Cant get the hang of the numerous blogs you have found? Having a hard time doing your own? This is natural for numerous people. Here you will find some helpful tips on effective blogging.
Tip # 1: Put a headline
See to it readers have an idea of what they are reading. Dont put a write-up or a video blog with no sense at all. Make it a point that they participate by giving out opinions and comments. Think of whats interesting to read. Let the readers be captivated, to do so, begin with your title. Make it a head turner. Motivate by grabbing their attention.
Tip # 2: Build paragraphs
Every blog consists of one thought. That doesnt necessarily mean you must imitate that thought by maintaining one whole paragraph per se. Split your ideas. Cut them down into bits. Compose sub ideas thatll support the whole picture. Dont give your viewers a hard time reading a big rock. Break them into marbles.
Tip # 3: Characterize
Put some attitude in your writing. Dont be so serious about your blog. Ensure the quality must go hand in hand with lightness. Act as if youre speaking up to the whole world. Spice your blog up a bit. Argue. Make them react. Make them feel. Add emotions and not just plain writing.
Tip # 4: Time-bound
Old news could be pretty boring. Blend it with the new. Update it. Or better yet, revise it. Its in the nature of humanity to search for something relevant, acceptable, contributing and most of all. Current issues are always an eye-catcher. So brush up those research skills.
Tip # 5: Install
Yes you are a blogger. But that doesnt mean you are good at it. So even before your readers would boast how incapable your writing talents are, block it. Install an anti-spam software and tools to filter those comments and keep them moderate. Comments may either be positive or negative. So make sure you accept the good ones and trash away the bad.
Tip # 6: Stay Real
Dont go astray with your posts. A fundamental aspect of blogging is the contribution it would make for the media. Personal relations must be established. Maintain a constant conversation. A way to do this is by staying true to your every word. Pinky-swear on it. Nobody would believe a fraud. Create significant value that would result for your readers to keep coming back for more.
Tip # 7: Respond
Respond to your comments. Dont let it go unnoticed. If your reader asks you a question, be ready to answer. Silence is not a benefit with this kind of industry. Be aware of what people think and note their reactions. If they do react, provide a satisfying answer. If criticisms arise, take it smoothly.
Tip # 8: Advertise
If your blog goes unnoticed, it doesnt mean that its useless. At least you get to satisfy your writing abilities. But if you still lack a readers attention, why not advertise your blog? All you need to do is go to other sites and post out a comment on their blogs and at the same time, invite them to visit yours. Its a give and take process.
Blogs are newfound journalistic mediums of an authors freewill to publish. Its not just another brick on the wall. Definitely, it means something.