to reflect on how powerful
    and warm the sensation of motherhood is, and
    sometimes sharing the triumphs of this unique time can
    make them even sweeter. A blog is a great way to keep
    friends and family updated with news about your baby’s
    first words or first steps, and with new technology it is
    easier than ever to make photos and video clips a part of
    your blog, so you can give far-away relatives the chance
    to feel much more involved in your child’s life.

    (Word count 464)


  • The Benefits of Business Blogging

    Businesses are now conducted both online and offline; however, more and more businesses have online sites so that they can reach the far corners of the world. Many internet businesses have become successful and profitable and one key is through blogging.

    Business blogging is becoming a necessity nowadays especially for online businesses. If you can combine blogging with other keys to business success, your online business can keep up with the extreme competition online.

    If you want your business enterprise to become successful in the future, you have to learn how to blog. You don’t need to hire the services of other bloggers because you can blog yourself. By being your business’ personal blogger, you can save money.

    Instead of paying bloggers to blog about your business, you can do it yourself and use the saved money to finance other expenses of the business. Many business owners are into blogging because they can derive many benefits from business blogging. If others can do it, then why can’t you? Here are some of the benefits that your business can derive from blogging.

    There are many kinds of businesses. If you want to establish your business’ name, you can use blogging. Aside from that, you can familiarize your prospective customers about your particular business enterprise. If your customers can connect with your business effectively, they will be more interested to do business with you.

    The business industry is large and your emerging business is like a tiny dot. Through the use of effective business blogging, you can turn that tiny dot into a huge and marked one.

    If you want your business to make some noise online, you must learn how to blog. Many people are now reading blogs everyday and so you can expect that your business’ website will have more traffic. Blog readers often pass links to their friends, relatives, and loved ones. If you post interesting blogs, your link can be passed on to others. You can gain more customers by having your link passed from one individual to another. Whenever you post business blogs, you have to catch the attention and interest of your readers and subscribers.

    If you’re able to post effective blogs online, you can also improve your website’s ranking in search engines. If you’re among the best searches online, your business will have higher chances of success. Many individuals conduct researches online and if your business is among the top searches, more traffic will come to your site.

    With more readers visiting and reading your business blogs, you can expect more customers to call you up and place orders or seek their needed services. So you see, your business will surely earn huge profits if you post blogs regularly.

    If you’re planning to put up an online business, you should first learn how to blog. Blogging is not that difficult. You can find your needed blogging resources online by conducting a bit of research. Once you’ve gathered all your needed information, you can start posting blogs.

    Your website should also be easy to use. Customers and readers must be able to maneuver effortlessly within your website. This way, more customers will visit your site repeatedly and they can even recommend your business’ website to other people they know.

    For a successful and profitable online business, try business blogging. The benefits are endless, so why not try blogging?

  • Leading Blogging Websites to Help a Business

    While browsing through the internet, you will be able to find sites that can catch your interest; this includes web pages that accommodate blogging as a serious business. For the benefit of authors out there who are into the trend of posting numerous write-ups, here are some sites that can not only host your blogs and also help you get your business booming.


    Squarespace gives bloggers the best deal for their articles. It’s a smart way to start a blog or a website with all the provided instructions. Equipped with all the advanced tools and manageable page, it is a stylish way to begin a website or a blog either big or small.

    This software is intended for everyone, companies, students, entrepreneurs, authors, professionals and non-professionals, everybody’s welcome. Squarespace doesn’t require mastery of anything. No need for tutorials. If you’re the type of person who belongs to the sophisticated percent of the masses, then this is the right place to start your thing. This is the publishing solution, an elite Evolution from the typical account, technicalities not a requirement.

    Squarespace can be a powerful tool for the idealists of website and blog making. Tools introduced in this site are RRS, comment spam management, registration, pinging, feed discovery and a lot more.

    Growth is now predictable. This file management system isn’t fabricated only for bloggers but also with building various kinds of websites. You could edit and compress your data effectively.

    The extraordinary and manageable array of search-engine templates uploaded can be changed and customized with the author’s desire. Imagine a design of your own webpage.

    Squarespace is an intelligent way to execute and manage your site’s content. Drafting strips will come up and will enable you to change the manuscript of your page. It just made everything easier for you to edit your webpage.

    This software also advertises the packages capable of building a sturdy visual configuration. Containing various field types, it would be impossible for the editor to miss out on all the important details of his page.

    According to The Wall Street Online Journal, Squarespace is the type of software the internet industry has been crying for.


    If you’re craving for fame and extensive exposure to the multimedia world, Technorati is the solution. With more than 72 million of blog feeds and 112.8 million blogs posted every day, it’s not a question why Technorati is one of the frequently visited sites when it comes to the blogging business.

    With the intensive features, Technorati offers more information than any other blog sites known. The simplicity of the design and the nature of the reality authors contribute make the site speak for its people. Tools used are convenient with a user-friendly environment.

    Recognizing Technorati as an effective tool for social media is effective in creating active bloggers every second. With Technorati, one can never go wrong.

    These two sites mentioned though are just among the numerous sites there are that can help you. Choosing a blogging website depends entirely on your needs. You have to be able to find a blogging website which will be able to maximize the potential of your blogging activities and also provide you with a traffic.

    It is necessary then that you should inquire and do some research before you decide which blogging website to choose.

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